Compensatory Time. A Bargaining Unit member may choose to take compensatory time in lieu of overtime compensation if such choice is indicated during the tour of duty in which the overtime is worked. Compensatory time shall be credited to the Bargaining Unit member and accumulated at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) hours for each overtime hour worked. Each Bargaining Unit member’s compensatory time bank shall be limited in accumulation to a maximum number of two hundred forty (240) hours. Once a Bargaining Unit member has reached the maximum hours of compensatory time as compensation for overtime hours worked, all additional overtime will be paid. The Bargaining Unit member may choose to carry over any balance into the following year. Any balance of compensatory time carried over into the following year shall count towards the two hundred forty (240) hour cap in that year. Compensatory time off must be taken at a time agreeable to the Department and the Bargaining Unit member. Approval for compensatory time off shall not be unreasonably withheld. Compensatory time off should be requested as far in advance as possible but no later than forty eight (48) hours in advance. When Bargaining Unit members request compensatory time off at least 45 calendar days in advance, the employer will, within five (5) working days of the request being made, notify the member whether or not his/her request has been approved. Approval for compensatory time shall not be unreasonably withheld. As soon as the employer notifies the member that his/her request has been approved, and if the employer determines that the shift will be filled, the employer will post the overtime assignment to cover the member’s request. If there are no volunteers to cover this need for overtime, and if the employer determines that the shift will be filled, a mandate to cover the shift will occur no less than seven (7) calendar days in advance of the beginning of the shift that needs to be covered. The employee being mandated will have the lowest number of overtime hours worked and will be notified by a supervisor. In the event the employee being mandated is on an approved leave and cannot be provided seven
Compensatory Time. An employee may receive compensatory time off at the rates specified in 7.1.1. and 7.1.2. in lieu of overtime pay upon mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee.
Compensatory Time. Employees will be allowed to use their compensatory time off, in minimum increments of one half (0.5) hour, provided they make a request a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in advance and it does not infringe on the operational needs of the Employer.
Compensatory Time. (a) Employees entitled to be paid cash for overtime may request compensatory time off at the applicable rate. Management may grant or deny such request and if granted, shall endeavor to schedule the time off within a reasonable time. Unused compensatory time off earned during the accrual “Year A” may be carried over until the end of accrual “Year B”, but not thereafter. Unused Year A compensatory time off which has not been used by the end of Year B, through no fault of the employee, will be paid off in cash at the base hourly rate of pay then prevailing. Year A is defined as the first full pay period in July through the pay period which includes June 30th. Year B is the same period the following year. Employees in Overtime Category 17 or 18 who are unable to use their compensatory time balances through no fault of their own, may request that Year A compensatory time be paid off in cash at the end of Year B. Such request may be granted in exceptional circumstances with the approvals of the Department or Agency head and the Commissioner of Human Resources. Except for mandatory compensatory time such as for overtime on a holiday worked, any compensatory time off balance on May 1 may, at the sole discretion of the appointing authority, be paid off in cash, in whole or in part, at the straight-time rate of pay then prevailing.
(b) Employees may request compensatory time off in lieu of cash or a combination of both.
(c) Compensatory time off granted in lieu of cash overtime compensation in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) shall not exceed the statutory limits of accrual, and usage of any such FLSA compensatory time off shall be in compliance with any appropriate FLSA regulations.
(d) Compensatory time off may not be deducted in increments of less than one-half (1/2) hour.
(e) On any separation from service unused compensatory time off will be paid off in cash in a lump sum with the final paycheck at the employee’s, then, base rate.
Compensatory Time. All Correctional Officers and Correctional Sergeants will be entitled to accrue up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of compensatory time. All other employees will be entitled to accrue up to two hundred forty (240) hours of compensatory time. Compensatory time may be voluntarily cashed out at any time except during the month of February. In addition, the full balance of accrued compensatory time must be cashed out at the end of each biennium.
Compensatory Time. In-lieu-of pay, compensatory time off at the overtime rate may be specified by the District. However, time off or pay must be granted by the end of the next calendar month following the month in which the overtime was worked unless mutually agreed otherwise by the District and the employee. Compensatory time may be accrued to a maximum of forty (40) hours.
Compensatory Time. In lieu of overtime pay, an employee may request, in Under normal conditions, the following conditions will apply to the use of compensatory
A. Employees may accrue (earn) a maximum of eighty (80) hours of compensatory 4 time each calendar year. Employees who have reached the annual maximum of eighty (80) hours of 5 compensatory time must take overtime compensation in pay.
Compensatory Time. 28 Compensatory time may be accrued by agreement between the County and 29 the employee with the following limitations. Specifically, in lieu of overtime pay, an employee may 30 with supervisory approval elect to accrue compensatory time off equal to the applicable overtime 31 rate for each hour of overtime worked, provided:
32 a. The maximum allowable accumulation of compensatory time off 33 shall be eighty (80) hours. 62
1 b. Accrued compensatory time off may be used at the discretion of the 2 employee with the supervisor's consent.
3 c. In the event the employee terminates for any reason, accrued 4 compensatory time shall be paid off in cash to the employee or his or her heirs.
5 d. Flexibility during the work week made at the employee's request is 6 not subject to this section and is solely governed by Article 13, “Section V.B”
Compensatory Time. For the period of this agreement an employee may receive compensatory time for other than court overtime in lieu of overtime pay upon mutual agreement between the appointing authority and the employee at a rate of not less than one and one-half hours for each overtime hour worked.
Compensatory Time. Those employees who are not eligible for overtime shall earn Compensatory Time in ½ hour increments beyond their normal workday. Total compensatory time earned includes the first ½ hour plus any time worked after the first ½ hour. In addition, the granting of Compensatory Time off will not be unreasonably denied.