Presentation of qualifications and publications for EU citizens and NON-EU-citizens Clausole campione

Presentation of qualifications and publications for EU citizens and NON-EU-citizens. 1. During the procedure of filling in and submitting the application online, it is necessary to attach the required documentation, using the formats specified in the procedure.
Presentation of qualifications and publications for EU citizens and NON-EU-citizens. 1. During the procedure of filling in and submitting the application online, it is necessary to attach the required documentation, using the formats specified in the procedure. 2. Italian citizen or a citizen of the European Community can use self-declarations as per art. 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28th December 2000, no. 445. The states, facts and personal qualities are considered valid, without prejudice to the possibility for the University to carry out appropriate checks, even on a sample basis, on the truthfulness of the same. The candidate must authorise unibz to verify the declarations with the competent bodies.Those who do not enclose the signed verification authorisation will be excluded from the procedure. For Non-EU-citizens legally residing in Italy, the provisions of the D.P.R. 445/2000, art. 3 apply, which allow the use of the self-declarations as per art. 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28th December 2000, no. 445 only if it is a question of proving states, facts and personal qualities that can be certified by Italian public bodies. Therefore, in the case of Non-EU citizens, except in the case mentioned above, the states, facts and personal qualities must be proven through the production of certificates or attestations issued by the competent authority of the foreign state. Documents by NON-EU- citizens are submitted telematically and may be subject to verification by the person in charge of the procedure, also with the request for the paper document. Additionally the applicant must authorise unibz to verify the submitted documents with the competent bodies. Applicants who do not enclose the signed authorisation for verification will be excluded from the procedure. In application of art. 33 DPR 28.12.00, n. 445, for documents drawn up in a different foreign language from English, French, German and Spanish, a translation into Italian must be attached, certified by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representation or by an official translator. The Commission of Selection may ask candidates to integrate their publications in English, French, German or Spanish by sending them a translation into Italian. 3. The candidate must attach the following files to the application: 1. curriculum vitae in English (in PDF format) according to the attached format; 2. publications in PDF format considered useful for this procedure including the thesis of the PhD (if the doctoral thesis is to be submitted as one of the publications, it will be counted in the ma...

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  • COMMISSIONE GIUDICATRICE La commissione giudicatrice è nominata, ai sensi dell’art. 216, comma 12 del Codice, dopo la scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle offerte ed è composta da un numero dispari pari a n. 3 membri, esperti nello specifico settore cui si riferisce l’oggetto del contratto. In capo ai commissari non devono sussistere cause ostative alla nomina ai sensi dell’art. 77, comma 9, del Codice. A tal fine i medesimi rilasciano apposita dichiarazione alla stazione appaltante. La commissione giudicatrice è responsabile della valutazione delle offerte tecniche ed economiche dei concorrenti e fornisce ausilio al RUP nella valutazione della congruità delle offerte tecniche (cfr. Linee guida n. 3 del 26 ottobre 2016). La stazione appaltante pubblica, sul profilo di committente, nella sezione “amministrazione trasparente” la composizione della commissione giudicatrice e i curricula dei componenti, ai sensi dell’art. 29, comma 1 del Codice.