Extent of Warranty 관련 조항 예시

Extent of Warranty. The following is added as the first paragraph:
Extent of Warranty. The last sentence of the second paragraph (“The warranty for IBM Machine Components is voided by removal or alteration of Machine Components or parts identification labels”) is deleted. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..”
Extent of Warranty. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..”
Extent of Warranty. The following replaces the last paragraph (a) Warranty is provided for a period of twelve months, beginning at the date of delivery. Consumers are at least entitled to claim warranty defects within the limitation period provided by law. (b) IBM warrants that each non-IBM Eligible Product, when used in the specified operating environment, relates to its functions and conforms to its specifications. In case a non-IBM Eligible Product is delivered without specifications, IBM only warrants that the non-IBM Eligible Product information correctly describes the non-IBM Eligible Product, and that the non-IBM Eligible Product can be used according to the non-IBM Eligible Product information. (c) IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a non-IBM Eligible Product or that IBM will correct all program defects. The Customer is responsible for the results of the use of a non-IBM Eligible Product. IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of an Eligible Product or that IBM will correct all defects. (d) At IBM’s discretion, warranty may also be provided by the third party provider himself. (e) In the event that IBM is unable to remedy a warranty defect within a reasonable period of time - even after an appropriate grace period - the Customer may in respect of this defect (at his discretion) demand a reduction of price, or rescission of contract. In case of minor defects or deviations, the Customer shall not be entitled to demand a rescission of the contract. (f) In addition, the limitation of liability provision will apply. (g) However, non-IBM manufacturers, developers, suppliers, or publishers may provide their own warranty to Customer.
Extent of Warranty. The second paragraph is deleted. The following replaces the last paragraph:

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