Definizione di Underlying Reference Strike Price

Underlying Reference Strike Price means, in respect of an Underlying Reference, the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value on the Strike Date.
Underlying Reference Strike Price means 4.306. Holders are also informed that, for the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of listing the Certificates on SeDeX only: for the purposes of determining the occurrence of a Knock-in Event pursuant to the provisions in § 40, the Knock-in Level means 65 per cent (i.e. 2.7989). Copies of such Notice may be downloaded on the following website: xxxx:// Application will be made as soon as possible to list the Securities on the Italian Stock Exchange and to admit the Securities for trading described herein on the electronic “Securitised Derivatives Market” (the SeDeX”) (a regulated market for the purposes of the Markets in financial instruments Directive 2004/39/ CE, the “Regulated Market”) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: Holders are informed that the Issuer, in accordance with Condition 9.5, Modifications, has modified the Terms and Conditions to correct a manifest error in the Final Terms. The Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date as stated on pages 9 and 32 of the Final Terms as quoted below: Unless they have been otherwise defined in this notice, capitalised terms used herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Base Prospectus. Acting in its capacity as Issuer Holders are informed that the Issuer, in accordance with Condition 9.5, Modifications, has modified the Terms and Conditions to correct some manifest errors in the Final Terms. The following provisions as stated in the Final Terms in Part A on page 3 in paragraph 7, on page 3 in paragraph 12, on page 5 in paragraph 26(l), on page 9 in paragraph 43(i) (xii), on page 9 in paragraph 43(m), in the Issue Specific Summary on page 32 in Element C.18 as quoted below:
Underlying Reference Strike Price means, in respect of an Underlying Reference, the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value on the Strike Date. In respect of the Strike Date: "Underlying Reference Closing Price Value" means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the Italian Securities Reference Price in respect of such day; Where: “SPS Valuation Date” means the Strike Date. Strike Date means 25 July 2014 Provisions for the purposes of determining the Knock-in Event Konck-in Event is applicable. If the Knock-in Value is less than the Knock-in Level on the Knock-in Determination Day "Knock-in Value" means the Underlying Reference Value; "Underlying Reference Value" means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price, "Underlying Reference" is as set out in item C.20 below; "Underlying Reference Closing Price Value" means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Element Title Date, the Italian Securities Reference Price in respect of such day; "SPS Valuation Date" means the Knock-in Determination Day; “Knock-in Determination Day” means the Redemption Valuation Date “Underlying Reference Strike Price” means, in respect of an Underlying Reference, the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference on the Strike Date. In respect of the Strike Date: “Underlying Reference Closing Price Value” means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the Italian Securities Reference Price in respect of such day; Where: “SPS Valuation Date” means the Strike Date “Knock-in Level” means 60%; “Strike Date” means 25 July 2014 “Redemption Valuation Date” means 25 July 2018. Automatic Early Redemption If on any Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date an Automatic Early Redemption Event occurs, the Securities will be redeemed early at the Automatic Early Redemption Amount (if any) on the Automatic Early Redemption Date Automatic Early Redemption Event: If on any Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date the SPS AER Value is greater than or equal to the Automatic Early Redemption Level Standard Automatic Early Redemption: Applicable SPS Automatic Early Redemption Payout: NA x (AER Redemption Percentage + AER Exit Rate) AER Redemption Percentage : 100% Automatic Early Redemption Date(s): 27 July 2015 (i = 1); 25 July 2016 (i=2) and 27 July 2017 (i = 2). SPS AER Valuation: Applicable SPS AER Value: Underlying Refe...

Examples of Underlying Reference Strike Price in a sentence

  • SPS AER Valuation: Applicable SPS AER Value: Underlying Reference Value Underlying Reference Value means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Element Title Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price.

  • Underlying Reference Closing Price Value means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the Closing Price or the Italian Securities Reference Price in respect of such day; SPS Valuation Date means the SPS FR Valuation Date; SPS FR Valuation Date means the Redemption Valuation Date; Redemption Valuation Date means 8 January 2019; Coupon Airbag Percentage means 0%; Underlying Reference Strike Price is as set out in Specific Provisions for each series above.

  • Underlying Reference Closing Price Value means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the Closing Price or the Italian Securities Reference Price in respect of such day; SPS Valuation Date means the SPS Redemption Valuation Date; SPS Redemption Valuation Date means the Redemption Valuation Date; Redemption Valuation Date means 8 January 2019; Underlying Reference Strike Price is as set out in Element C.20.

  • Element Title FR Barrier Value means the Underlying Reference Value; Underlying Reference Value means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price; Underlying Reference is as set out in Element C.20.

  • Final Redemption Condition Level means 100% Final Redemption Value means the Underlying Reference Value; Underlying Reference Value means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price; Underlying Reference is as set out in Element C.20.

More Definitions of Underlying Reference Strike Price

Underlying Reference Strike Price means EUR 2.1740 Holders are also informed that, for the purposes of determining the occurrence of a Knock-in Event pursuant to the provisions in § 40, the Knock-in Level is 70 per cent (i.e. EUR 1.5218). Copies of such Notice may be downloaded on the following website: xxxx:// The Securities will be traded on the “Securitised Derivatives Market” (“SeDeX”). Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: By: ..Xxxxx XXXXXXX.. Duly authorised (as Manager) Any person making or intending to make an offer of the Securities may only do so:
Underlying Reference Strike Price means EUR 7.62 Holders are also informed that, for the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of listing the Certificates on SeDeX only: ⮚ for the purposes of determining the occurrence of a Knock-in Event pursuant to the provisions in § 39, the Knock-in Level means EUR 5.334 Copies of such Notice may be downloaded on the following website: xxxx:// The Securities will be traded on the “Securitised Derivatives Market” (“SeDeX”). Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: By: .. Xxxxx XXXXXXX ... Duly authorised (as Manager) Any person making or intending to make an offer of the Securities may only do so:

Related to Underlying Reference Strike Price

  • Share for-Other" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Share-for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • Scheduled Trading Day Single Share Basis.

  • Interest Period End Date" is as defined in Condition 32(b)(i);