PACKAGING Clausole campione

PACKAGING. The packaging of the Products/Materials shall be suitable for the purpose, also in relation to the destination and the means of transport of the Products/Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the ODA, all costs related to packaging shall be borne by the Supplier. The Supplier shall deliver the Products/Materials with packaging appropriate to their characteristics and transport and storage methods, to guarantee that they are delivered fully intact, with no foreign bodies or objects on the surface and/or in the package that may be even potentially hazardous for XXXXXXXXX S.P.A., its employees or appointed personnel as well as for the packaging and for the Products / Materials. The packaging will be The packaging shall be suitably marked and labeled; if this is not the case XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. may refuse the delivery. In the event that special packaging is requested to the Supplier, the latter shall comply with all the relative instructions issued by XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.. The costs of any damage and/or losses that may arise, in the XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.’s opinion, from unsuitable or insufficient packaging, as well as the costs for replacing any damaged or missing packaging, shall be charged to the Supplier, even if the Products/Materials will be taken over. The Goods and relative delivery shall remain at the risk of the Supplier until their acceptance by XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.. The Supplier will be held exclusively liable for any damage to the Products/Materials and any extra costs due to incorrect or unsuitable packaging, numbering or labeling. 26.
PACKAGING. The packaging of the material is free, except for special customer requests.
PACKAGING. Remove the outer box from the table unit, remove the locks that fix the unit into the pallet, position the unit and re- move the steel protection adhesive film.
PACKAGING. The KON B boiler is supplied completely assembled in a sturdy cardboard box. After having removed the appliance from the packaging, make sure that the supply is complete and undamaged. The packaging elements (cardboard box, straps, plastic bags, etc.) must be kept out of the reach of children as they are potential sources of danger. Unical AG S.p.A. will not be held liable for damage to persons, animals or ob- jects due to failure to comply with the instruction above. As well as the appliance, the packaging contains: A DOCUMENTATION ENVELOPE - User operating instructions booklet - Instruction booklet for the installer and maintenance engineer - 2 Spare parts form ENGLISH - Certificate of conformity
PACKAGING. Il Fornitore deve confezionare ed etichettare tutte le merci spedite ai sensi dell'Ordine in conformità alle Condizioni d'Ordine o, se i requisiti non sono specificati, in conformità con le pratiche commerciali standard d’uso per spedizioni analoghe.
PACKAGING. The sub-components forming the overall supply of the SNUs and their parts shall be packaged respecting the limits indicated in [3]. It is assumed that standard limits will be respected. If any deviation is foreseen, this shall be agreed with the customer and JAEA at least 18 months before the transport to Japan. The packaging must provide adequate mechanical and environmental resistance to road and transoceanic ship transport. The packaging must provide adequate attachments for loading and unloading by crane or equivalent lifting/moving tools and for its stable fixation on trucks and ships. Packaging materials shall be in agreement with Japanese rules and with international sanitary rules (i.e. the use of wood requires the corresponding phyto-sanitary certificate…). Packaging shall be made and managed in order to avoid and prevent contact of the components with any contaminant agent. The packaging must ensure clear identification of the transported components. The packaging of the ready-for-shipment components shall be inspected at the manufacturer premises to verify the respect of the requirements for transport. The inspection shall consist in a visual verification of the packaging and in a review of the formal and technical documentation for transport. The inspection and documentation verification shall be performed at the presence of representatives of the IS, of the Customer and of both the IAs. An official note of the inspection shall be prepared and approved by the present representatives.
PACKAGING. 1. Supplementary costs for packaging which is over and above normal standards are paid for by the Purchaser. Crates, containers and pallets remain the property of Marvit, unless otherwise
PACKAGING. 8.1 The Supplier shall deliver the Products according to RBM’s packaging needs, if specified, and, in any case, in suitable transportation packages in order to avoid damage and quality impairment, and to make custom control easier. If the Products are delivered to the RBM’s plant with damaged packaging, RBM shall have the right to refuse the shipment and to return it to the Supplier, charging the latter with the relevant costs and expenses.
PACKAGING. Gli Articoli dovranno essere imballati in modo consueto e appropriato per il settore così da garantire una protezione sufficiente degli Articoli. Il Fornitore sarà responsabile in qualsiasi evento e indipendentemente dalle condizioni di consegna per qualsiasi danno insorto nel corso della consegna, in particolare in conseguenza al trasporto o al packaging difettoso o inadeguato del Fornitore. Il Fornitore si accollerà tutti i costi del packaging. Qualora sia WestRock ad accollarsi i costi del packaging, in eventi eccezionali stabiliti previo accordo scritto, i costi principali saranno addebitati a WestRock e verranno presentati separatamente in fattura. In questo caso, WestRock non accetterà la richiesta di una caparra. Il Fornitore s’impegna a smaltire il materiale d'imballaggio, i supporti per il trasporto e qualsiasi articolo utilizzato per la consegna e/o residuo di tali articoli da considerare come “rifiuto pericoloso” in seguito all’utilizzo secondo il suo scopo designato, assumendosene rischi e costi, o a riportare indietro questi articoli per lo smaltimento. Qualora il Fornitore non adempia a tale obbligo, WestRock avrà il diritto di chiedere l’adempimento di tale obbligo da parte di terzi, pur rimanendo a carico del Fornitore l'intera spesa e la piena responsabilità.
PACKAGING. 4.1. The packaging of appliances conforms to international transport norms carried out by land using motor vehicles. Non-standard packaging will entail an extra charge and will be agreed at the time of order.