Privacy; Data Protection 관련 조항 예시

Privacy; Data Protection. From time to time, the Software may collect certain information from the computer on which it is installed, which may include: − Information on potential security risks as well as URLs of websites visited that the Software deems potentially fraudulent. The URLs could contain personally identifiable information that a potentially fraudulent website is attempting to obtain without Your permission. This information is collected by Symantec for the purpose of evaluating and improving the ability of Symantec’s products to detect malicious behavior, potentially fraudulent websites and other Internet security risks. This information will not be correlated with any personally identifiable information. − URLs of websites visited as well as search keywords and search results only if the Norton Safe Web feature is enabled. This information is collected by Symantec for the purpose of evaluating and advising You regarding potential threats and risks that may be associated with a particular Web site before You view it. This information will not be correlated with any personally identifiable information. − Executable files that are identified as potential malware, including information on the actions taken by such files at the time of installation. These files are submitted to Symantec using the Software’s automatic submission function. The collected files could contain personally identifiable information that has been obtained by the malware without Your permission. Files of this type are being collected by Symantec only for the purpose of improving the ability of Symantec’s products to detect malicious behavior. Symantec will not correlate these files with any personally identifiable

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