ADMINISTRATIVE MOVESResidential Life reserves the right to change a student’s housing assignment when there is a reasonable cause to believe that the Resident has violated the living area environment, student code, the housing contract, or University policies, or there are unresolvable conflicts within a community.
ADMINISTRATIVE MOVES. In the interest of health, discipline, security, and the general welfare of students, the Department of University Event Services reserves the right to change or cancel room assignments.
ADMINISTRATIVE MOVES. Upon Director’s sole determination of need, a student may be directed to move to another assignment. University makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the student is given adequate time for the move, but establishing this time frame is the sole responsibility of the ORL administrator involved in the situation. If the student fails to comply with that request, then the student becomes subject to a Student Conduct action and/or termination of the Agreement.
ADMINISTRATIVE MOVES. When it is deemed necessary by the Director or their designee, a student may be directed to move to another College Housing assignment. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the Student is given adequate time, but establishing this time frame for such administrative moves is the sole responsibility of the Residential Life administrator involved in the situation. Failure to comply with such requests may result in action through the student conduct process and/or cancellation of the Student’s Contract for College Housing.


  • Administrative Accounts In connection with the services provided hereunder, the Custodian is hereby directed to open cash accounts on its books and records from time to time for the purposes of receiving subscriptions and/or processing redemptions on behalf of the Fund and/or for the purposes of aggregating, netting and/or clearing transactions (including, without limitation foreign exchange, repurchase agreements, capital stock activity, expense payment) or other administrative purposes, each on behalf of the Fund (each an “Account”). Each such Account shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Fund shall be liable for the satisfaction of its obligations in connection with each Account.

  • Administrative Matters (a) The Member is the sole member of the Company. Accordingly, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the Company shall be disregarded as an entity separate from the Member, and the assets and liabilities and all items of income, gain, loss and deduction shall be treated as the assets and liabilities and items of income, gain, loss and deduction of the Member. (b) The fiscal year of the Company shall be the same as the fiscal year of the Member. (c) The Member’s Membership Interest shall be uncertificated.

  • Administrative Appeals An administrative appeal is a request for us to reconsider a full or partial denial of payment for covered healthcare services for the following reasons: • the services were excluded from coverage; • we determined that you were not eligible for coverage; • you or your provider did not follow BCBSRI’s requirements; or • a limitation on an otherwise covered benefit exists. You are not required to file a complaint (as described above), before filing an administrative appeal. If you call our Customer Service Department, a Customer Service Representative will try to resolve your concern. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may file a verbal or written administrative appeal with our Grievance and Appeals Unit. If you request an administrative appeal, you must do so within one hundred eighty (180) days of receiving a denial of payment for covered healthcare services. The Grievance and Appeals Unit will conduct a thorough review of your administrative appeal and respond within: • thirty (30) calendar days for a prospective review; and • sixty (60) calendar days for a retrospective review. The letter will provide you with information regarding our determination.

  • Administrative Duties 94 SECTION 12.2 Records.....................................................................97 SECTION 12.3 Additional Information to be Furnished to the Issuer........................97

  • Administrative Procedure iTrip staff will administer and determine whether a damage qualifies as Covered Damage. Such staff will have the sole authority to determine the nature and extent of damages, necessary repairs and eligibility for the waiver of liability described herein. The Covered Guest must report any theft or damage to the unit or its contents to iTrip staff by the time of check-out or any otherwise applicable damage waiver for such Covered Guest will be void. The iTrip Franchisee has ultimate claim administration authority. Arbitration is required prior to litigation.

  • Administrative Costs Administrative costs must not be included in the budget neutrality limit, but the State must separately track and report additional administrative costs that are directly attributable to the Demonstration. All administrative costs must be identified on the Forms CMS-64.10 Waiver and/or 64.10P Waiver.

  • Administrative information Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

  • Administrative Procedures To the extent that any civil remedy can be ordered as a result of administrative procedures on the merits of a case, such procedures shall conform to principles equivalent in substance to those set forth in this Section.

  • Administrative Penalty That Respondent shall pay an Administrative Penalty of $1,000.00 to the Participating States to be distributed equally amongst the Participating States (the “per-state payment”).

  • Administrative Leave The Superintendent has the authority to place an employee on administrative leave if the Superintendent believes that it is in the best interests of the students, staff, or community. 20.12-1 If an administrative leave extends beyond ten (10) workdays, the employee and the Association will be notified by the Director of Labor and Employee Relations, or his/her designee, the reasons for the extension. 20.12-2 The employee placed on administrative leave will continue to receive full pay. All rules for active employees will continue to apply.