Longer/Shorter Length of Coverage If none of the above rules determine the order of benefits, the benefits of the plan that covered a member or subscriber longer are determined before those of the plan that covered that person for the shorter term.
REAPPOINTMENT AFTER ABSENCE DUE TO CHILDCARE 16.1 Where an employee resigns from a permanent position with the employer to care for pre-school children, the employer is committed, upon application from the employee, to make every reasonable endeavour to re-employ that person where a comparable and suitable position exists within four years of the resignation, providing that the person has the necessary skills to fill the vacancy competently; then the person under these provisions shall be appointed in preference to any other applicant for the position. 16.2 Absence for childcare reasons will interrupt service but not break it. The period of absence will not count as service for the purpose of sick leave, annual leave, retiring leave or gratuities, long service leave or any other leave entitlements.