Confidentiality exempelklausuler

Confidentiality. Unless authorised to do so, the Company may not provide information about a Holder to third parties. If the Company is a CSD Company and has chosen to enter the Warrants in the VPC system, the Company may access the CSD register kept by Euroclear regarding the Holders of Warrants and to receive information about the name, personal ID or company registration number, address and the number of Warrants held for each Holder.
Confidentiality. The content of any Contract and/or any information received from Mondi or any company of the Mondi Group in connection with any Order and/or Contract, including, but not limited to, any business related and financial information, pricing and cost information, tender documents, information on our products, technology, know-how, designs, drawings, specifications, samples, formulas, and all other information or material relating to Mondi’s current and/or future business (hereinafter “Confidential Information”), shall be held strictly confidential by the Customer and shall not be disclosed or made accessible to any third parties without the prior written consent of Mondi. Any information which can be derived from reverse engineering shall also be regarded as Confidential Information and shall be treated strictly confidential and shall not be used in any way, unless explicitly otherwise agreed with Mondi in writing. The obligations referred to in this clause shall not apply to any information, which the Customer can prove by written evidence: (a) is or becomes generally known or available to the public otherwise than through an act or omission of the Customer; (b) is known to the Customer already at the time of disclosure; (c) is after disclosure disclosed to the Customer in good faith by a third party without breach of an obligation of secrecy; or (d) was developed by or on behalf of the Customer independently of the information received. Confidential Information shall be used by the Customer only for the purposes of the performance of the Contract and the Customer shall protect the Confidential Information using the standard of care of an expert in Customer’s business field. The Customer shall, at any time upon Xxxxx’x request and without undue delay, destroy promptly or return to Mondi all Confidential Information, including all copies and other reproductions thereof, and certify in writing its compliance with the obligations under this provision.
Confidentiality. Unless authorised to do so, the Company may not provide information about a Holder to third parties.
Confidentiality. Vardera Parten ska skydda den andra Partens Konfidentiella Information med samma omsorg som används för att skydda sin egen Konfidentiella Information, men under inga omständigheter mindre än en rimlig omsorgsnivå. Den mottagande Parten får inte: (i) använda Konfidentiell Information för något ändamål som ligger utanför detta Avtals räckvidd eller (ii) frivilligt avslöja Konfidentiell Information utom till anställda, entreprenörer och ombud i enlighet med vad som krävs för att fullgöra sina skyldigheter enligt detta Avtal. Det föregående till trots kan en Part offentliggöra den andra Partens Konfidentiella Information i den omfattning som det krävs att sådan information offentliggörs enligt utslag eller krav från domstol, en förvaltningsmyndighet eller annan statlig myndighet, förutsatt att sådan Part, i den omfattning lagen tillåter, utan dröjsmål underrättar den andra Parten om sådant utslag/sådant krav så att denne kan ansöka om förbud eller motsvarande rättsmedel. Vardera Parts sekretessåtagande för Konfidentiell Information under detta Avtal gäller under en period om tre (3) år efter detta Avtals upphörande, dock förutsatt att Parternas skyldigheter fortsätter att gälla efter Avtalets upphörande vad gäller den Konfidentiella Informationen och så länge som den Konfidentiella Informationen fortsätter att vara en företagshemlighet enligt tillämplig lagstiftning. Parterna erkänner och är överens om att Qlik-produkterna och all prisinformation ska vara Qliks Konfidentiella Information. Each Party shall protect the other Party’s Confidential Information using the same degree of care used to protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than a reasonable degree of care. The receiving Party shall not: (i) use Confidential Information for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement, or (ii) voluntarily disclose Confidential Information except to employees, contractors and agents as required to perform its obligations under the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party may disclose the other Party’s Confidential Information to the extent that it is required to be disclosed in accordance with an order or requirement of a court, administrative agency or other governmental body, provided that such Party, to the extent permitted by law, provides the other Party with prompt notice of such order or requirement in order that it may seek a protective order. Each Party’s confidentiality obligations hereunder will continue for a period of thr...
Confidentiality. 7.1. Parterna samtycker till att behandla den andra Partens Konfidentiella Information konfidentiellt och inte offentliggöra eller använda sådan Konfidentiell Information om det inte är nödvändigt för att utöva sina uttryckliga rättigheter eller utföra sina uttryckliga skyldigheter under detta Avtal. En Parts offentliggörande av den andra Partens Konfidentiella Information får bara göras till anställda eller konsulter som måste ha sådan information i samband med utövandet av sådana rättigheter respektive utförandet av sådana skyldigheter och som har samtyckt till att bibehålla den Konfidentiella Informationen konfidentiell enligt detta Avtal. Det föregående till trots kan en Part offentliggöra den andra Partens Konfidentiella Information i den omfattning som det krävs att sådan information offentliggörs enligt utslag eller krav från domstol, en förvaltningsmyndighet eller annan statlig myndighet, förutsatt att sådan Part, i den omfattning lagen tillåter, utan dröjsmål underrättar den andra Parten om sådant utslag/sådant krav så att denne kan ansöka om förbud eller motsvarande rättsmedel. Vardera Parts sekretessåtagande för Konfidentiell Information under detta Avtal gäller under en period om tre (3) år efter detta Avtals upphörande, dock förutsatt att Parternas skyldigheter fortsätter att gälla efter Avtalets upphörande vad gäller den Konfidentiella Informationen och så länge som den Konfidentiella Informationen fortsätter att vara en företagshemlighet enligt tillämplig lagstiftning. Parterna bekräftar och samtycker till att Qlik-produkterna och all prisinformation skall behandlas som Qliks Konfidentiella Information. Kunden kommer att upprätthålla skäliga åtkomstkontroller och systemsäkerhet för att skydda Qlik- produkterna.
Confidentiality. 4.1 The data processor shall only grant access to the personal data being processed on behalf of the data controller to persons under the data processor’s authority who have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality and only on a need-to-know basis. The list of persons to whom access has been granted shall be kept under periodic review. On the basis of this review, such access to personal data can be withdrawn, if access is no longer necessary, and personal data shall conse- quently not be accessible anymore to those persons.
Confidentiality. Xxxxxxxx agrees that by accepting and using the D2I delbetalning Services, Xxxxxxxx will receive from D2I delbetalning certain property and highly sensitive information, including but not limited to the D2I delbetalning Platform.
Confidentiality. All technical and commercial information and ideas which Seller has supplied or shall supply Buyer, but excluding information in the public domain or properly in Buyer's possession in tangible form before receiving such information from Seller, ("confidential information") is proprietary to Seller and is disclosed to Buyer in confidence for the limited purpose of assisting Buyer in the evaluation or use of Seller's products. Buyer shall not without Seller's prior written consent, disclose or make available such confiden tial information to any other person or use such confidential information except for such limited purpose. All confidential information shall be returned to Seller on demand, and, in any event, when no longer needed by Buyer in connection with Seller's products. In addition to Xxxxxx'x other remedies, Xxxxx agrees that any benefit or property derived by Xxxxx from any unauthorized use of confidential information shall be the sole and exclusive property of Seller.
Confidentiality. The Company may not without authorization divulge information regarding Warrant Holders to any third party.
Confidentiality. 1. The Purchaser is obliged to keep all information that become known in connection with the performance of the contract as confidential, neither to use it for his own or third parties’ purposes outside of this contract nor to make it available to third parties. This obligation applies for the duration of this contractual relationship as well as after its termination. The Purchaser shall impose this obligation of confidentiality, including the prohibition of use, on his employees and other representatives and agents. Further confidentiality obligations of any confidentiality agreement or development contract concluded between the parties shall remain unaffected.