FORCE MAJEURE зразки пунктів

FORCE MAJEURE. 14.1. None of the Party shall be liable for default or improper performance of the obligations under this Agreement if such default or improper fulfilment is caused by force-majeure circumstances which were non-existent at the moment of the Agreement conclusion and which are extraordinary and unavoidable for the Parties.
FORCE MAJEURE. 8.1. Force majeure circumstances (force majeure) emergencies and unavoidable circumstances that objectively make it impossible to fulfill the obligations under the terms of this Agreement, obligations under laws and regulations, namely: threat of war, armed conflict or serious threat of such conflict, including but not limited to hostile attacks,blockades, military embargo, actions of foreign enemy, general military mobilization, military actions, declared and undeclared war, actions of a public enemy, disturbances, acts of terrorism, sabotage, piracy, riots, invasion,uprising, mass riots, curfew, quarantine established by the Cabinet of Mitisters of Ukraine, expropriation, forcible seizure, seizure of enterprises, requisition, public demonstration, blockade, strike, accident, illegal actions of third parties, fire, explosion, long breaks in transport, regulated by the terms of relevant decisions and acts of public authorities, closure of sea channels, embargo, ban (restriction) on exports / imports, etc, as well as caused by exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters, namely: epidemic, severe storm, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, snow accumulation, ice, hail, frost, freezing sea, straits, ports, passes, earthquake, lightning, fire, drought, subsidence and landslides, other natural disasters, etc. 8.2. The Party, which fails to fulfil the obligations under the Agreement due to force-majeure (force majeure circumstances), shall notify the other Party in writing within 10 days from the occurrence of force-majeure. 8.3. Sufficient proof of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances and their validity are documents issued by the competent and authorized body of the state in whose territory the force majeure circumstances took place. The deadline for submission of relevant documents is within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of force majeure. 8.4. In case of failure to fulfill the obligations of clause 8.2, 8.3 of the Agreement, the Party that has not fulfilled the obligations, shall be deprived of the right to refer to the force majeure circumstance as one that excludes its liability. 8.5. If the period of force majeure circumstances lasts more than 60 (sixty) calendar days, each of the Parties in accordance with the established procedure has the right to terminate this Agreement. 9. Dispute settlement procedure 9.1. In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising out of or relating to this Agreement or t...
FORCE MAJEURE. 5.1. The Parties shall be released from any responsibility for failure to fulfill any of the provisions of the Agreement in full or in part if such a non-fulfillment occurred due to the reasons which are beyond the control of the defaulting Party. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, natural calamity, extreme weather conditions, fires, floods, strikes, military actions, civil disturbances, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “force-majeure”). The period of such release shall commence on the date of declaration of force-majeure by the defaulting Party and shall cease or would cease if the defaulting Party takes or took such steps as it actually could take in order to overcome the force-majeure. 5.2. Force-majeure shall automatically extend the term of fulfillment of the Parties’ obligations for the whole period of its duration and liquidation of its consequences. The Parties shall notify each other in writing about the commencement of force-majeure circumstances without delay. 5.3. Should such circumstances remain in force for more than 6 months, each of the Parties shall have the right to waive further fulfillment of its obligations hereunder, and in such case neither of the Parties shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of its possible losses by the other Party.
FORCE MAJEURE. 9.1. Сторони звільняються від відповідальності за невиконання або неналежне виконання своїх обов„язків за цим Договором, якщо таке невиконання було спричинено форс-мажорними чи іншими обставинами (пожежа, повінь, землетрус, інші стихійні лиха, війна та бойові дії, блокада, страйки, дії уряду, включно й будь-які дії, які роблять цей Договір неприбутковим для Продавця, або унеможливлює його виконання за комерційними принципами), які виходять за межі контролю Сторін, і які мають безпосередній вплив на можливість Xxxxxx виконати зобов„язання за цим Договором, які вказана сторона не змогла уникнути ніякими розумними діями. В цих випадках відповідний період часу для виконання обов„язків Сторін продовжується на строк дії таких обставин. 9.1. The Parties shall be relieved from any liability for the non-performance or the inadequate carrying out of their obligations under this Agreement, if such non-performance is a result of force majeure or other circumstances (fire, flood,earthquake, other natural calamities, war and military operations, blockade, strikes, actions undertaken by a government including any action that renders performance of the Agreement no longer profitable for the Seller or otherwise makes it commercially impracticable) which are beyond the Parties' control, and which have a direct impact on the ability of the Parties to fulfil this Agreement, which the said party could not avoid by any reasonable measure. In these instances the relevant time period for the fulfilment of the Parties‟ obligations is extended by the amount of time during which these circumstances existed.
FORCE MAJEURE. 8.1. None of the Party is liable for default or improper performance of the obligations under this Agreement if such default or improper fulfilment is caused by force majeure circumstances in Ukraine, which were nonexistent at the moment of the Agreement conclusion and occurred against the Parties will (emergencies, large-scale accident, national health emergency, epizooty, war actions of foreign enemy, total mobilization, military actions; strike and mass disorder, fires, waterflood, earth slide, other natural disasters and other emergencies, prohibited actions of supreme bodies and/or executive bodies of the government which arise after the Agreement conclusion and which are extraordinary and unavoidable for the Parties in case when these circumstances affect fulfillment Parties’ obligations, etc.). The Parties are relieved of their obligation under this Agreement until the end of the force majeure circumstances. 8.2. The Party, which fails to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement due to force-majeure, shall notify the other Party in writing no later than within 5 days from the time of force-majeure 8.3. Sufficient proof of force majeure events and their duration is a document (certificate) issued by the competent authority, in particular, Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine. The term for submission of relevant documents is within 14 days from the occurrence of force majeure. 9.
FORCE MAJEURE. 11.1. Neither Party of this Agreement shall be held liable for partial or full failure to fulfil their obligations hereunder emerging out of, or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including natural, social, legal causes, or any circumstances beyond the control of the Parties (force majeure), which occurred before, after, or at the moment of conclusion of the Agreement and prevent the Parties from fulfilling their obligations hereunder.
FORCE MAJEURE. 8.1. Сторони звільняються від відповідальності за повне чи часткове невиконання робіт будь-якого зобов’язання за цим Договором, якщо таке невиконання є наслідком дії обставин непереборної сили, які не залежать від волі Сторін (землетрус, пожежа та інші). 8.2. При настанні вищевказаних обставин непереборної сили Сторона повинна без зволікання, але не пізніше 15 днів від дати настання або, відповідно, припинення форс- мажорних обставин будь-якими способами сповістити іншу Сторону з доданням належних доказів. Належним доказом буде служити документ, виданий Торгово- промисловою Палатою чи іншим компетентним органом, що посвідчує існування даних обставин. Письмове підтвердження форс-мажору, видане місцевою Торгово-промисловою палатою, повинно бути видане протягом 5 днів із дня настання форс-мажору, а також протягом 5 днів після його припинення. Не сповіщення однією Стороною другої Сторони в вищезазначений строк позбавляє таку Сторону права в подальшому посилатися на форс-мажорні обставини. 8.1. The Parties shall be relieved from responsibility for partial or full non-fulfilment of the obligations, stipulated by the present Contract, if such non-fulfilment is a result of force majeure circumstances not depended from the Parties’ will (earthquake, fire etc). 8.2. In case of starting the above force majeure circumstances the Party shall notify the other Party without any postponement but not later than in 15 days from the date of starting or, correspondently, stopping of force-majeure circumstances in any way with adding the needed proof. The document given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or by other authorized body of the country, in which the exist of those circumstances is certified, can become the needed proof. The official confirmation of force majeure circumstances, issued by the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to be issued during 5 days after the starting of force majeure circumstances and also during 5 days after their finish. The unnotification of one Party by another Party in the abovementioned term denies the Party a right to refer to the force majeure circumstances in future.
FORCE MAJEURE. 8.1. None of the Party shall be liable for default or improper performance of the obligations under this Agreement if such default or improper fulfilment is caused by force majeure in Ukraine, which was nonexistent at the moment of the Agreement conclusion and occurred against the Parties will (emergencies, large-scale accident, national health emergency, epizooty, war actions of foreign enemy, total mobilization, military actions; strike and mass disorder, fires, water flood, earth slide, other natural disasters and other emergencies, prohibited actions of supreme bodies and/or executive bodies of the government occurring after the Agreement conclusion and which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent if such events affected fulfilment by the Parties of their obligations hereunder, etc.). The Parties shall be relieved of their obligations hereunder until the end of the force majeure. 8.2. The Party, which fails to fulfil the obligations under the Agreement due to force-majeure, shall notify the other Party in writing no later than within 5 days from the occurrence of force-majeure. 8.3. A document (certificate) issued by the competent authority; in particular, Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine shall be a sufficient proof of force majeure events and their duration. The term for submission of the relevant documents is within 14 days from the occurrence of force majeure. 9. Dispute settlement procedure 9.1. In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, the Parties hereto shall use their best efforts to settle such disputes, claims, questions, or disagreement. 9.2. Should the Parties fail to reach an agreement regarding such disputable issues, the disputes shall be resolved in a judicial procedure according to the current legislation of Ukraine and terms of the Agreement. 10.
FORCE MAJEURE. 7.1. The conditions under which the Parties are unable to fulfil their obligations under this Contract shall be considered force majeure.
FORCE MAJEURE. 5.1. Сторони звільняються від відповідальності за часткове або повне невиконання будь-якого з положень Договору, якщо це невиконання стало наслідком причин, що знаходяться поза сферою контролю невиконуючої Сторони. Такі причини включають стихійне лихо, екстремальні погодні умови, пожежі, війни, страйки, військові дії, громадянське безладдя, , зміни законодавства України, акти чи дії регуляторних органів України. перебої в подачі електроенергії, технічних систем Банку або платіжної системи і таке інше (далі - "форс-мажор"), але не обмежуються ними. 5.1. The Parties shall be released from any responsibility for full or partial failure to fulfil any of the provisions of the Agreement if such a non- fulfilment resulted from reasons beyond the control of the defaulting Party. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, natural calamity, extreme weather conditions, fires, floods, strikes, military actions, civil disturbances, supply interruptions in the electricity, the Bank’s technical systems or interbank payment system etc. (hereinafter referred to as “force- majeure”). The period of such release shall begin Період звільнення від відповідальності починається з моменту оголошення невиконуючою Стороною "форс- мажору" і закінчується чи закінчився б, якщо невиконуюча Сторона вжила б заходів, які вона і справді могла вжити для виходу з "форс-мажору". upon declaration of force-majeure by the defaulting Party and shall cease or would cease if the defaulting Party takes or took such steps as it actually could take in order to get out of force-majeure.