Aeration. A technique by which air is introduced into a liquid; bubbles and aero are generated and dissolved gases released. For example, water aerated by passing through a showerhead will release dissolved radon gas. ACTIVATED CARBON: A material made from burnt wood, which is used to remove organic solutes, such as pesticides, and some inorganic solutes, such as chlorine, from water. Dissolved organic solutes are removed from the water by absorption onto activated carbon. The activated carbon must be periodically replaced when it becomes saturated and unable to adsorb any more solute. Activated carbon is not effective in removing heavy metals, such as lead.
Aeration. Contractor shall aerate once per year or as determined by work order, typically in Spring.
Aeration a. All turf areas shall be aerated once per year between October 1st and October 31st immediately prior to the scheduled fertilization in October.
Aeration. 1) One core aeration is included under this agreement. Additional aerations can be performed upon request and shall be billed upon completion.
Aeration. 1. All irrigated areas will core aerated one (1) time in the Spring.
Aeration. 1. Lawn Aeration of the turf near the rest area building and in the picnic areas shall be done once per year immediately preceding the mowing cycle scheduled during the week following Labor Day.
Aeration. 15.1 Perform aerating each contract year of warm and cool season grasses in a manner that promotes proper health, growth, color and appearance of cultivated vegetation by using mechanical (deep tine) airifier insuring minimum soil penetration and appearance of cultivated vegetation and achieving a minimum depth of 3-4 inches. Tractor lift or tractor drawn machines may be operated on the larger open areas if no damage is caused to the lawns or irrigation equipment. Aeration will be performed prior to spring fertilization. Contractor shall test the irrigation system and make any necessary repairs or replacement to provide for a functional, working system. Upon completion of aeration of each parcel, provide fertilization as required in basic contract, a maximum of five (5) days after completion of work.
Aeration. As needed to maintain standard.
Aeration. Minimum of two (2) times per year for general use, and a minimum of four
Aeration. Aeration is necessary for thermo-phallic aerobic composting in order to obtain the rapid decomposition, fast decomposition that is characteristic of the process and also is useful in reducing high initial moisture content in composting materials. Several different aeration techniques have been utilized with varying degrees of success. Turning the material is the most common method of aeration when composting is done in stacks. Hand turning of the compost in piles or pits is most commonly used for small villages and farms. Mechanical turning is most economical in large municipal installations. The most important consideration in turning compost apart from aeration is to ensure that the material on the outside of the pile is turned into the Detailed Project Report on Solid Waste Management for Varanasi City Detailed Project Report on Solid Waste Management for Varanasi City centre, when it will be subjected to high temperature. In hand turning with forks, this can be readily accomplished e.g. piles or windrows on top of the ground are simply reconstructed with the materials from the outer layers placed on the inside of the new piles. In case of composting in pits, or trenches, the material can be moved from one pit to another for aeration or if a little space is left at the end of the pit at the initial filling, the material can be turned within the pit. The loss of volume of the material during the stabilization period will facilitate turning within the pit. Mechanical equipment for turning windrows in large composting operation has been developed extensively as a result of the increased interest in composting as a method of refuse disposal. The important criterion for the high degree of aeration is for the avoidance of anaerobic conditions, maintenance of high temperature and the control of flies.