Transport. 8.1 Except as may be otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, transport shall always be at the expense and risk of the Customer. If Xxxxxxxx, pursuant to art. 7.1, shall be required to handle the transport of the Products, it shall choose the means of transport deemed most appropriate in the absence of speciflc instructions from the Customer.
Transport. All prices are intended ex-works of Domino srl. The following are subject to calculation of a contribution to transport costs: any triangulations, deliveries to floors other than the ground floor, deliveries with tail lifts, deliveries of Home Fitness equipment such as exercise bikes and running mats, ball shooters and the Kineo line.
Transport. Once the Sample has been collected, the Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that the SmartKit contains their Donor’s Sample and that the bag containing the cord blood Sample is correctly labelled as indicated in the packing and shipping instructions delivered as part of the kit. In the case of twins or multiple births, each Sample has to be correctly labelled. The Parents/Guardians shall be responsible for treating the Sample according to the aforesaid packing instructions and for contacting LMS that will promptly arrange for the collection and shipping of the Sample to the Laboratory. In the remote case of inability to contact LMS, Parents/Guardians must directly call the Courier indicated by LMS in the instructions above and arrange collection of the Sample. LMS shall entrust the shipment, on behalf and in the interests of the Parents/Guardians, to a certified shipper respecting biological sample transport regulations and operating with the maximum diligence. LMS shall ensure that the Sample arrives in a suitable condition in the Laboratory within the timeframe specified in international standards. Ciò nonostante, LMS, pur prestando ai Genitori/Guardiani la propria esperienza ed assistenza nel ritiro e nella spedizione del Campione, non è responsabile nell’ipotesi in cui il Campione venga danneggiato, smarrito o consegnato in ritardo dal corriere, che è l’unico responsabile del trasporto. In tali circostanze, ove la conseguenza sia l’impossibilità a trattare il sangue cordonale o a conservare il campione, i Genitori/Guardiani hanno diritto al Rimborso ai sensi dell’art. 4.2 del presente contratto.
Transport. The products – even if sold carriage paid because of special agreements – always travel at the sole and exclusive risk of the Buyer. The Vendor reserves the right to apply a diesel surcharge to the price of fuel in order to partially fine di compensare parzialmente gli alti livelli dei costi per il gasolio. Nel caso in cui la merce non venga caricata entro le 2 (due) ore dall’arrivo, verrà addebitata la sosta.
Transport. The goods travel at Customer’s risks and danger, even if in case of damage in fall of delivery terms Free destination.
Transport. 6.1 Unless different written agreements between Sylcom and the Client, the Products are supplied according to EX WORKS Spinea, Loaded on departing vehicle. Products are carried at the Consignee’s risk .
Transport. La marchandise voyage aux risques et périls de l’Acheteur, même si elle est fournie franco rendue au point de destination et, en tout cas, elle est fournie franco camion. Toute réclamation concernant des écarts de fourniture, l’absence de colis ou des avaries doit être immédiatement signalée au Transporteur au moment de la livraison et être clairement indiquée sur le document de transport. En tout cas, toute réclamation doit être communiquée par lettre recommandée dans les 8 jours suivant la date de livraison directement à la société Dott. Gallina S.r.l., même si la commande a été passée par un intermédiaire.
Transport. Check for visible loss or damage, if no visible damage is found place the unit near to the installation point and unpack the contents. •Always keep the dryer in the upright vertical position. Damage to components could result if unit is laid on its side or if placed upside down. •Store machine in a clean, dry environment, do not expose to severe weather environments. •Handle with care. Heavy blows could cause irreparable damage.
Transport. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing, transport shall always be at the expense and risk of the Customer.
Transport. Kg NO SI We recommend you to transport the Oven always in the upright position (as mention on the packing). Kg