Significant Accounting Policies のサンプル条項

Significant Accounting Policies. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment. Security Valuation. Investments in Shares of Underlying Funds are valued at the latest available Net Asset Value calculated in the dealing currency of the relevant class and the values are sourced from an independent internal pricing source. Cash at Bank and Brokers. Cash at bank and brokers amounts are carried at face value.
Significant Accounting Policies. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment. SECURITY VALUATION. Investments in Shares of Underlying Funds are valued at the latest available Net Asset Value calculated in the dealing currency of the relevant class, the values are sourced from an independent internal pricing source. CASH AT BANK. Cash at bank amounts are carried at face value. INVESTMENT SECURITY TRANSACTIONS. Investment security transactions in Underlying Funds are accounted for on the date the Underlying Funds are purchased or sold. The computation of the cost of sales of Underlying Funds is made on the basis of average cost. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. The Fund's designated currency is Japanese Yen. Assets and liabilities as at 30 April 2016 have been translated at the prevailing exchange rates on that date. The Directors of the Management Company determine the designated currency of the Sub-Fund. All transactions denominated in foreign currencies during the year are translated into the Sub- Fund's designated currency at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of transactions. Translation adjustments reflecting gains and losses from share classes with operating currencies that differ from the respective Sub-Fund are included in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under the caption Net realised gain / (loss) on foreign currencies. FUND UNIT TRANSACTIONS. The issue and redemption price per Unit of the Sub-Fund is the Net Asset Value per Unit on the date of trade.
Significant Accounting Policies. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment. SECURITY VALUATION. Investments in Shares of Underlying Funds are valued at the latest available Net Asset Value calculated in the dealing currency of the relevant class. CASH AT BANK. Cash at bank amounts are carried at face value. INVESTMENT SECURITY TRANSACTIONS. Investment security transactions in Underlying Funds are accounted for on the date the Underlying Funds are purchased or sold. The computation of the cost of sales of Underlying Funds is made on the basis of average cost. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. The Fund's designated currency is Japanese Yen. Assets and liabilities as at 30 April 2015 have been translated at the prevailing exchange rates on that date. The Directors of the Management Company determine the designated currency of the Sub-Fund. All transactions denominated in foreign currencies during the year are translated into the Sub- Fund's designated currency at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of transactions. Translation adjustments reflecting gains and losses from share classes with operating currencies that differ from the respective Sub-Fund are included in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under the caption Net realised gain / (loss) on foreign currencies. FUND UNIT TRANSACTIONS. The issue and redemption price per Unit of the Sub-Fund is the Net Asset Value per Unit on the date of trade.
Significant Accounting Policies. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment. Security Valuation. Investments in Shares of Underlying Funds are valued at the latest available Net Asset Value calculated in the dealing currency of the relevant class and the values are sourced from an independent internal pricing source. Cash at Bank and Brokers. Cash at bank and brokers amounts are carried at face value. Investment Security Transactions. Investment security transactions in the Underlying Fund is accounted for on the date the Underlying Fund is purchased or sold. The computation of the cost of sales of the Underlying Fund is made on the basis of average cost. Foreign Exchange. The Fund's designated currency is Japanese Yen. The Directors determine the designated currency of the Sub-Fund. Assets and liabilities as at 30 April 2019 have been translated at the prevailing exchange rates on that date. All transactions denominated in foreign currencies during the period are translated into the Sub-Fund's designated currency at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of transactions. Fund Unit Transactions. The issue and redemption price per Unit of the Sub-Fund is the Net Asset Value per Unit on the date of trade.

Related to Significant Accounting Policies

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  • 利用の申込み 1.本サービスを利用するには、本規定並びに業務規程等の内容をご承諾のうえ、当金庫所定の利用申込書に必要事項を記入して、当金庫が定める必要書類とともに当金庫に提出するものとします。

  • 返還時の確認等 借受人又は運転者は、当社立会いのもとにレンタカーを返還するものとします。この場合、通常の使用によって摩耗した箇所等を除き、引渡し時の状態で返還するものとします。

  • ファンドの仕組み ファンドは、ファミリーファンド方式で運用を行います。ファミリーファンド方式とは、お客さまからご投資いただいた資金をベビーファンドとしてまとめ、その資金を主としてマザーファンドに投資することにより、実質的な運用をマザーファンドで行う仕組みです。

  • 強制解約 契約者に次の各号の事由が一つでも生じた場合には、当組合はいつでも契約者に事前に通知、催告することなく、直ちに本規定に基づく契約を解除できるものとします。

  • 商品の仕組み 企業・団体の従業員・所属員等の方を被保険者とし、企業・団体を保険契約者として運営する保険商品です。

  • 付帯サービス等 1 会員は、当社又は当社の提携会社が提供するカード付帯サービス及び特典を利用することができます。会員が利用できる付帯サービス及びその内容については別途当社から本人会員に対し通知します。

  • 中途解約 借受人は、使用中であっても、当社の同意を得て次項に定める中途解約手数料を支払った上で貸渡契約を解約することができるものとします。この場合、当社は、受領済の貸渡料金から、貸渡しから返還までの期間に対応する貸渡料金を差し引いた残額を借受人に返還するものとします。ただし、細則に定めがある場合は除きます。

  • 危険負担、免責条項等 1 借主が組合に提出した証書等が、事変、災害、輸送途中の事故等やむを得ない事情によって紛失、滅失、損傷または延着した場合には、借主は組合の帳簿、伝票等の記録に基づいて債務を弁済するものとします。なお、組合が請求した場合 には、借主は直ちに代わりの証書を差し入れるものとします。この場合に生じた損害については、組合の責めに帰すべき事 由による場合を除き、借主が負担します。

  • 個別適用 (1)この賠償責任条項の規定は、それぞれの被保険者ごとに個別に適用します。ただし、第4条(保険金を支払わない場合-その1 対人・対物賠償共通)(1)①の規定を除きます。