Section exempelklausuler

Section. 8. The com petent Swedish authori- ties shall do their utm ost to ensure that the U N H C R Regional Office is at all times sup- plied with the necessary public services, and that such public services are supplied on equitable terms. The U N H C R Regional Of­ fice shall enjoy telephone, radio/telegraph, telex and mail facilities on the same condi- tions that are normally accorded to diploma­ t i missions.
Section. 10. In addition to the privileges and immunities specified in Section 9 the Regio­ nal Representative of the High Comm issioner and his Deputy, unless they are o f Swedish nationality, shall enjoy, with respect to them ­ selves, their spouses and minor ehildren'the privileges and immunities, exem ptions and facilities normally accorded to diplomatic en- voys of comparable rank. They shall for this purpose be incorporated by the Swedish Mi- nistry of Foreign Affairs into the Diplomatic list. Section 11. The privileges and immunities for which provision is made in this Agree- ment are granted solely for the purpose of carrying out effectively the aims and pur­ poses of the U N H C R Regional Office. The High Comm issioner may waive the immunity o f any staff m em ber w henever in his opinion such immunity would impede the course of justiee and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of his Office. Section 12. Without prejudice to the privi­ leges and immunities accorded by this Agree- ment, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such priviliges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of Sweden. G eneral provisions Section 13. The provisions o f the General Convention shall fully apply to U N H C R , and the provisions of this Agreement shall be complem entary to those of the General C o n ­ vention. In so far as any provisions o f this Agreement and any provision of the General
Section. 8.1 of the Agreement shall be amended as follows: Customers with perpetual licenses, only the right to receive Support will end upon termination of the Agreement. The Parties also agree to exclude the applicability of Section 580a German Civil Code for Qlik Products. Furthermore, the Parties agree that unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, subscriptions shall automatically renew for successive terms equal to the initial subscription period, however not for longer periods than 24 months. For clarity, Customers with multi-year subscriptions, which are auto renewed, may terminate such renewal only after 24 months, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing.
Section. 8.1 in Part III.6.A of the Standard Notification form.
Section. 7(1) of Law No 59 of 1975 on document duty and Law No 86 of 1982 on court fees.
Section. 1.2.1 in Part II of Decision No 318/05/COL. contribution of funds to one operator on the construction market, Mesta AS, will strengthen and reinforce its position compared to other undertakings which are located in Norway or in other EEA countries and competing in the construction (and related) businesses (3). The funding will amongst others enable Mesta AS to offer lower priced bids for purposes of wining construction contracts in competition with its competi- tors. On this basis, the Authority considers that the contribution of financial support to Mesta AS (either in the form of grants or in the form of an exemption from a duty) will distort competition and affect trade.
Section. 1. Depositary for Agreements and Documents. Section 2. Establishment of Accounts.
Section. 1. Basic Authority.
Section. 1. Separation of Accounts.
Section. 1. Entry into Force.