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Summary. Price indices and prices in the food sector – Annual and monthly statistics – 2018:06
Summary. ‌ The present report contains a description and analysis of the terms and conditions for researchers who receive research support from the Swedish Research Council. The study investigates how the Research Council’s funds are used within an average research project grant and what role the support from the Research Council plays in different areas of science and at different stages of the researchers’ career. The employment conditions of young researchers who are receiving support from the Research Council are also studied. Recently published British studies (Manville, et al., 2015; Economic Insight, 2014) conclude that the ability to recruit, develop and motivate researchers is of significance if a research environment is to develop distinguished research. It is especially important to create opportunities for researchers who are at the beginning of their careers to develop an independent research agenda and to make the higher education sector an attractive place to work, and to recruit internationally. The data used in the study consists of research funding statistics from Statistics Sweden, data from a survey examining the use of research project funding, targeted at higher education institutions’ economics departments (Swedish Research Council, 2015a) and data from Statistics Sweden concerning the employment conditions of the young researchers who applied for funding from the Research Council in 2011 and 2012. In addition, the study analyses data from a survey targeted at researchers who applied for funding from the Research Council in 2014 concerning effects of the council’s support for researchers’ conditions and career development (Swedish Research Council, 2015b). In addition to this, other sources of funding have been investigated for a random sample of young researchers with funding from the Research Council. The terms on which research is conducted vary between the area of science and the researcher’s career stage. Young researchers who are in the process of establishing themselves as independent research leaders are at an uncertain point in their careers. Many are choosing between continuing a research career in the higher education sector and focussing on a career in industry or the public sector. The employment opportunities in higher education for young researchers after the post-doctoral period are often uncertain and there is a great deal of competition over external funding. (Forskarkarriärutredningen, 2016). The present study shows that yo...
Summary. This summary consists of information requirements which are described in a number of items. The items are numbered sections A-E (A.1-E.7). This summary contains all of the items required in a summary for the rele- vant type of security and issuer. Since certain items do not apply to the relevant type of security and issuer, there are gaps in the numbering of the items. Even if it is required that an item be included in a summary for the relevant type of security and issuer, it is possible that no relevant information can be provided in relation to the item. Where this is the case, the information has been replaced with the words “Not applicable”. Section A –
Summary. The Mandate Background descriptions (Chapters 2–9) Considerations and proposals for new pricing model for original pharmaceuticals without generic competition (Chapter 10) Supply and dispensing obligation (Chapters 11–12) Pricing and substitution of generic pharmaceuticals (Chapters 13–14) Certain other matters (Chapters 15–18) Notification in case of substitution Duty of confidentiality and supervision of personnel at extempore pharmacies Questions that concern Apotekens Service AB’s Prescription Register
Summary. The Swedish view of contractual relations has previously emphasized the parties’ contractual freedom and has been characterized by a restrictiveness towards imposing obligations on the parties beyond what expressly follows from the agreement. Development in the area of contract law has led to the contractual relationship being seen rather as a cooperative relationship than a counter-party relationship. In accordance with that development, contracting parties have been deemed to have an obligation to observe and safeguard their counter-party’s interest, a so-called general duty of loyalty. Such a general contractual duty of loyalty has gained acceptance in Swedish legal science literature, and the perception has been that contracting parties, according to the duty, could be imposed by obligations that do not explicitly follow from the parties’ agreement. However, the status of the duty has been uncertain since it has not been statutory, nor has it been referred to by the supreme court. Be that as it may, in the years 2017 and 2018, the supreme court decided a number of cases where the court explicitly referred to a duty of loyalty between the parties. This thesis aims at determining the impact these decisions has had on the development of the duty of loyalty in Swedish law, and especially in the field of construction contract law. The intention is to answer which obligations arise for contracting parties in the field according to the duty of loyalty. In order to succeed, I have chosen to conduct a traditional legal investigation of authoritative sources of law.
Summary. Spouses have the opportunity to regulate their economic relations in case of a divorce, through a prenuptial contract. The contract could, at the time of the partition, appear as inequitable for one of the spouses. In such cases can that spouse invoke the provision on adjustment of prenuptial contracts in chapter 12 section 3 of the Swedish Marriage Code (1987:230). There’s yet a lack of recent case law regarding adjustment of prenuptial contracts. Accordingly, there’s a lack of guidance for when a prenuptial contract can be adjusted. However, chapter 12 section 3 of the Swedish Marriage Code (1987:230) is formed with the general clause against inequitable terms of agreement in sec- tion 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218) as model. In addition, the grounds for adjustment are correspondent. Present petition discusses there- fore the opportunity to apply case law regarding section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218), on adjustments of prenuptial contracts. The essay’s purpose is reached by using legislative history, case law and doc- trine, to investigate how chapter 12 section 3 of the Swedish Marriage Code (1987:230) should be applied, the characteristics of family-law agreements and the motives behind chapter 12 section 3 of the Swedish Marriage Code (1987:230) and section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218) respec- tively. Accordingly, the essay has a legal development-character. The legal dogmatics-method is used. The main conclusion is that there’s good opportunities to apply case law re- garding section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218), on adjustments of prenuptial contracts. The characteristics of family-law agreements, the dif- ferences between the functions of prenuptial contracts and property-law agreements and the different requirements for adjustment must, however, be considered. Certain circumstances, in a Swedish Supreme Court ruling, im- plying that a property-law agreement is inequitable could serve as guidelines when adjusting a prenuptial contract. Yet, a judgement based on the overall situation, must be made. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the Swedish Supreme Court ruling in NJA 2020 p. 624 justifies a broader area of applica- tion for chapter 12 section 3 of the Swedish Marriage Code (1987:230).
Summary. This summary must be read as an introduction to this Base Prospectus. Any decision to invest in any Securities should be based on a consideration of this Base Prospectus as a whole, including any documents incorporated by reference. Following the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Prospectus Directive in each Member State of the European Economic Area no civil liability will attach to any Responsible Persons in any such Member State in respect of this Summary unless it is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with the other parts of this Base Prospectus. Where a claim relating to information contained in this Base Prospectus is brought before a court in a Member State of a European Economic Area State, the plaintiff may, under the national legislation of the Member State where the claim is brought, be required to bear the costs of translating this Base Prospectus before the legal proceedings are initiated. Words and expressions defined in "Risk Factors", in the applicable Conditions and in the applicable Final Terms shall have the same meanings in this summary.
Summary. Om publikationen Denna vägledning gäller personalvaccinationer som smittförebyggande åtgärd, med fokus på rutiner för verksamheter inom vård och omsorg med vårdtagarnära arbete. Vägledningen tar inte upp arbetsmiljörisker för arbetstagare eller praktikstudenter inom mikrobiologisk verksamhet, såvida arbetet inte utförs utlokaliserat till vårdenhet där patienter omhändertas. Publikationen syftar till att ge verksamhetsansvariga inom vård och omsorg en vägledning i de riskbedömningar som utgör grund för bedömningen av vilka vaccinationer som är lämpliga för olika personalgrupper. Det kan handla om uppdatering eller komplettering av det vaccinationsskydd som erbjuds enligt nationella vaccinationsprogram och rekommendationer, eller om andra vaccinationer. Vägledningen har tagits fram av medarbetare vid avdelningen för smittskydd och hälsoskydd (se bilaga). Slutversionen har godkänts av enhetschefen Xxxx Xxxx och avdelningscheferna Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx och Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Folkhälsomyndigheten Xxxx Xxxx Enhetschef Enheten för vaccinationsprogram Olika perspektiv på vaccinationer för personal Enligt smittskyddslagen (2004:168), SmL, ska myndigheter inom smittskyddet, andra berörda myndigheter, läkare samt annan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal samverka för att förebygga och begränsa utbrott eller spridning av smittsamma sjukdomar. Lagen anger även att Folkhälsomyndigheten ansvarar för samordning av smittskyddsarbetet på nationell nivå medan smittskyddsläkarna har motsvarande samordningsansvar inom respektive region.
Summary. The public procurement rules are only applicable to the procurement process until the contracting authority and the contractor has entered into a public contract. Nevertheless the contracting parties are not able to determine their own ongoing contract. The public procurement rules may in some cases still be applied on an ongoing contract if changes are made to it. A change of contractor is a modification of the terms of the contract. Whether that sort of modification is permitted or not depends on if it is considered to be a material change to the initial contract. A material change of a public contract is not allowed and if that sort of modification is made, it is considered that a new public contract have been entered into. All public contracts must be a subject to competition before the contract is awarded and if that not occur, the contract can be declared invalid. The legal position regarding change of contractor in a public contract is originated from the ECJ case law. The court’s interpreting on the subject change of contractor is originated from the principle of equal treatment and the principle of transparency. A new public procurement directive was introduced in 2014 and it contains an article that governs change of contractor in public contracts.