Teams definition
Examples of Teams in a sentence
It is also assumed that three Consultants namely P, R and U has applied with two Teams and the remaining Consultants have applied with only one team.
Project Teams may not use the same cash or in-kind contributions to meet cost share requirements for more than one project or program.
Project Teams may provide cost share in the form of cash or in-kind contributions.
The Procuring Entity will hold a pre-bid conference for this Project on the specified date and time and either at its physical address Bidding Room, 2nd Floor, SSS Main Bldg., East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City and/or through online conference using Microsoft Teams as indicated in paragraph 6 of the IB.
The OPS Division maintains readiness to respond to emergencies through several mechanisms, including managing Urban Search and Rescue Teams, coordinating, staffing, training, and equipping Disaster Assistance Response Teams (DARTs), and Washington-based Response Management Teams (RMTs), and stockpiling emergency relief commodities in key locations around the globe to ensure OFDA’s capacity to execute and coordinate USG humanitarian assistance and response to natural disasters and complex emergencies.