Part-Time Teachers. A "part-time teacher" is one who is employed under written contract but who is assigned to duties on a regular basis that requires less than a full-time equivalent. A part-time teacher shall be paid a salary in accordance with the basic salary schedule, proportionate to the percentage of the full-time equivalent taught each day as outlined in the written contract.
Part-Time Teachers. A. No full-time teacher shall be forced to take a part-time teaching position. A full- time teacher interested in going to a part-time teaching position shall initiate his/her request with his/her principal. The Administration is not obligated to honor any request for part-time status.
B. No full-time teacher shall be coerced into accepting a part-time teaching position.
C. While it is generally not the policy of the Board to have part-time teaching staff except where there is insufficient enrollment in a grade level or course of study for the school district to determine that a full-time teacher should be employed, the school district may consider individual requests to be placed in a part-time position.
D. For purposes of a reduction in force (RIF), limited contract teachers who are “part-time” shall have less seniority than all full-time teachers.
E. Part-time teachers who do not work a full day shall be compensated according to the portion of the day worked. Thus, a high school or middle school teacher shall be compensated a percentage of the appropriate salary on the salary schedule based upon a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of periods assigned and the denominator of which shall be the total periods in the day. Elementary teachers’ compensation shall be based upon a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of minutes assigned and the denominator of which shall be the total number of minutes in the student day. Part-time teachers working less than a full week shall have their compensation determined by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of days (and hours, if appropriate) scheduled during the week and the denominator of which shall be five (5).
F. In the Middle School and High School, any part-time classroom teacher who teaches three (3) periods or more in a day shall receive one (1) paid planning period per day.
G. While it may not always be possible, when part-time classroom teachers are employed in the Middle School and High School, an effort will be made to schedule them so they do not have their schedule broken by having classes both before and after the lunch period.
H. In the Middle School and High School, any classroom teacher who teaches less than five (5) periods per day for the entire week shall be considered part time.
Part-Time Teachers. All Part-time Teachers shall be entitled to the insured employee benefits which are available to Teachers who teach full-time. The portion of premium cost for insured employee benefits to be paid by the Board for a Part-time Teacher shall be determined as follows: full-time Teacher's insured employee benefits The remainder of the premium cost shall be paid by the Teacher.
Part-Time Teachers. 20.01 When a teaching position becomes vacant within the Division, preference shall be given to any currently employed part-time teacher who applies for the position over any applicant from outside the Division, provided the Xxxxxxx applicant has training, academic qualifications, and experience equal to those of any outside applicants or better than those of outside applicants.
20.02 When more than one part-time teacher from the Division applies for a full-time vacant position, and the teachers have the necessary training, academic qualifications and experience to fill the position, preference shall be given to the teacher having the greater seniority in accordance with Article 25 – Layoff.
Part-Time Teachers. Bargaining unit members who were employed as a high school teacher as of 7/1/00 on a part-time contract will be grandfathered at their current percentage of salary. Any change to the contract percentage as of 7/1/00 requires their salary to be adjusted to the current percentage in force. (This is only in the case of a seven-period day, as above.)
6.6.1 The salary for a bargaining unit member new to the district on or after July 1, 2000 working in a part-time position will reflect the current percentage in force.
Part-Time Teachers. Teachers with less than a full-time assignment shall be paid pro rata based on their assignment percentage.
Part-Time Teachers. The normal work week for part-time teachers shall be adjusted on an individual basis, in accordance with the number of hours employed and the duties assigned.
Part-Time Teachers. Part time Teachers seeking an increase in their contractual entitlement will be considered by the Joint Staffing Committee, prior to external advertising. (see L5.02.01.04 and also L37.12.09).
Part-Time Teachers. The administration shall provide a teacher who is on a reduced contract with a written schedule specifying start time, end time, and prep time. Teachers on a partial contract will attend all parent-teacher conferences, professional development days, staff meetings and open house/back-to-school nights as referenced in Article V B-
Part-Time Teachers. 1. Part-time Teachers are teachers as defined in Definitions.
2. Part-time teachers required, by an administrative officer, to attend a professional development day which falls on a day which is not the teacher’s normal work day shall be paid for one day in accordance with Article B.24 (Payment Beyond Prescribed Days in Session).