Definizione di Cash Settlement

Cash Settlement. Upon exercise, termination pursuant to an Issuer Call or following an Early Termination Event, in respect of each Security, a Holder shall receive, from the Issuer, on the Settlement Date either:
Cash Settlement. Each Security upon exercise, subject to delivery by the Holder of a duly completed Notice and to certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership, entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer on the Settlement Date the Cash Amount. Each Security following an Early Termination Event, subject to delivery by the Holder of a duly completed Notice and to certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership, entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer on the Settlement Date the Early Termination Amount.
Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to Cash Settled Certificates, the amount to which the Holder is entitled in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Certificate, as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions set out in the applicable Final Terms; Clearing System means Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or Euroclear and/or Euroclear France and/or DTC and/or Iberclear and/or Monte Titoli and/or any additional or alternative clearing system approved by the Issuer and the relevant Certificate Agent(s) from time to time and specified in the applicable Final Terms; Dematerialised Italian Certificates means Exercisable Certificates issued in registered, uncertificated and dematerialised book-entry form into Monte Titoli pursuant to Italian legislative decree no. 213/1998 as amended and integrated by subsequent implementing provisions; Distribution Compliance Period means the period expiring 40 days after completion of the distribution of the relevant Certificates unless a longer period is specified in the applicable Final Terms. In such event, the Final Terms will specify the additional restrictions on transfer and redemption applicable to the Certificates;

Examples of Cash Settlement in a sentence

  • Payment of the Disruption Cash Settlement Price will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 10.

  • Any such delay between the time of exercise and the determination of the Cash Settlement Amount will be specified in the applicable Final Terms or the applicable Terms and Conditions.

  • Any amount determined pursuant to the above, if not an amount in the Settlement Currency, will be converted into the Settlement Currency at the Exchange Rate specified in the applicable Final Terms for the purposes of determining the Cash Settlement Amount.

  • Furthermore, holders of such Warrants incur the risk that there may be differences between the trading price of such Warrants and the Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Warrants) or the Physical Settlement Value (in the case of Physical Delivery Warrants) of such Warrants.

  • The Cash Settlement Amount will be rounded to the nearest two decimal places in the relevant Settlement Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards, with Warrants exercised at the same time by the same Holder being aggregated for the purpose of determining the aggregate Cash Settlement Amounts payable in respect of such Warrants or Units, as the case may be.

  • The settlement currency for the payment of the Cash Settlement Amount is Euro ("EUR").

  • Payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount as the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.

  • Each Holder may receive a Cash Settlement Amount or Redemption Amount and/or physical delivery of the Entitlement the aggregate value of which may be less than the value of the Holder's investment in the relevant Securities.

  • The applicable Cash Settlement Amount may change significantly during any such period, and such movement or movements could decrease the Cash Settlement Amount of the relevant Warrants, and may result in such Cash Settlement Amount being zero.

  • If so indicated in the Final Terms, the relevant Issuer may, in its sole and absolute discretion, elect to vary the settlement of the Securities, by (i) in the case of Cash Settled Securities, delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement instead of making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders or (ii) in the case of Physical Delivery Securities, making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders instead of delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement.

More Definitions of Cash Settlement

Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to a Cash Settled Security, the amount which the Securityholder is entitled to receive on the Settlement Date in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Security, or in relation to Warrants and if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, in each case as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions in the applicable Final Terms. The Cash Settlement Amount shall be rounded to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Settlement Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with applicable market convention. Securities exercised or redeemed, as the case may be, at the same time by the same Securityholder will be aggregated for the purpose of determining the aggregate Cash Settlement Amount payable; Clearing System shall mean Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or such other clearing system as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms; Commodity Index means each index specified as such in the applicable Final Terms; Commodity Index Reference Price has the meaning given in the applicable Final Terms;
Cash Settlement. Each Security upon exercise, termination pursuant to an Issuer Call or following an Early Termination Event, subject to delivery by the Holder of a duly completed Notice and to certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership, entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer on the Settlement Date either: (i) The Cash Amount, following a valid Exercise; or (ii) The Issuer Call Cash Amount, following an Issuer Call; or (iii) The Early Termination Amount, following an Early Termination Event.
Cash Settlement. Amount means the amount which the Securityholder is entitled to receive on the Settlement Date in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Security as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions in the applicable Final Terms and Condition 17. The Cash Settlement Amount shall be rounded to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Settlement Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with applicable market convention. Securities exercised or redeemed, as the case may be, at the same time by the same Securityholder will be aggregated for the purpose of determining the aggregate Cash Settlement Amount payable; Clearing System shall mean Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or such other clearing system as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms; Cliquet Feature means the Determination Method, if so specified by the Issuer in the relevant Final Terms, of the Digital Level pursuant to which the Calculation Agent will update the Digital Level determining the Reference Value of the Underlying (or of the Spread in the case of Spread Certificates
Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to Cash Settled Warrants, the amount to which the Holder is entitled in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Warrant or, if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to Condition 5.2;

Related to Cash Settlement

  • Early Termination Reference Price means, subject to any adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4, an amount (which shall be deemed to be a monetary value in the Underlying Currency) as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent to be the lowest level of the Index on the Termination Date; and

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Exchange Business Day means any Scheduled Trading Day on which each Exchange and each Related Exchange are open for trading during their respective regular trading sessions, notwithstanding any such Exchange or Related Exchange closing prior to its Scheduled Closing Time;

  • Early Termination Date Not Applicable Valuation Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Issuer Call Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Reset Date: As stated in Product Condition 1, on the 15th day of each calendar month Settlement Currency: EUR Settlement Date: Means (i) the sixth Business Day following the Termination Date if an Early Termination Event has occurred, (ii) the third Business Day following the Issuer Call Date if an Issuer Call has occurred and otherwise (iii) the third Business Day following the Valuation Date Redemption Date: Not Applicable Standard Currency: As stated in Product Condition 1 Underlying Currency: EUR Valuation Date(s): The Exercise Date Valuation Time: The time with reference to which the Index Sponsor calculates the closing level of the relevant Index Amendments to General Conditions and/or Product Conditions: Amendments to the Offering Procedure for the Securities: As specified in Additional Condition 1 Not Applicable ISIN: GB00B8XJ4K77 Common Code: Not Applicable Fondscode: Not Applicable WKN: Not Applicable

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Valuta di denominazione Valuta o moneta in cui sono espresse le prestazioni contrattuali.

  • Luogo di esecuzione si intende “l’intero territorio nazionale”; nello schema tipo 1.2

  • Optional L’installazione stabilmente fissata al veicolo fornita dalla casa costruttrice con supplemento al prezzo base di listino.

  • Valuta gli investimenti saranno principalmente denominati in euro; è consentito l'investimento in valute diverse dall'euro e privo di copertura del rischio di cambio.

  • Volatilità Grado di variabilità di una determinata grandezza di uno strumento finanziario (prezzo, tasso, ecc.) in un dato periodo di tempo.

  • Opzione di investimento Carmignac Securitè ISIN: FR0010149120 Combinazione CNP di appartenenza: OBBLIGAZIONARI EURO BREVE TERMINE Codice interno: 4500 Data di realizzazione del documento: 14/10/2022 Emittente: Carmignac State per acquistare un'opzione d'investimento che non è semplice e può essere di difficile comprensione. Quali sono i rischi e qual è il potenziale rendimento? L'indicatore di rischio presuppone che l'opzione d'investimento sia mantenuta per 5 anni. Il rischio effettivo può variare in misura significativa in caso di disinvestimento in una fase iniziale e la somma rimborsata potrebbe essere minore. Può non essere possibile disinvestire anticipatamente. Potrebbe essere necessario sostenere notevoli costi supplementari per disinvestire anticipatamente. Scenari di performance Gli sviluppi futuri del mercato non possono essere previsti con precisione. Gli scenari qui riportati sono solo un'indicazione di alcuni dei possibili risultati basati sui rendimenti recenti. I rendimenti effettivi potrebbero essere inferiori. Investimento [€ 10.000] Premio assicurativo [€ 0] 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni Possibile rimborso al netto dei costi (Rendimento medio annuo)

  • Consolidamento Meccanismo in base al quale il rendimento attribuito secondo la periodicità stabilita dal contratto (annualmente, mensilmente, ecc.), e quindi la rivalutazione delle prestazioni assicurative, sono definitivamente acquisiti dal contratto e conseguentemente le prestazioni stesse possono solo aumentare e mai diminuire.

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Share for-Other" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Share-for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • DETERMINAZIONE (con firma digitale)

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Sede di lavoro Bolzano - Bozen Compenso lordo annuo: 29.000,00 € Requisiti curriculari minimi che il titolare dell’assegno deve possedere onde svolgere l’attività di ricerca con indicazione del profilo scientifico e professionale necessario allo svolgimento dell'attività di ricerca:

  • Scheduled Trading Day Single Share Basis.

  • Valutazione al metro lineare - misurazione effettuata in base all'effettivo sviluppo in asse del manufatto demolito - tutto compreso. CODICE‌‌‌ DESCRIZIONE U.M. PREZZO E.01.420.05 Demolizione di cornici, fasce marcapiano, ecc. - in muratura mista e/o intonaco m 24,23 (Euro ventiquattro/23 ) E.01.420.10 Demolizione di cornici, fasce marcapiano, ecc. - in cemento armato e/o non armato m 36,23 (Euro trentasei/23 ) E.01.440 DEMOLIZIONE DI BATTISCOPA IN PIETRA Demolizione completa di battiscopa esistente in pietra naturale o in ceramica, di qualsiasi sezione esso sia. Il prezzo comprende e compensa tutto il materiale, le attrezzature, i noli, i trasporti e la mano d'opera occorrenti, delle assistenze edili e specialistiche, il carico, trasporto e scarico del materiale di risulta in discariche autorizzate, oneri di discarica compresi e di quant'altro necessario per dare il lavoro finito a regola d'arte. VALUTAZIONE: al metro lineare - misurazione effettuata in base all'effettivo sviluppo in asse del manufatto demolito - tutto compreso. E.01.440.05 Demolizione di battiscopa esistente - in materiale lapideo m 4,88 (Euro quattro/88 ) E.01.440.10 Demolizione di battiscopa esistente - in ceramica m 4,39 (Euro quattro/39 ) E.01.450 DEMOLIZIONE DI BATTISCOPA IN LEGNO Demolizione di battiscopa in legno di qualsiasi essenza, altezza o spessore esso sia. Il prezzo comprende e compensa tutto il materiale, le attrezzature, i noli, i trasporti e la mano d'opera occorrenti, delle assistenze edili e specialistiche, il carico, trasporto e scarico del materiale di risulta in discariche autorizzate, oneri di discarica compresi e di quant'altro necessario per dare il lavoro finito a regola d'arte. VALUTAZIONE: al metro lineare - misurazione effettuata in base all'effettivo sviluppo in asse del manufatto demolito - tutto compreso. E.01.450.05 Demolizione di battiscopa in legno m 2,02 (Euro due/02 ) E.01.470 ESECUZIONE DI PULIZIE Esecuzione di accurata pulizia degli ambienti mediante la pulizia, la scopatura manuale o con appositi macchinari e lavaggio finale dei pavimenti, spolveratura e pulitura accurata degli eventuali arredi,


  • Modulo di Adesione il documento che firma l’Assicurato e che contiene i suoi dati anagrafici, l’importo del premio dallo stesso dovuto e la durata della Polizza.

  • Liquidazione Pagamento al Beneficiario della prestazione dovuta al verificarsi dell’evento assicurato.

  • Istituto di cura l’ospedale pubblico, la clinica o la casa di cura privata, regolarmente autorizzati dalle competenti autorità al ricovero dei malati e all’assistenza medica. Non sono considerati istituti di cura gli stabilimenti termali, le case di convalescenza, riabilitative e di soggiorno, nonché le cliniche della salute e quelle aventi finalità dietologiche ed estetiche.

  • rapporto di lavoro a tempo parziale di tipo verticale" quello in relazione al quale risulti previsto che l'attività lavorativa sia svolta a tempo pieno, ma limitatamente a periodi predeterminati nel corso della settimana, del mese o dell'anno;

  • Gruppo di lavoro può essere integrato con altri soggetti in relazione a specifiche competenze ed esigenze di carattere tecnico-operativo e territoriale.

  • QUANTITATIVO O ENTITÀ Valore stimato, IVA esclusa: 61 000 EUR.