Extent of Warranty 관련 조항 예시

Extent of Warranty. The following is added as the first paragraph:
Extent of Warranty. The last sentence of the second paragraph (“The warranty for IBM Machine Components is voided by removal or alteration of Machine Components or parts identification labels”) is deleted. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..” The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “IBM provides only services for Content. The definition is amended and replaced with the following: The following paragraph is added after 1.6c as 1.6d: The following paragraph replaces 1.7 in its entirety:
Extent of Warranty. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..” As applies to transactions initiated and performed in Taiwan and the Special Administration Regions “SARs” specified, phrases throughout this Agreement containing the word "country" (for example, "country of acquisition" and "country of installation") are replaced with the following: The following replaces the final sentence in 1.12.4: The following paragraph is added: Add the following sentence: The following is inserted at the end of 1.12.4: The following replaces the definition of Date of Installation: The following replaces the terms of 1.12.5e: The following term applies to all countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, unless a specific country term states otherwise. In the first paragraph, the following replaces “U.S. $100,000”: The following term applies to all EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and any other European country that has enacted local data privacy or protection legislation similar to the EU model. The following replaces 1.12.5d: The following terms are added as a new section 4.4.6 for Iceland, Norway, and all Member States of the European Union (“EU”), except Germany:
Extent of Warranty. The following replaces the last paragraph Delete the last sentence:
Extent of Warranty. The second paragraph is deleted. The following replaces the last paragraph:

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  • 계약 후 알릴 의무 ① 계약을 맺은 후 보험의 목적에 아래와 같은 사실이 생긴 경우에는 계약자나 피보험자는 지체없이 서면으로 회사에 알리고 보험증권에 확인을 받아🅓 합니다.

  • 계약내용의 교환 회사는 보험계약의 체결 및 관리 등을 위한 판단자료로서 활용하기 위하여 다음 각호의 사항을 계약자 및 보험대상자(피보험자)의 동의 를 받아 다른 보험회사 및 보험관련단체등에게 제공할 수 있으며, 이 경우 회사는 신용정보의 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률 제 23조 (개인신 용정보의 제공・활용에 대한 동의) 및 동법 시행령 제12조(개인신용 정보의 제공・활용에 대한 동의등)의 규정을 따릅니다.