Price Przykładowe klauzule

Price. For the performance of the Subject of this Agreement, the Seller shall receive total remuneration in the net amount of ……………………….. (say: ………………………………………………………………) – including shipping costs. The amount specified above is fixed and shall not be adjusted.
Price. 1. The Products shall be sold at the prices in effect on the date of acceptance of the Order by the Seller, subject to the other provisions of the GTSD.
Price. 3.2.1. Prices in the Tender must be net amounts.
Price. The price for goods and/or services shall be the net price as shown on purchase order. Unless otherwise provided on the face of order, the prices appearing include all packing, crating delivery to the point specified in purchase order, all taxes duties and other charges relating to goods and/or services sold pursuant to order (excluding taxes payable by Buyer according to legislation under jurisdiction applicable to Buyer) and are firm for delivery period shown. In order to minimize the exposure, the inclusion of an fx embedded derivative in the purchase order must be avoided. An fx embedded derivative is when the purchase order is in a currency different than the currency of payment.
Price. 1. The price of the subject matter of the order, together will all the elements described in this agreement shall amount to: without VAT).
Price. The price of the Subject of the Agreement shall be _______________ net (in words: _______________) The Price includes, among others: The subject matter specified in § 2 para. 1 together with the delivery of the Subject of the Agreement to the Buyer's facility with complete documentation, including in particular the manual in Polish and technical documentation in Polish; Assembly and installation of the Subject of the Agreement, Start-up of the Subject of the Agreement, Staff training, Travel costs, costs of catering and accommodation for Seller's servicemen during the start-up of the Subject of the Agreement. The amount determined in item 1 above shall be increased by the VAT due and shall remain unchanged throughout the duration of the Agreement. In the event of a change in the VAT rate after the date of entry into the Agreement, the invoice (s) shall be issued with the new rate applicable as at the invoicing date, unless otherwise provided by law. A change in the VAT rate shall not affect the net price of the Subject of the Agreement. A change in the price due to a change in VAT shall not require an amendment to this Agreement.
Price. 4.1. The price for the Goods is the price set out in the Confirmation of the Order and, unless otherwise stated, is inclusive of any costs of packaging, but exclusive of any costs of the carriage of the Goods and any taxes, in particular value added tax or other applicable sales tax or duty, which will be added to the sum indicated in the Confirmation of the Order in accordance with binding regulations.
Price. 11.1.1. The prices for any Financial Instrument offered by the Company are calculated by reference to the price of the relevant underlying asset which is obtained from independent market data providers. Such price may differ from the price provided by such market data providers or from the current price quotes of the relevant exchanges due to the Company’s minimum spread requirements, interest adjustments, connection speed and other relevant factors.
Price. Unless agreed otherwise , the price as agreed by the Parties, (“the Price”) shall be payable by the Owners, free of any deductions on account of taxes, bank charges etc., upon completion of works. The Price shall be expressed in EURO. All prices as quoted by the Contractors shall be net prices . Should the mandatory regulations in force make the works performed under the relevant Contract liable to VAT, the Owners shall pay the Contract Price as increased by applicable VAT. The Contractors shall have the right to subcontract any part of the works to third parties , however the Contractors shall remain fully liable for any acts of their subcontractors.
Price. 1. The price, including Customer’s margin and liquidity premium, takes into account both Transaction as well as Customer specific factors. 2. The total price for the Transaction will be calculated in accordance with the mechanisms described in the specific Product Descriptions and will be agreed by negotiations between the Bank and its Customer. 3. The Bank, as ‘a systematic internaliser’, will have certain obligations to publish firm quotes to our Customers in the relevant derivative instruments.