Scope. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (“GTC”) shall govern the supply relationship between the parties. Any terms of the customer regardless of any specific or general conditions, which may appear on the purchase order, or other documents of the customer are hereby expressly excluded unless confirmed by written notice. The “Order” means a purchase order placed by a customer (hereinafter “Customer”) for the sale and purchase of goods (hereinafter “Goods”), which, once accepted by Mondi forms a contract (“Contract”) between the Customer and Mondi. “Mondi” shall mean the respective company within the Mondi group selling or offering Goods to the Customer. “Mondi Group” shall mean any company directly or indirectly controlled by Mondi plc (or any of Mondi plc’s legal successors) For the avoidance of doubt, ”control” is constituted by rights, contracts or any other means which confer the possibility of exercising decisive influence on Mondi, in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets or rights or contracts which confer decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the organs of Mondi. Controlling persons are holders of the rights or persons entitled to rights under the contracts concerned, or while not being holders of such rights or entitled to rights under such contracts, have the power to exercise the rights deriving therefrom. “Affiliate(s)” means all of the respective parties’ present and future, direct and/or indirect subsidiaries or other companies worldwide which are controlled by the respective party, or which are under common control with the respective party, or companies which control the respective party, worldwide.
Scope. The Inquiry proposes that the scope of the Payment Services Act be expanded by also making the regulations in the fourth and fifth chapters, with the exception of certain provisions, applicable to the parts of a payment transaction completed in the EEA in a third country currency, if all, or only one, of the payment service pro- viders involved in the payment transaction are established in the area, and for the parts of a payment transaction completed in the European Union in all currencies, if any of the payment service providers involved in the transaction are established in the area. The Inquiry also proposes that cash-in-transit companies’ ‘coun- ting services’ not be exempted from the scope of the Payment Services Act, which is currently the case. Finally, the Inquiry proposes that an exemption should be made from the scope of the Act for payment transactions completed using mobile telephones or other technological devices, for example when purchasing an SMS ticket for a journey. One condition for such transactions being exempted is that the cost of the transaction is not to exceed an amount corresponding to EUR 50. Providers of payment initiation services and account information services – known as ‘third-party payment service providers’ – are payment service providers under PSD2. To enable the implemen- tation of the Directive’s authorisation requirement provisions for providers of payment initiation services, the Inquiry proposes that authorisation always be required for provision of these services. Authorisation to provide such services must require that the under- taking in question holds professional indemnity insurance or a comparable guarantee that covers any potential liabilities. The Inquiry proposes that a natural or legal person providing only account information services should be exempted from the authorisation requirement in the Payment Services Act. These actors, however, are required to apply for exemption from the authorisa- tion requirement, after which – if exemption is granted – they must be registered by Finansinspektionen. A natural or legal person pro- viding account information services may be registered only if the undertaking fulfils certain requirements, for example that the provider has professional indemnity insurance or a comparable guarantee against liability.
Scope. Subject to the payment of Support and Maintenance Charges or Subscription Charges by Customer, Nextlane shall provide Authorized Users support service as further described in Support and Maintenance Terms and: (i) identify the causes of Incidents; (ii) provide and implement corrections; (iii) where applicable and if necessary, set up a workaround solution until the Incident is definitively corrected and (iv) make a Release available to the Customer during the Term of the Agreement. The classification of Incidents by severity levels, their handling priority, and the procedures for the provision of Support and Maintenance Services are set out in further details in the Support and Maintenance Terms.
Scope. The standard is valid for hot-rolled flat and long products of non-alloy base and quality structural steels – for common design purpose. Materials according to this standard replaces EN 10025:1990 + A1:1993.
Scope. Leverantören svarar för löner, sociala avgifter och andra avtalsenliga och lagstadgade kostnader för sig och sin personal. Leverantören är ensam arbetsgivare för den egna personalen och är ensam bärare av arbetsgivaransvar i förhållande till denna personal. Antagen leverantör skall vid verksamhetens bedrivande följa de lagar och förordningar, föreskrifter och allmänna råd som vid varje tidpunkt under avtalstiden gäller för denna typ av verksamhet. Leverantören skall förbinda sig att gentemot myndigheter och andra fullgöra de skyldigheter som verksamheten föranleder vid varje tillfälle. Detta innebär bl a att leverantören självt har att svara för skador som vållas av företagets anställda genom att teckna och vidmakthålla försäkring till täckande av skadestånd.
Scope. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement pertains to all measures established by the Parties concerning civil satellite-based navigation and timing signals and signal providers, civil satellite-based navigation and timing services and service providers, augmentations, value-added services and value-added service providers, and global navigation and timing goods. The provision of military satellite-based navigation and timing services is outside the scope of this Agreement, except as provided in Article 4 as far as radiofrequency compatibility is concerned, Article 11 and in the Annex to this Agreement. Secured governmental services are outside the scope of Articles 5 and 6, Article 8 paragraph 2, and Article 10, paragraph 3. Interoperability and Radio Frequency Compatibility
Scope. The following conditions of sale shall apply to all sales by Sylvamo Sweden AB and/or its affiliates (together the “Seller”) to the exclusion of any Buyer's or other condition of purchase or which would otherwise be implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing. Except where inconsistent with these conditions, the paper industry customs issued by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) shall apply, and in particular the provisions related to the tolerances contained in its General Conditions of Sale of Paper and Board of the European Economic Community (1991), as stipulated in the Annex hereto. All quotations and offers are issued subject to these conditions and all orders accepted imply acceptance of these conditions. Alterations or amendments of these conditions must be accepted by the Seller in writing otherwise they shall be null and void. In the case of incompatibility or difference between these conditions and the specific conditions appearing on any other Seller’s document addressed to the Buyer, the latter shall prevail. The Buyer acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of the Seller which is not set out in the order as accepted by the Buyer subject to article 2 and these conditions. Any samples, drawings, descriptive matter, or advertising issued by the Seller and any descriptions or illustrations contained in the Seller's catalogues or brochures or website are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the goods described in them. They shall not form part of any commercial transaction between the Seller and the Buyer for the sale of the goods.
Scope. This MoU will cover any Afghan citizen as defined in Afghan Law, who is staying in Swe- den, irrespective of his or her legal status. With this MoU, the Parties wish to lay the basis for a closely coordinated, phased and humane process of assisted return of Afghans in Sweden which respects the primacy of vo- luntary return and which takes account of the conditions in Afghanistan, of the importance of safe dignified and sustainable return, and of return programmes for Afghans from other host countries.
Scope. Article 1
Scope. The objective of physical access control is to prevent unauthorized persons from getting close to data processing equipment, thereby gaining physical access to the systems used to process or use personal data by implementing various structural, organizational and personnel measures, which shall be laid down in a physical access control policy.