영미문헌 관련 조항 예시

영미문헌. Roeland F. Bertrams, Bank Guarantees in International Trade, Third revised edition, Kluwer Law International, 2004. Georges Affaki & Roy Goode, Guide to the ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees: URDG 758, ICC, 2011. Roy Goode, Guide to the ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC, 1992. Demand Guarantees in International Construction Contracts This article begins with looking into the concept of the demand guarantee and the structure of its transactions, and examines a number of types of demand guarantees that have been used in international construction contracts in order to secure obligations of the employee, the contractor, in favor of the employer, the owner. They include tender guarantees, performance guarantees, advance payment guarantees, retention money guarantees and warranty guarantees. A demand guarantee in defined as an irrevocable undertaking issued by the guarantor (usually a bank) upon the instructions of the applicant (the contractor) to pay the beneficiary (the owner) any sum that may be demanded by that beneficiary up to a maximum amount stated in the guarantee, upon presentation of a demand complying with the terms of the guarantee.

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