Adequate Staffing Provider must assign and maintain during the term of this Agreement and any Renewal Terms, an adequate staff of competent personnel that is fully equipped, trained, licensed as appropriate, available as needed, and qualified to perform the Services. If the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that any employee, subcontractor, or other person providing Services for Provider is not performing in accordance with the performance standards or other requirements of this Agreement, including but not limited to negatively affecting the safety or welfare of a CPS student, then the Board shall have the right to direct Provider to remove that person from performing Services under this Agreement.
Classroom Teachers b. School counselors
Classrooms The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a standard of cleanliness in each teacher’s classroom.
Time Worked For purposes of computing the eight (8) hour day or the forty (40) hour week to determine entitlement to overtime pay, all sick leave, vacation leave, and holidays shall count as time worked to be added to other hours worked.
Classroom Visitation To provide patrons of the District the opportunity to visit classrooms with the least interruption to the teaching process, the following guidelines are set forth:
Lunch Breaks The lunch break will consist of a one-half hour (or one hour where scheduled) unpaid break taken mid-way during regular work day. In the event that an employee is required to work during his regular lunch period he shall be allowed a one-half hour lunch period between the hours of ll:30 a.m. and l:00 p.m., otherwise he shall be paid double time for working through said lunch period.
DURATION & RENEWAL 22.01 This agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of March, 2011 up to and including the 28th day of February 2014. Either party shall be entitled to give notice in writing to the other party as provided in the Canada Labour Code, of its desire to bargain with a view to the renewal of the expiring collective agreement at any time within a period of 90 days before the expiry date of the agreement. Following such notice to bargain, the parties shall meet within 15 days of the notice or within such further period as the parties mutually agree upon.
Dentist a duly licensed Dentist legally entitled to practice dentistry at the time and in the state or jurisdiction in which services are performed.
Classroom Management The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of knowledge and skill in organizing the physical and human elements in the educational setting.
Compressed Work Week The Company and Union recognize the concept of the compressed work week. It is further understood that the compressed work week conditions will apply only to those departments that are on the compressed work week.