Contract The temporary research fellowship to carry out the research activity is governed by a specific individual contract. The contract regulates the collaboration on the basis of the following criteria: flexibility according to the needs of the activity, continuous activity, temporally defined, commitment not merely occasional, coordination with the overall activity of the University, close relation to the realization of a research programme, autonomous development of collaboration within the programme, absence of predefined working hours. By signing the contract, the temporary research fellows will carry out the online course on security provided by the University available on the online service portal of Politecnico under the field "data - security training courses" and submit, within 30 days from the beginning of the activity, copy of the related certificate to the Department where the research activity will take place. At the end of the contract, the temporary research fellow is required to submit a written report on the research activity carried out and on the results achieved within the project. In case that the report will not be submitted, it will not be possible to renew the temporary research fellowship or sign a contract for a new temporary research fellowship. Employment under this call falls within the untenured ongoing continuous collaboration category. To the temporary research fellowship, for what concerns tax matters, it must be applied the provisions of article 4 of the law n. 476 of 13 August 1984, as well as, for social security, those referred in Article 2, paragraphs 26 et seq., of the Law n. 335 of 8 August 1995, and subsequent amendments, for compulsory abstention from work for maternity, the provisions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies of 12 July 2007, published in the Official Journal n. 247 of 23 October 2007, and, with regard to sick leave, the provisions of the Article 1, paragraph 788, of the Law n. 296 of 27 December 2006, and subsequent amendments, as far as they can be compatible. During the period of compulsory maternity leave, the maternity subsidy paid by INPS in accordance with article 5 of the above-mentioned decree of 12 July 2007 is supplemented by Politecnico di Milano up to the total amount of the temporary research fellowship. Citizens of EU countries, who are not able to produce the S1 model related to health assistance in their country of origin, can ask to ASL offices for instructions regarding the registration fee to the Italian National Health Service. The Politecnico di Milano will provide the contracting part insurance coverage for civil liability funded with specific budget items. The Politecnico di Milano will withhold from the grant salary Euro 3,97 for each solar year, for the additional insurance premium "Students, Research Fellows and Similar Roles Accidents", to cover expenses for any injuries sustained during the performance of all activities related to the research grant. The amount of the temporary research fellowship, referred to the contract duration (see article 1 of this call), paid as deferred monthly instalments, is Euro 19367,04 with only deductible expenses included and charged to the contractor. The temporary research fellowship cannot be allocated to employees, either in public or private scheme, including part-time and fixed-term contracts. The temporary research fellowship cannot be assigned to those enrolled in laurea study programmes, laurea Specialistica or Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme, Ph.D. programme with scholarships or medical specialization, in Italy or abroad, and it implies to place in unpaid leave the employee in service with public administrations other than those referred to in the fifth paragraph of this article. The participation to the selection is not allowed to subjects with a degree of kinship or affinity within the fourth degree (included) with: ● a full and associate professor of the Department that issued this call; ● the Rector; ● the Director General; ● a Member of the Board of Governors. Those who have already signed contracts for temporary research fellowships pursuant to Article 22 of Law 240/2010 may not participate in this selection, for a number of 6 years, with the exclusion of the period in which the temporary research fellowship was obtained for Ph.D. programme without scholarship, within the maximum limit of the legal duration of the programme. Similarly, those who are not able to carry out the research activity for the entire period provided in Article 1 of the call cannot participate in the selection process, due to the exceeding of the time limits established by Article 22, third paragraph of Law 240/2010 as supplemented by Article 6, paragraph 2bis of the Decree-Law 192/2014, as well as by Article 22 ninth paragraph, Law 240/2010 5. The holders of temporary research fellowships cannot be full employees of Universities, institutions and public research and experimentation bodies, of the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and of institutions whose scientific diploma has been recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. programme according to Article 74, fourth paragraph, of the Presidential Decree n. 382 of 11 July 1980. The holder of temporary research fellowship can carry out professional activities and sign contracts that fall within the self-employment contracts, provided that carrying out this activity will not provide a lack of performance in the research activity subject of the contract and upon written authorization by the Head of the Structure, after consultation with the Head of the research or programme. These activities are considered as not compatible with the temporary research fellowship in the event of lack of the aforementioned authorization. The holder of the temporary research fellowship cannot carry out activities that could lead to a situation of conflict of interest with the activities of Politecnico di Milano. The temporary research fellowship cannot be combined with other fellowships and scholarships except with those granted by national or foreign institutions, useful as integration for research activities abroad for the same holders of the temporary research fellowships. The temporary research fellow can attend Ph.D. courses, also as extra courses and without the right to scholarship, always subject to pass the admission tests. Article 22, third paragraph, law 240/2010 states that "the total duration of the relations established under this article, including any renewals, may not [...] exceed four years, with the exclusion of the period in which the temporary research fellowship was obtained for Ph.D. programme, within the maximum limit of the legal duration of the programme". Article 6, paragraph 2 of the Legislative Decree 192/2014 states that "The total duration of the relations established under Article 22, paragraph 3, of the law of 30 5 December 2010, n. 240, is extended for two years". Article 22, ninth paragraph, Law 240/2010 states that "The total duration of the relationships established with the holders of the temporary research fellowships as referred in this article and of the contracts as referred in Article 24, which also existed with different universities, state, non-state or telematic universities, as well as with entities as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, with the same subject, cannot, in any case, exceed twelve years, even if it is a non-continuous period. For calculation of duration of the aforementioned relations, the periods spent on maternity or sick leave, according to current legislation, are not relevant.". Pursuant to EU Regulation no. 679/2016, applicants are informed that the processing of personal data supplied by them will be processed, either on paper or electronically, for the sole purpose of this procedure and the possible establishment of the employment relationship and for the purposes related to its management. The processing will be carried out by the persons in charge of the procedure, as well as by the selection board, also with the use of computerized procedures, in the ways and within the limits necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes, even in the event of any communication to third parties. The provision of such data is necessary for the assessment, for the verification of the participation requirements and the actual possession of the declared academic qualifications. Failure to provide such information may preclude such obligations and, in the cases provided for in the notice, may result in the exclusion from the selection procedure. Further data may be requested to candidates for the sole purpose mentioned above. The collected data may be communicated to any subjects entitled under the law n. 241/1990, the legislative decree 33/2013 and any subsequent amendments and additions. The data will be stored, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. Pursuant to GDPR 2016/679, the Politecnico di Milano may publish on the University website the Curriculum Vitae of the successful candidates as attached to the application form, for institutional purposes and in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14 March 2013 (Transparency Decree) as amended by Legislative Decree 97 of 2016. It is understood that, in addition to the complete Curriculum Vitae, it will be possible to provide a specific Curriculum Vitae, without personal data, for the sole purpose of the publication on the University website. The subjects are granted the rights referred to in the third chapter of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, in particular, the right to access their personal data, to request correction, updating and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, and to oppose to their processing for legitimate reasons. Further information is available on the University website at xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx. Complaints can be filed with a specific request to the person responsible for the protection of personal data, point of contact: xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx. The Data Controller of the Politecnico di Milano is the General Manager delegated by the Rector pro- tempore - contact: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx. Responsible for the processing: the Human Resources and Organization Manager. According to what provided by Article 5 of the Law n. 241 of 7 August 1990 and subsequent amendments, the Head of the procedure for this Call is Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Human resources and organization - Teaching Staff ManagementService, phone (+00) 00.0000.0000 - (+00) 00.0000.0000 - (+00) 00.0000.0000 - (+39) 02.2399.2156 E-Mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx - Italian Certified E-Mail (in Italian: PEC, Posta Elettronica Certificata) xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxx.xx.
Final Provisions For anything not provided in this call, please consult the provisions of the "Regulations for granting of temporary research fellowships for research activities on internally funded programmes" indicated in the premises and available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx, as well as applicable laws.
Force Majeure IZSVe shall not be liable for failure of or delay in performing obligations set forth in this Agreement, or for having incorrectly performed them, and shall not be deemed in breach of its obligations, if such failure, delay or incorrect performance is due to natural disasters or any causes beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, any act of God, any civil commotion or strike. In the event of such force majeure, the Party affected thereby shall promptly notify the other Party in writing. If the force majeure lasts more than 90 days, the Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement; the notice of termination shall be made according to the following art. 13.
LIMITI TERRITORIALI L’assicurazione vale per il mondo intero.
Varianti per errori od omissioni progettuali 1. Ai sensi dell’articolo 106, comma 2, se, per il manifestarsi di errori od omissioni imputabili alle carenze del progetto posto a base di gara, si rendono necessarie varianti che possono pregiudicare, in tutto o in parte, la realizzazione dell’opera oppure la sua utilizzazione, e che sotto il profilo economico eccedono il 15% (quindici per cento) dell’importo originario del contratto, la Stazione appaltante procede alla risoluzione del contratto con indizione di una nuova gara alla quale è invitato l’appaltatore originario. 2. Ai sensi dell’articolo 106, commi 9 e 10, del Codice dei contratti, i titolari dell’incarico di progettazione sono responsabili dei danni subiti dalla Stazione appaltante; si considerano errore od omissione di progettazione l’inadeguata valutazione dello stato di fatto, la mancata od erronea identificazione della normativa tecnica vincolante per la progettazione, il mancato rispetto dei requisiti funzionali ed economici prestabiliti e risultanti da prova scritta, la violazione delle norme di diligenza nella predisposizione degli elaborati progettuali. 3. Trova applicazione la disciplina di cui all’articolo 54, commi 4 e 5, in quanto compatibile.
Privacy Facendo riferimento all’art. 13 REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2016/679 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 27 aprile 2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, si precisa che: a) Titolare del trattamento dei dati è il Comune di Terni con sede in X.xx X. Xxxxxxx n. 1 – 05100, Terni; Tel.: 0000.0000, PEC: xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx b) Dati di contatto del Responsabile della protezione dei dati c) il conferimento dei dati costituisce un obbligo legale necessario per la partecipazione alla gara e l’eventuale rifiuto a rispondere comporta l’esclusione dal procedimento in oggetto; d) le finalità e le modalità di trattamento (prevalentemente informatiche e telematiche) cui sono destinati i dati raccolti ineriscono al procedimento in oggetto; e) l'interessato al trattamento ha i diritti di cui all’art. 13, co. 2 lett. b) tra i quali di chiedere al titolare del trattamento (sopra citato) l'accesso ai dati personali e la relativa rettifica; f) i dati saranno trattati esclusivamente dal personale e da collaboratori del Comune di Terni implicati nel procedimento, o dai soggetti espressamente nominati come responsabili del trattamento. Inoltre, potranno essere comunicati ai concorrenti che partecipano alla gara, ogni altro soggetto che abbia interesse ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo n. 50/2016 e della Legge n. 241/90, i soggetti destinatari delle comunicazioni previste dalla Legge in materia di contratti pubblici, gli organi dell’autorità giudiziaria. Al di fuori delle ipotesi summenzionate, i dati non saranno comunicati a terzi, né diffusi, eccetto i casi previsti dal diritto nazionale o dell’Unione europea; g) il periodo di conservazione dei dati è direttamente correlato alla durata della procedura d’appalto e all’espletamento di tutti gli obblighi di legge anche successivi alla procedura medesima. Successivamente alla cessazione del procedimento, i dati saranno conservati in conformità alle norme sulla conservazione della documentazione amministrativa; h) contro il trattamento dei dati è possibile proporre reclamo al Garante della Privacy, avente sede in Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx x. 00 - 00000, Xxxx – Italia, in conformità alle procedure stabilite dall’art. 57, paragrafo 1, lettera f) del REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2016/679. ART. 33 - D.U.V.R.I. Per quanto concerne gli adempimenti in materia di tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro di cui all’art. 26 del D.Lgs. n. 81/08, non si procede alla predisposizione del DUVRI - Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi da Interferenza ed alla quantificazione dei costi relativi alla sicurezza non sussistendo nella fattispecie il cosiddetto “rischio da interferenza”.
Scenari di performance Investimento € 10.000 Premio assicurativo € 0 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Caso vita Scenario di stress Possibile rimborso al netto dei costi € 3.728,13 € 4.406,32 € 3.358,54 Scenario sfavorevole Possibile rimborso al netto dei costi € 10.233,83 € 13.656,94 € 18.980,90 Scenario moderato Possibile rimborso al netto dei costi € 12.244,21 € 18.614,12 € 28.297,92 Scenario favorevole Possibile rimborso al netto dei costi € 14.598,30 € 25.281,96 € 42.040,80 Caso morte
DEFINIZIONE DELLE CONTROVERSIE Per le controversie derivanti dal contratto è competente il Foro di Roma, rimanendo espressamente esclusa la compromissione in arbitri.
Divieto di cessione del contratto e dei crediti 1. E’ fatto assoluto divieto al Fornitore di cedere, a qualsiasi titolo, la Convenzione e i singoli Ordinativi di Fornitura, a pena di nullità delle cessioni stesse, salvo quanto previsto dall’art. 106 comma 1 lett.d) n. 2 del D.Lgs 50/2016. 2. E’ fatto assoluto divieto al Fornitore di cedere a terzi i crediti della fornitura senza specifica autorizzazione da parte dell’Amministrazione Contraente debitrice, salvo quanto previsto dall’art. 106 comma 13 del D.Lgs 50/2016. 3. Anche la cessione di credito soggiace alle norme sulla tracciabilità dei flussi finanziari di cui alla L. 136/2010 e s.m.. 4. In caso di inadempimento da parte del Fornitore degli obblighi di cui ai precedenti commi, le Amministrazioni Contraenti hanno facoltà di dichiarare risolti di diritto i singoli Ordinativi di Fornitura, per quanto di rispettiva ragione.
WARRANTY In pursuant to Art. 1490 and 1495 of the Civil Code, the contractor must provide a guarantee for a period not less than 12 months.