FINAL PROVISIONS. The Agreement is executed in Ukrainian and English in two copies of equal legal force, one copy for each Party. In case of any discrepancies in interpretation of any provision of this Agreement the Ukrainian text shall prevail.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 11.1 Settlement of disputes. All disputes under this Contract shall be settled by means of negotiations. Provided it is impossible to come to terms by means of negotiations, the disputes shall be solved in compliance with the legislation of Ukraine currently in force, besides according to the article
FINAL PROVISIONS. “Сторони” виконують свої зобов'язання, обумовлені цим Договором, найбільш ефективним способом і зобов'язуються поважати інтереси один одного. 12.1.The PARTIES fulfill their contractual obligations as effectively as possible and undertake to respect each other's interests.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 17.1. All other matters not covered by this Insurance Contract shall be governed by the Rules of Insurance and applicable legislation.
17.2. In the event of any discrepancies between the terms of the Insurance Contract and Rules, the Insurance Contract shall prevail.
17.3. By signing the Certificate to this Contract the Insured acknowledges that
17.4. The correspondence, notices from the Insurer to the Insured are sent to the address specified in the Certificate or notified by the Insured in writing under the terms hereof.
17.5. By signing the Certificate to the Contract, the Insured gives its consent to documenting and recording the information received from the Insured, including phone conversations, in respect of the Notices about the event having signs of the insured event, other information for performing obligations under the Contract
17.6. By signing the Certificate to the Contract, the Insured gives its consent to the Insurer for using the information specified in p. 17.7., including the phone conversations recordings, other information and documents received from the Insured in case of settlement of insured events under the terms hereof in relationships with individuals and legal entities, public authorities, including in case of resolving disputes (claims, lawsuits, applications) relating to performance of the obligations under this Contract by the Insured and Insurer.
17.7. The Insurer guarantees the use of information and documents received from the Insured, including the phone conversations recordings, for the purpose and within the obligations set forth by this Contract and current legislation of Ukraine in compliance with the requirements established by the Constitution of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine On Information and other legislative acts regulating the relationships in the field of information
17.8. By signing the Certificate to the Contract, the Insured acknowledges that it is duly informed that for conclusion of the Contract, before and during its con clusion as well as for its execution the Insurer, according to the current legislation, may involve insurance intermediaries acting on Insurer’s behalf and performing the part of its functions, jointly or individually.
17.9. The Insured is the personal income taxpayer according to the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine. The Beneficiary is the pe rsonal income taxpayer according to the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine.
17.10. The Insured (including upon availability of the Beneficiary,...
FINAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 This Agreement was drawn up in one copy, which is available on the web-site of JOINT STOCK COMPANY COMMERCIAL BANK "PRIVATBANK" at The Depository institution informs the client of all amendments to this Agreement (including the revision of the agreement in the new edition) by placing them on the web-site of the Depository institutions In case of non- receipt by the Depository institutions, within 10 working days from the date of promulgation of changes in the written disagreement of the Depositor with the changes, it is considered that the Depositor has acceded to the new terms of the agreement.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 4.1. By signing this Agreement, the Parties confirm and guarantee the receipt of all necessary decisions and approvals of the authorized management and control bodies.
4.2. The nullity or invalidation of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not result in the nullity or invalidity of other provisions of this Agreement, or of this Agreement as a whole.
4.3. This Agreement reflects the Parties' full understanding of the subject matter of this Agreement and other provisions specified in this Agreement.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 22.1. In the event of any differences of disagreements between the provisions of the Insurance Regulations and this Agreement the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
22.2. The Insured hereby acknowledges that it has read and agrees to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and Regulations;
22.3. The information contained in Article 12 of the Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Services Act of Ukraine has been fully provided to the Insured as evidenced by entering into this Agreement;
22.4. The Insured assures and guarantees that at the time of signing this Agreement and for the future:
22.4.1. The Insured is not subject to the sanctions of the United Nations Security Council, the US Treasury Department of Foreign Assets Control, the US Department of Commerce, US Department of State, European Union, Ukraine, the United Kingdom or any other State or organization, decision which acts are legally binding (hereinafter referred to as "Sanctions"); and
22.4.2. The Insured does not cooperate with or relate to the control relationship with the persons covered by the Sanctions;
22.4.3. The Insured carries out its business activities in compliance with the requirements of the Anti-corruption Law. Anti-corruption legislation should mean: any law or regulation enacting or enforcing the provisions of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Officials of Foreign States in the International Business Cooperation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions); or any provisions of the 1977 Anti-Corruption Practices Act applied to the Insured as amended (the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977) by the UK Anti-Corruption Act (U.K. Bribery Act 2010); or any similar law or other legal act of the jurisdictions (countries) in which the Insured is registered or carries on its economic activity or which (or some of its provisions) extend to the Insured in other cases.
22.4.4. The Insured complies with anti-corruption legislation, which it is subject, and implemented appropriate measures and procedures to comply with anti-corruption legislation;
22.4.5. the Insured and all its affiliates, directors, officials, employees, or any other person acting on behalf of the Insured have not made any proposals, given no authority or solicitation to provide or receive inappropriate / undue material gain or benef...
FINAL PROVISIONS. Сторони погодилися, що до всіх відносин за цим Договором застосовується право Кіпру. У випадках, не передбачених цим Договором, Сторони керуються нормами законодавства Кіпру.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 10.1. The Parties shall keep confidential, not disclose to the third persons and not make use of the confidential information that become available to them during execution of this Agreement and which non-authorized distribution may adversely affect the other Party's business, except for cases of transfer of relevant information to trade organizers and / or Depositary on execution of terms of this Agreement. 10.2. If by any reason any provision of this Agreement shall become invalid, enforceable, illegal or has a lack of legal cause, it shall not affect the validity of any other provision or all remaining provisions of this Agreement. If this is a case the Parties shall seek immediate actions on a mutual respect to replace this invalid provision to that one to be valid and legal for execution and being as most close to the extent of the prior intent of the Parties expressed in the invalid provision.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 10.1. This Contract shall come into force upon its signing and shall remain in force till and is valid until the term specified in the accession agreement, if the Parties perform their obligations in full till this day. The Contract may be terminated by either Party prematurely with the notice to the other Party no later than one month prior to such termination. The term of this Contract may be extended on the basis of an appropriate supplementary agreement hereto.