Definizione di Cash Settlement

Cash Settlement. Upon exercise, termination pursuant to an Issuer Call or following an Early Termination Event, in respect of each Security, a Holder shall receive, from the Issuer, on the Settlement Date either:
Cash Settlement. Each Security upon exercise, subject to delivery by the Holder of a duly completed Notice and to certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership, entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer on the Settlement Date the Cash Amount. Each Security following an Early Termination Event, subject to delivery by the Holder of a duly completed Notice and to certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership, entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer on the Settlement Date the Early Termination Amount.
Cash Settlement. Amount means the amount which the Securityholder is entitled to receive on the Settlement Date in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Security as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions in the applicable Final Terms and Condition 17. The Cash Settlement Amount shall be rounded to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Settlement Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with applicable market convention. Securities exercised or redeemed, as the case may be, at the same time by the same Securityholder will be aggregated for the purpose of determining the aggregate Cash Settlement Amount payable; Clearing System shall mean Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or such other clearing system as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms; Cliquet Feature means the Determination Method, if so specified by the Issuer in the relevant Final Terms, of the Digital Level pursuant to which the Calculation Agent will update the Digital Level determining the Reference Value of the Underlying (or of the Spread in the case of Spread Certificates

Examples of Cash Settlement in a sentence

  • Furthermore, holders of such Warrants incur the risk that there may be differences between the trading price of such Warrants and the Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Warrants) or the Physical Settlement Value (in the case of Physical Delivery Warrants) of such Warrants.

  • Upon automatic exercise each Certificate entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer the Cash Settlement Amount on the Redemption Date.

  • Each Holder may receive a Cash Settlement Amount or Redemption Amount and/or physical delivery of the Entitlement the aggregate value of which may be less and in certain circumstances significantly less than the value of the Holder’s investment in the relevant Securities.

  • The applicable Cash Settlement Amount may change significantly during any such period, and such movement or movements could decrease the Cash Settlement Amount of the relevant Warrants and may result in such Cash Settlement Amount being zero.

  • In the case of VPC Certificates, payment of the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) (or in the case of Instalment Certificates, each Instalment Amount) and Interest Amount (if any) will be made to persons registered as Holders in the register maintained by VPC on the fifth Business Day immediately prior to the Redemption Date (or in the case of Instalment Certificates, Instalment Date) or Interest Payment Date, as the case may be (the Payment Date) (the Record Date).

  • In the case of any exercise of Warrants, there will be a time lag between the time a holder gives instructions to exercise and the time the applicable Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Warrants) relating to such exercise is determined.

  • If so indicated in the Final Terms, the Issuers may, in their sole and absolute discretion, elect to vary the settlement of the Securities, by (i) in the case of Cash Settled Securities, delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement instead of making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders or (ii) in the case of Physical Delivery Securities, making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders instead of delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement.

  • Any such delay between the time of exercise and the determination of the Cash Settlement Amount will be specified in the applicable Final Terms or the applicable Terms and Conditions.

  • Payment of the Disruption Cash Settlement Price will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.

  • None of the Issuers, the Guarantor, the Calculation Agent and the Certificate Agents shall have any responsibility for any errors or omissions in the calculation of any Cash Settlement Amount or of any Entitlement.

More Definitions of Cash Settlement

Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to a Cash Settled Security, the amount which the Securityholder is entitled to receive on the Settlement Date in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Security, or in relation to Warrants and if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, in each case as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions in the applicable Final Terms. The Cash Settlement Amount shall be rounded to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Settlement Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with applicable market convention. Securities exercised or redeemed, as the case may be, at the same time by the same Securityholder will be aggregated for the purpose of determining the aggregate Cash Settlement Amount payable; Clearing System shall mean Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or such other clearing system as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms; Commodity Index means each index specified as such in the applicable Final Terms; Commodity Index Reference Price has the meaning given in the applicable Final Terms;
Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to Cash Settled Warrants, the amount to which the Holder is entitled in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Warrant or, if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to Condition 5.2;
Cash Settlement. Amount means, in relation to Cash Settled Certificates, the amount to which the Holder is entitled in the Settlement Currency in relation to each such Certificate, as determined by the Calculation Agent pursuant to the provisions set out in the applicable Final Terms; Clearing System means Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or Euroclear and/or Euroclear France and/or DTC and/or Iberclear and/or Monte Titoli and/or any additional or alternative clearing system approved by the Issuer and the relevant Certificate Agent(s) from time to time and specified in the applicable Final Terms; Dematerialised Italian Certificates means Exercisable Certificates issued in registered, uncertificated and dematerialised book-entry form into Monte Titoli pursuant to Italian legislative decree no. 213/1998 as amended and integrated by subsequent implementing provisions; Distribution Compliance Period means the period expiring 40 days after completion of the distribution of the relevant Certificates unless a longer period is specified in the applicable Final Terms. In such event, the Final Terms will specify the additional restrictions on transfer and redemption applicable to the Certificates;

Related to Cash Settlement

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Share for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%