Prices and payment Voorbeeldclausules

Prices and payment. Alle door Exact gehanteerde prijzen en tarieven zijn exclusief BTW en eventuele andere belastingen, heffingen en toeslagen van welke aard ook die nu of in de toekomst van overheidswege of door enige andere daartoe bevoegde instantie worden opgelegd. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van Afnemer om er zorg voor te dragen dat eventuele wettelijk verplichte inhoudingen worden afgedragen aan de bevoegde instanties. All prices and rates applied by Exact exclude VAT and any other taxes, levies and surcharges of any nature imposed now or in the future by the government or any other competent authority. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that any legally obliged deductions are paid to the competent authorities.
Prices and payment. 3.1 Prices and discounts are determined in the main contract and its addendums (e.g. price list) with the delivery costs on top. 3.2 Any prices do not include VAT. 3.3 Unless order confirmation states differently the purchase price is due according to the main contract. 3.4 Payment is made once the invoice amount is available on the bank account of PANDORA specified in the invoice. 3.5 Failure by the dealer to pay on time entitles PANDORA to charge 5% interest rate of the invoiced amount per annum.
Prices and payment. 3.1. All prices are in euros and excluding turnover tax (VAT) and other levies which are imposed by the government. 3.2. Prowareness is entitled to increase the rates of the Agreements commencing on 1 January of each, on the basis of the alteration of the monthly price index figure in accordance with the consumer price index (CPI), index all households (2006=100), published by the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS). In the event that this has the result that a lower rate must be calculated, the price adjustment is dispensed with. 3.3. Prowareness is in all events entitled to adjust the agreed prices and rates, by means of written notification to Client, for activities that in accordance with the planning concerned, or in accordance with the Agreement, will be delivered at a point in time that is at least three months after the date of this notification. 3.4. If Client does not wish to agree to an adjustment made by Prowareness of prices and rates as referred to in article 3.3. Client is entitled to cancel or terminate the Agreement in writing within five working days from receiving the notification. The termination will become effective from the date stated in the notification from Prowareness, on which the price or rate adjustment would come into effect. In the case of services provided beyond the termination date, these services will be invoiced according the former price or rate. 3.5. All invoices will be paid by Client in accordance with the payment terms stated in the invoice. In the absence of specific conditions Client will make the payment within thirty calendar days from the invoice date. 3.6. If Client does not pay the amounts owed within the period as referred to in article 3.5, Client will, without the need for any notice of default, owe interest of 10% over the outstanding amount on an annual basis of the invoice amount, notwithstanding its other legal rights. 3.7. If Client after notice of default continues to fail to pay the claim, the claim can be referred for collection, in which case verzoeken tot betaling. Indien de verschuldigde bedragen na de ingebrekestelling niet betaald zijn, is Prowareness gerechtigd, zonder dat enige verdere ingebrekestelling nodig is, over het openstaande bedrag een rente van 10% op jaarbasis van het factuurbedrag in rekening te brengen bij Opdrachtgever, onverminderd de overige wettelijke rechten.
Prices and payment. Alle door Exact gehanteerde prijzen, honoraria en andere tarieven zijn exclusief BTW en exclusief eventuele andere belastingen, heffingen, importheffingen, toeslagen, vergoedingen en heffingen van welke aard ook die nu of in de toekomst kunnen worden opgelegd door een overheidsinstantie, belastingdienst of andere autoriteit, en die tussentijds kunnen worden aangepast in overeenstemming met de toepasselijke wijzigingen op deze heffingen vanuit de overheid, de belastingdienst of anderszins. Betalingen dienen volledig voldaan te worden, vrij van en zonder inhoudingen van of wegens dergelijke belastingen, heffingen, importheffingen, toeslagen en vergoedingen, tenzij bij wet verplicht. Indien Afnemer bij wet verplicht is tot inhouding zal hij aan Exact die aanvullende bedragen betalen die nodig zijn om te verzekeren dat Exact het volledige bedrag ontvangt dat Exact zou hebben ontvangen bij afwezigheid van de inhouding, tenzij Exact en Afnemer anderszins overeenkomen. Betaling van dergelijke inhoudingen aan de autoriteiten is de verantwoordelijkheid van Afnemer. All prices, fees and other tariffs applied by Exact are exclusive of VAT and exclusive of any taxes, levies, imports, duties, charges, fees and withholdings of any nature now or hereafter imposed by any governmental, fiscal or other authority, which can be adjusted interim in accordance with applicable governmental, fiscal or other changes in such levies. Payments shall be made in full and free and clear and without deductions for or on account of any such taxes, levies, imports, duties, charges and fees, save as required by law. If Customer is required by law to make any such deduction, it will pay to Exact such additional amounts as are necessary to ensure receipt by Exact of the full amount which Exact would have received but for the deduction, unless Exact and Customer have agreed otherwise. Any and all liability in respect to (payment of) such deductions to the authorities shall be the sole responsibility of Customer.
Prices and payment. 7.1 Unless otherwise agreed, prices are inclusive of VAT but exclusive of any administrative costs, transport costs, installation costs, and government levies of any kind. 7.2 Unless otherwise agreed, orders are delivered cash on delivery or can be paid in advance by credit card payment or any other means of payment. 7.3 In the case of partial delivery, TheDutchWellnessCompany is entitled to invoice each partial delivery separately and to demand payment for it. 7.4 In case of non-compliance with any payment obligation by the counterparty, TheDutchWellnessCompany has the right to suspend or terminate the contract or order without becoming liable for damages to the counterparty, without prejudice to TheDutchWellnessCompany's rights to full compensation.
Prices and payment. Alle door We-Connect gehanteerde prijzen en tarieven zijn exclusief BTW en exclusief eventuele andere belastingen, heffingen en toeslagen van welke aard ook die nu of in de toekomst van overheidswege of door enige andere daartoe bevoegde instantie worden opgelegd. All prices and fees applied by We-Connect exclude VAT and any other taxes, levies and surcharges of any nature imposed now or in the future by the government or any other competent authority. 4.2 Vanaf de Ingangsdatum is Xxxxxxx aan We-Connect een vergoeding verschuldigd voor de Xx-Xxxxxxx.xxxxx Diensten, ongeacht of Afnemer daadwerkelijk gebruik maakt van deze diensten. Dit staat los van eventueel toepasselijke vergoedingen voor Consultancydiensten, welke apart gefactureerd zullen worden. Aanvullende Bestellingen door Xxxxxxx gedurende de looptijd van de Xx-Xxxxxxx.xxxxx Overeenkomst worden naar rato gefactureerd vanaf het moment van daadwerkelijke bevestiging en verwerking van de Aanvullende Bestelling. From the Effective Date, the Customer must pay We-Connect a fee for the Xx-Xxxxxxx.xxxxx Services, regardless of whether they actually use these services. This is separate from any applicable fees for Consultancy Services, which will be invoiced separately. If the Customer places Additional Orders during the term of the Xx-Xxxxxxx.xxxxx Agreement, these will be invoiced pro rata from the date on which they are actually confirmed and processed.
Prices and payment. 1. All prices are listed in euros and include VAT, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Payment must be made via the payment methods offered on the website. 3. If the customer fails to pay in a timely manner, Voque Beauty is entitled to cancel the order or suspend the delivery.
Prices and payment. 4.1 The Lessee must pay the agreed price to Landal in good time by bank transfer to the account number to be provided by Landal, stating the details indicated by Landal, such as the invoice number, the name of the park and the booking number. 4.2 In addition to the rental charge, the Lessee shall, in all cases, be required to pay booking fees and the costs for the compulsory use of bed linen. In the Agreement, it may be agreed that these costs shall be included in the rental charge. 4.3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the following payment deadlines shall apply: i) 30% of the total amount of the booking must be paid immediately after the agreement is concluded; ii) the remainder of the total amount of the booking (70%) must be paid no later than four weeks before the (first) stay commences. 4.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing Payment of all agreed instalments must have been made in full before arrival of the first User. 4.5 If, on arrival at the park, it turns out that the amount has not yet been credited to Xxxxxx’x bank account (or has not been credited in full), the (outstanding) amount) will need to be paid there and then. If it is subsequently established that payment had, in fact, been made, but that the amount had not been credited to Xxxxxx’x bank account by the time of arrival, any surplus payment shall be refunded afterwards. 4.6 In the absence of payment effected correctly and/or on time, the Lessee shall legally be deemed to be in default and Landal shall be entitled to suspend its obligations and/or to deny access to the accommodation and/or other facilities. Landal shall also be entitled not to issue the key(s) to the accommodation or accommodation units involved (or to make arrangements to that end). 4.7 If Landal is of the opinion that the financial position and/or payment record of the Lessee form sufficient justification, Landal shall be entitled to require the Lessee to provide (additional) security without delay in a form to be specified by Landal. In the event that the Lessee fails to provide the required security and notwithstanding Xxxxxx’x other rights, Landal shall be entitled to suspend the further performance of the Agreement with immediate effect or to terminate the Agreement. All amounts owned by the Lessee to Landal shall then fall due immediately. 4.8 In the event of the liquidation or insolvency of the Lessee or of a moratorium on payments or debt restructuring, all amounts owned by the Lessee to Landal shall fall due...
Prices and payment. 1. Save as otherwise agreed, all our prices shall be FCA Rotterdam (ICC 2010) but excluding packing materials. All prices shall at all times be stated exclusive of VAT. The Customer shall with respect to all deliveries within the European Community be obliged timely, that is four weeks before the agreed date of delivery at the latest, to submit his full VAT- identification number for the purposes of obtaining the exemption for VAT. With all other exports we shall be entitled to charge the statutory VAT if we have not received an export statement from the Customer within one month after the relative delivery. 2. Payment shall be made promptly and with no deduction or discharge whatsoever, and shall be effected in the following manner.
Prices and payment. All prices are in principle exclusive of turnover tax (vat). If XxxXxxx.xx performs the Agreement (partially) at the Client's location, additional costs (travel and accommodation expenses and parking fees) may be charged. This will be discussed with Client beforehand.