PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. Personal data will only be collected and processed for the management of the tender, pursuant to European regulation UE 2016/679 and Legislative Decree. N. 196/03 and subsequent amendments. The person who is responsible for the data processing is the Director of the INFN Structure.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. In participating in this call, candidate acknowledges that the processing of their personal and sensitive data will take place in accordance with the procedures established by EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. The candidate also takes note that the curriculum vitae et studiorum and the declarations made for which, pursuant to current legislation, compliance with transparency obligations is required, will be published on the website of the University in the appropriate section of "Transparent Administration" and will be processed for the purposes of managing the selective procedure.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. The Customer’s personal data will be processed in order to: (i) provide rental services and (ii) assess whether to provide future rental services. The lessor will provide the personal data of the Client, according to what is establi- shed by the current legislation and if necessary, with the explicit consent of the Client, to:
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. (a) Service Provider and Customer shall comply with any laws and regulations in any relevant jurisdiction relating to data protection or the use or processing of personal data.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and EU Regulation 2016/679, the personal data provided by the subjects participating in the selection will be used by the Puglia Region for the purposes referred to in this comparative procedure and also processed after the selection for the management of any contractual relationship to be established with the Region. The data collected and processed may be communicated by the Puglia Region only to the subjects for whom knowledge is necessary in relation to this selective procedure and to all the bodies and authorities who are required to know them by law. The provision of such data is mandatory for the purposes of verifying possession of the required requirements, under penalty of exclusion from the selection. Pursuant to art. 13 of the aforementioned Regulation (EU) 2016/679, it is specified that: • the data controller is the Puglia Region, Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxxxx, 33 70100 - Bari; • the Data Protection Officer is Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Director of the Institutional and Legal Affairs Section; • the purposes and methods of processing (mainly IT and telematic) for which the collected data are intended are inherent to the task referred to in these specifications; • the data subject has the rights referred to in the articles. 15-22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, including that of asking the aforementioned data controller for access to personal data concerning him and the related rectification. To exercise the rights, the interested party can contact the DPO at the addresses indicated above; • the data will be processed exclusively by the staff and collaborators of the Budget, General Affairs and Infrastructure Department involved in the procedure, or by the subjects expressly appointed as data controllers. Furthermore, personal data may be communicated to other public and/or private entities solely by virtue of a provision of law, regulation or specific memoranda of understanding approved by the Privacy Guarantor; • the data retention period is directly related to the duration of the assignment and the fulfillment of all legal obligations, including subsequent ones. Upon termination of the assignment, the data will be stored in accordance with the rules on the conservation of administrative documentation; • the interested party, if he believes that the processing of his personal data is in violation of the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, has the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor, as provided for by ...
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. Information to the interested party pursuant to Article 13 and 14 of the REG. EU 679/2016 and provision of consent. The Or- ganizer (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, the ‘Company’) under- takes to process the personal data you have made available in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, as well as the guidelines and provi- sions of the Guarantor for data protection and any other applicable legislation. The personal data you have made available, in accordance with the consent to processing provided by you, may be processed for the purposes specifically indicated in the mandatory Privacy form, to be returned signed.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. To the extent the Parties process personal data when fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, they shall comply with all effective and applicable data processing and privacy protection laws. Both Parties shall be independent controllers of data (who determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal data) as defined in applicable law. The Party shall also be responsible for ensuring that the processing of personal data shall be carried out in accordance with the laws and professional data protection practice applicable to it. In addition, the Parties commit to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure safe processing of personal data. The Parties commit to ensure their processing of personal data and data security meet the requirements of data protection regulation that might enter into force after this Agreement has entered into force.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. 1. The Parties mutually agree that they know and enforce the current legislation on the processing of personal data within their own organizations, including primary and secondary law and the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR").
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. 5.1 Pursuant to and by effect of the applicable law (4,5), the Institution and Sponsor, each for their own area of competence, are autonomous owners, and depending on the case, co-owners of the processing of patient data in connection with the conduction of the Trial of this agreement. The person responsible for processing the data of which the Institution is the Owner is the Principal Investigator or Investigator as per previous Art. 2, who must obtain the required authorization for processing personal data from the patient before starting the Trial. The Institution will be responsible for preserve said document. The informative and
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. 1. The University ensures that all informations provided by the candidate will be processed in a strictly confidential manner, according to the Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and to European Regulation UE 679/2016 – General Regulation Data Protection: all the data provided will be handled exclusively for the purposes connected and related to the competition and the possible stipulation and management of the relationship with the University in compliance with the existing regulation.