Definizione di Final Reference Price

Final Reference Price means the price specified as such in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms, as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent without regard to any subsequently published correction or (if, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, no such price can be determined and no Market Disruption Event has occurred and is continuing) an amount determined by the Calculation Agent as its good faith estimate of the price of the relevant Share or Certificate as applicable, on such date having regard to the then prevailing market conditions, the last reported trading price of the relevant Share or Certificate as applicable, (on the Exchange, if applicable) and such other factors as the Calculation Agent determines relevant, subject to adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4;
Final Reference Price means, unless otherwise specified in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms, the level of the Index for the Valuation Month, published by the Index Sponsor, as determined by the Calculation Agent without regard to any subsequently published correction. Any revision or amendment to the level of the Index after the initial publication thereof shall be disregarded for the purposes of determining the corresponding Interest Rate unless the Index is re-based as a result of such revision or amendment, in which case the level of the Index shall be subject to such amendments as the Calculation Agent, acting in its sole and absolute discretion, considers appropriate to preserve the economic features of the Securities. If, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, no such level can be determined (and no Market Disruption Event has occurred and is continuing), level of the Index shall be a level determined by the Calculation Agent as its good faith estimate of the level of the Index for the relevant Valuation Month having regard to the last published level of the Index and such other factors as the Calculation Agent determines relevant;
Final Reference Price. Means an amount equal to the arithmetic mean of the levels of the Index at the Valuation Time on each of the relevant Final Valuation Dates, as determined by the Calculation Agent without regard to any subsequently published correction or (if the determination of the Calculation Agent no such level can be determined and no Market Disruption Event has occurred and is continuing) a level determined by the Calculation Agent as its good faith estimate of the official closing level of the Index, as applicable, on such date having regard to the then prevailing market conditions, the last reported trading price of the Shares and such other factors as the Calculation Agent determines relevant, subject to adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4 Funding Cost: Not Applicable Index: Euro STOXX 50® Index (Bloomberg code: SX5E <INDEX>)

Examples of Final Reference Price in a sentence

  • If any such event occurs at the Valuation Date, it could result in a delay in the determination of the Final Reference Price and the Settlement Date, which delay could be lengthy.

More Definitions of Final Reference Price

Final Reference Price means the level specified as such in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms, as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent without regard to any subsequently published correction or (if, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, no such level can be determined and no Market Disruption Event has occurred and is continuing) an amount determined by the Calculation Agent as its good faith estimate of the level of the relevant Shares or Certificate as applicable, on such date having regard to the then prevailing market conditions, the last reported trading price of the Shares or Certificate as applicable, and such other factors as the Calculation Agent determines relevant, subject to adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4;
Final Reference Price. The definition Product Condition 1 applies, subject to adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4 Index: S&P BRIC 40 Index (Bloomberg Code: SBE <INDEX>)
Final Reference Price means, unless otherwise specified in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms, (i) the level of the Basket at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date calculated as the sum of, for each Index, its Weight multiplied by the level of such Index at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date or (ii) for the relevant Series, if “Basket” is specified in the applicable Final Terms as being “Not Applicable”, the level of the Index at the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date, all as determined by the Calculation Agent without regard to any subsequently published correction or (if, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, no such level can be determined and no Market Disruption Event has occurred and is continuing) a level determined by the Calculation Agent as its good faith estimate of the official closing level of the Basket or the Index, as applicable, on such date having regard to the then prevailing market conditions, the last reported trading price of the Shares and such other factors as the Calculation Agent determines relevant;

Related to Final Reference Price

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Early Termination Reference Price means, subject to any adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4, an amount (which shall be deemed to be a monetary value in the Underlying Currency) as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent to be the lowest level of the Index on the Termination Date; and

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Controvalore delle quote l’importo ottenuto moltiplicando il Valore Unitario della Quota per il numero delle quote del Fondo Interno Assicurativo possedute dal Contraente a una determinata data.

  • DETERMINAZIONE (con firma digitale)

  • Quantità prevista a corpo € 4.000,00

  • CODICE CIVILE Art. 1341 – Condizioni generali di contratto Le condizioni generali di contratto predisposte da uno dei contraenti sono efficaci nei confronti dell’altro, se al momento della conclusione del contratto questi le ha conosciute o avrebbe dovuto conoscerle usando l’ordinaria diligenza. In ogni caso non hanno effetto, se non sono specificamente approvate per iscritto, le condizioni che stabiliscono, a favore di colui che le ha predisposte, limitazioni di responsabilità, facoltà di recedere dal contratto o di sospenderne l’esecuzione, ovvero sanciscono a carico dell’altro Contraente decadenze, limitazioni alla facoltà di opporre eccezioni, restrizioni alla libertà contrattuale nei rapporti coi terzi, tacita proroga o rinnovazione del contratto, clausole compromissorie o deroghe alla competenza dell’autorità giudiziaria.

  • Share for-Other" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Share-for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • Società di revisione Società diversa dalla società di assicurazione, prescelta nell’ambito di un apposito albo cui tali società possono essere iscritte soltanto se godono di determinati requisiti, che controlla e certifica i risultati della gestione separata.

  • Codice CPV principale 45233141-9

  • Codice Fondo UB4002 Codice ISIN: LU0203937692 Denominazione: UBS (Lux) BS Convt Glbl € P-acc In data 21 Agosto 2017, La Sicav ha deciso di sospendere il Fondo a seguito del raggiungimento dei limiti di capacità. Eurovita S.p.A., attiva attività di salvaguardia del contratto, sospendendo il fondo in data 21 Agosto 2017. Nel caso di richieste di sottoscrizione sullo stesso successive a tale data, Eurovita S.p.A. provvederà ad investire in via automatica la percentuale di premio destinata a tale fondo direttamente nel fondo WF4007 LU0545110271 AXA WF Frm Global Convertibles A-C EUR, considerato idoneo e coerente per caratteristiche gestionali e grado di rischio.

  • Codice CIG 96379965E7

  • Codice Fiscale XXXXXX00X00X000X DATA FIRMA: 20/04/2017 16:09:42

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Valore finale totale dell’appalto Valore: 765 EUR. IVA esclusa.

  • Interest Period End Final Date" is as defined in Condition 32(a) and Condition 32(b)(i);

  • Valuta di denominazione Valuta o moneta in cui sono espresse le prestazioni contrattuali.

  • Valuta gli investimenti saranno principalmente denominati in euro; è consentito l'investimento in valute diverse dall'euro e privo di copertura del rischio di cambio.

  • Conclusione del Contratto momento in cui il Contraente riceve la comunicazione dell’accettazione della proposta da parte della Società. In assenza di tale comunicazione, è il giorno in cui il Contraente riceve il contratto sottoscritto dalla Società.

  • Data di Pagamento l’ultimo giorno del mese in cui cade il 60° giorno dalla Data Consegna della relativa Fattura, entro cui l’Azienda Sanitaria procederà, al pagamento dei Crediti Certificati.

  • rapporto di lavoro a tempo parziale di tipo verticale" quello in relazione al quale risulti previsto che l'attività lavorativa sia svolta a tempo pieno, ma limitatamente a periodi predeterminati nel corso della settimana, del mese o dell'anno;

  • DETERMINA per le motivazioni espresse nella parte narrativa e qui integralmente richiamate:

  • Codice Etico significa il codice etico adottato da Cerved e consultabile nell’apposita sezione del sito web;

  • Codice di condotta commerciale è il Codice di condotta commerciale per la vendita di energia elettrica e di gas naturale ai clienti finali, approvato con deliberazione 8 luglio 2010, ARG/com 104/10, come successivamente modificato e integrato;

  • Breve descrizione vedi punto II.1.1)