Accomplishme nts Sample Clauses

Accomplishme nts. Applicants must include information regarding the individua l, entity, or consortium’s track record and accomplishments involving the activities outlined below. If the applicant is a consortium, information for each member should be included. • Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders including employers and employees, consumers (including consumers who are considered to be “left behind” and other targeted populations), and self-employed individua ls, who are likely to be eligible for enrollment or re-enrollment in a QHP; • Providing information and services to individua ls with varying levels of education and financial and health literacy in a manner that is culturally and linguistica lly appropriate; • Working with individua ls with limited English proficiency, individua ls with disabilities, and populations considered to be “left behind” in the current private health insurance market; • Current and past HHS Navigator awardees should identify which of these accomplishments were achieved as a result of receiving HHS Navigator funding.

Related to Accomplishme nts

  • Objectives The Parties conclude this Agreement, among others, for purposes of: (a) Encouraging expansion and diversification of trade between the Parties; (b) Eliminating the barriers to trade in, and facilitate the cross-border movement of goods and services between the Parties; (c) Promoting fair competition in the Parties' markets; (d) Creating new employment opportunities; (e) Creating framework for furthering bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation to expand and enhance the benefits of this Agreement; and (f) Providing forum and approach for resolution of disputes amiably.

  • Tasks 1) The Sub-Recipient shall procure the services of a qualified and licensed Florida contractor and execute a contract with the selected bidder to complete the scope of work as approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall select the qualified, licensed Florida contractor in accordance with the Sub-Recipient’s procurement policy as well as all Federal and State Laws and Regulations. All procurement activities shall contain sufficient source documentation and be in accordance with all applicable regulations. The Sub-Recipient shall be responsible for furnishing or contracting all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and supervision and for performing all work per sealed engineering designs and construction plans presented to the Division by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient and contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a safe and secure worksite for the duration of the work. The contractor shall maintain all work staging areas in a neat and presentable condition. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that no contractors or subcontractors are debarred or suspended from participating in federally funded projects. The selected contractor shall have a current and valid occupational license/business tax receipt issued for the type of services being performed. The Sub-Recipient shall provide documentation demonstrating the results of the procurement process. This shall include a rationale for the method of procurement and selection of contract type, contractor selection and/or rejection and bid tabulation and listing, and the basis of contract price. The Sub-Recipient shall provide an executed “Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, Voluntary Exclusion Form” for each contractor and/or subcontractor performing services under this agreement. Executed contracts with contractors and/or subcontractors shall be provided to the Division by the Sub-Recipient. The Sub-Recipient shall provide copies of professional licenses for contractors selected to perform services. The Sub-Recipient shall provide a copy of a current and valid occupational license or business tax receipt issued for the type of services to be performed by selected contractor. 2) The Sub-Recipient shall monitor and manage the procurement and installation of all opening protection products in accordance with the HMGP application and associated documentation as presented to the Division by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that all applicable State, Local and Federal Laws and Regulations are followed and documented, as appropriate. The project shall protect the building from windblown debris resulting from high wind storms which shall allow the function of the structure(s) to continue following a severe wind event. The structure shall be upgraded to meet Florida Building Code and/or Miami Dade Requirements, including all exterior openings. The Sub-Recipient shall fully perform the approved project, as described in the application, in accordance with the approved scope of work indicated herein, the estimate of costs indicated herein, the allocation of funds indicated herein, and all applicable terms and conditions. The Sub-Recipient shall not deviate from the approved project terms and conditions. Upon completion of the work, the Sub-Recipient shall schedule and participate in a final inspection of the completed project by the local municipal or county building department (official), or other approving official, as applicable. The official shall inspect and certify that all installation was in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Any deficiencies found during this final inspection shall be corrected by the Sub-Recipient prior to Sub-Recipient’s submittal of the final inspection request to the Division. Upon completion of Task 2, the Sub-Recipient shall submit the following documents with sufficient supporting documentation, and provide a summary of all contract scope of work and scope of work changes, if any. Additional documentation shall include: a) Copy of permit(s), notice of commencement. b) Local Building Official Inspection Report and Final Approval. c) Signed and sealed copy of the As-built plans. d) A copy of electrical designs, specifications and/or drawings elaborated to complete the scope.

  • Teams One team for the purposes of the Event shall consist of one Vehicle. Each Vehicle can contain a maximum of three Team Members, provided such Team Members have entered into a Team Entry Agreement with the Company or have otherwise agreed in writing to participate in the Event upon and subject to the Terms of Entry and the Event Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the sole responsibility of each Team to inform themselves of the maximum numbers of persons legally permitted to travel in the Vehicle under Relevant Law. The Company shall provide each Team with the contact details of the Approved Hirer who will be able to provide each Team with a Vehicle for use in the Event, subject to the Team entering into an agreement (the "Borrowing Agreement") with the Hirer outlining the terms of use of the Vehicle. Should the Vehicle not be delivered to the Designated Finish Point by 14:00 local time on 24th August 2025, then the team will be liable for the "Hire Costs" outlined below. Each Vehicle will be of a similar specification to that outlined in Schedule 4 to the Team Entry Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company shall make no representations or warranties as to the suitability of the Approved Hirer or of the Vehicle for participation in the Event and any rights or warranties which a Team may have or be granted in relation to the Vehicle shall be limited to those contained in the Rental Agreement or implied by any Relevant Law.

  • Timelines a) Timelines may be extended by mutual consent of the parties. b) Working days shall be defined as Monday through Friday excluding statutory holidays. c) Disputes that arise during non-instructional days (Summer Months, Christmas Break, and March Break) will have timelines automatically extended. d) Local grievance timelines will be held in abeyance while the dispute is in the CDRP, in the event that the matter is referred back locally.

  • Timeline Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline:

  • Purpose and Background 1.00─Purpose and Background

  • Purpose and Objectives The primary purpose of this procedure shall be to obtain, at the lowest administrative level and in the shortest period of time, equitable solutions to grievances which may arise from time to time. Grievance proceedings shall be handled confidentially.

  • Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.

  • Performance Expectations The Charter School’s performance in relation to the indicators, measures, metrics and targets set forth in the CPF shall provide the basis upon which the SCSC will decide whether to renew the Charter School’s Charter Contract at the end of the charter term. This section shall not preclude the SCSC from considering other relevant factors in making renewal decisions.

  • RECOGNITION OUTCOMES The receiving institution commits to provide the sending institution and the student with a Transcript of Records within a period stipulated in the inter-institutional agreement and normally not longer than five weeks after publication/proclamation of the student’s results at the receiving institution. The Transcript of Records from the receiving institution will contain at least the minimum information requested in this Learning Agreement template. Table E (or the representation that the institution makes of it) will include all the educational components agreed in table A and, if there were changes to the study programme abroad, in table C. In addition, grade distribution information should be included in the Transcript of Records or attached to it (a web link where this information can be found is enough). The actual start and end dates of the study period will be included according to the following definitions: The start date of the study period is the first day the student has been present at the receiving institution, for example, for the first course, for a welcoming event organised by the host institution or for language and intercultural courses. The end date of the study period is the last day the student has been present at the receiving institution and not his actual date of departure. This is, for example, the end of exams period, courses or mandatory sitting period. Following the receipt of the Transcript of Records from the receiving institution, the sending institution commits to provide to the student a Transcript of Records, without further requirements from the student, and normally within five weeks. The sending institution's Transcript of Records must include at least the information listed in table F (the recognition outcomes) and attach the receiving institution's Transcript of Record. In case of mobility windows, table F may be completed as follows: Component code (if any) Title of recognised component (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution Number of ECTS credits Sending institution grade, if applicable Mobility window Total: 30 ….. Where applicable, the sending institution will translate the grades received by the student abroad, taking into account the grade distribution information from the receiving institution (see the methodology described in the ECTS Users' Guide). In addition, all the educational components will appear as well in the student's Diploma Supplement. The exact titles from the receiving institution will also be included in the Transcript of Records that is attached to the Diploma Supplement. P Additional educational components above the number of ECTS credits required in his/her curriculum are listed in the LA and if the sending institution will not recognise them as counting towards their degree, this has to be agreed by all parties concerned and annexed to the LA