TIMETABLE Clausole campione

TIMETABLE. The provisional timetable will be available on xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx and xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx
TIMETABLE. 35 I will provide reports, or other outputs as agreed, to the Council covering the areas of work identified in this document. My key milestones are set out in Exhibit 6. Page 11 of 19 - 2019 Audit Plan – Neath Port Talbot CounTty uBodroauglheCno1un9cil Exhibit 6: timetable 2019 Audit Plan December 2018 to February 2019 March 2019 Financial accounts work: • Audit of Financial Statements Report • Opinion on Financial Statements • Financial Accounts Memorandum February to July 2019 July 2019 July 2019 September 2019 • Improvement Plan Audit April – May 2019 June 2019 • Assessment of Performance Audit October – November 2019 November 2019 • Assurance and Risk Assessment April – December 2019 January 2020 • WFG Act Examinations April – September 2019 October 2019 • Financial Sustainability TBC TBC • Local Performance Audit Project December 2019 – February 2020 March 2020 Annual Improvement Report April 2019 – May 2020 June 2020 2020 Audit Plan December 2019 to February 2020 February/March 2020 * Subject to timely clearance of draft findings with the Council. Future developments to my audit work 36 Details of other future developments including forthcoming changes to key International Financial Reporting Standards, the Wales Audit Office’s Good Practice Exchange (GPX) seminars and my planned work on the readiness of the Welsh public sector for Brexit, are set out in Appendix 3. Page 12 of 19 - 2019 Audit Plan – Neath Port XxxxxXx Cuodunaty lBeonrou2g0h Council Appendix 1 Respective responsibilities Audit of accounts As amended by the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013, the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 sets out my powers and duties to undertake your financial audit. It is my responsibility to issue a certificate and report on the financial statements which includes an opinion on: • their ‘truth and fairness’, providing assurance that they: ‒ are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error; ‒ comply with the statutory and other applicable requirements; and ‒ comply with all relevant requirements for accounting presentation and disclosure. • the consistency of information in the Annual Report with the financial statements. I must also state by exception if the Annual Governance Statement does not comply with requirements, if proper accounting records have not been kept, if disclosures required for remuneration and other transactions have not been made or if I have not received all the information and explanations I require.
TIMETABLE. The timetable related to the calculation of the TFV in case of closure and cash settlement of open positions due to a Public Tender Offer and/or Exchange Offer or a Merger is summarized as follows: Timing to participate in the corporate action settlement prices of all open position contracts For any further information, please contact the IDEM Market of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. at: • Tel. : +00 00 00000 000