AGREED DOCUMENTS. References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and the Franchisee. As at the date of this Franchise Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: ABD CA Actual Benchmark Data; Collateral Agreement; CSES Customer & Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; FF Financial Formats; FM Financial Model FD Funding Deed OM Operational Model; PC Xxxxxxxxx's Charter; PFD Protected Fares Document; POA Power of Attorney; PSM Passenger Survey Methodology; ROA Record of Assumptions; TP Train Plan; and SLC Service Level Commitment.
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 6.5.1. In evidencing the delivery of the Community Development for Older People project, the Delivery Partners will be expected to provide examples of materials for BAB funded activities including leaflets, posters and minutes of public meetings, where appropriate.
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 15.1 If as a consequence of agreeing a new Work Contract, new documents need to be included as Agreed Documents, the parties shall prepare and agree a new bundle of Agreed Documents which each party shall sign entitled “Agreed Documents Relating to Work Contract [Ref]”. The purpose of this Schedule 3 is to outline the required design of the Network, servers, shared services and desktop hardware infrastructure provided by the Contractor and the provision of the Network connectivity for remote access by the Contractor to the business applications provided by Client. In addition to the High-Level Design set out in this Schedule 3, Annex 7 of each Work Contract shall set out any detailed requirements specific to a Work Contract or Grouped Work Contract.
2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State, VRG and the Franchisee.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: ABD Actual Benchmark Data; CFD Commuter Fares Document; CRM CRM Data Consent; CSES Customer & Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; FF Financial Formats; FM Financial Model; OM Operational Model; PC Xxxxxxxxx’s Charter; PFD Protected Fares Document; PSM Passenger Survey Methodology; ROA Record of Assumptions; SL Station Lease; SLC Service Level Commitment; STNRCS1 STNR Costs Schedule; STNROO2 STNR Optional Outputs;
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and the Franchisee.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: AA Alliance Agreement ABD Actual Benchmark Data; BFS Bid Fares Strategy BTPM BTP Methodology; CFD Commuter Fares Document; CSES Customer & Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; DAC Digital Railway Account Charge DSMI Data Site Monitor and Index; DL Depot Lease; FF Financial Formats; ICWCFM ICWC Financial Model; ICWCOM ICWC Operational Models; ICWCROA ICWC Record of Assumptions; PAP Proposed Accepted Programme PC Xxxxxxxxx’s Charter; PCAS Product Cost Assumption Statements; PCB Proposed Cost Baseline; PFD Protected Fares Document; POA Power of Attorney; PP Partnership Protocol; PRP Proposed Resourcing Plan; PSM Passenger Survey Methodology; RS Resourcing Strategy; SCDP Station Social and Commercial Development Plan; SL Station Lease; SOFMS Shadow Operator Financial Management Strategy; SO MA Shadow Operator Section of the Management Accounts and Shadow Operator Section of the Annual Management Accounts; SOPS Shadow Operator Procurement Strategy; TP Train Plan; TSR1 Train Service Requirement; and TTSM Ticketless Travel Survey Methodology. Withdrawn March 2024
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and LNER.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: ABD Actual Benchmark Data; AFA Alliance Framework Agreement; 5BTP BTP Methodology CFD Commuter Fares Document; CSES Customer & Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; DSMI Data Site Monitor and Index;
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents "in the agreed terms" are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and the Franchisee.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents "in the agreed terms" are as follows:
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Authority and TfWRL.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: Initial Budget TfWRL Initial Budget; POSAMP Previous ODP’s Station Asset Management Plan TSR Train Service Requirement (including TSR1A, TSR1B, TSR1C, TSR2 and TSR 2A).
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Authority and the ODP.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows1: ABD Actual Benchmark Data; CFD Commuter Fares Document; CSES Customer & Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; DSMI Data Site Monitor and Index; DL Depot Lease; ERTMSP Network Rail ERTMS Implementation Plan; FF Financial Formats; FTFM Final Tender Financial Model; ITSFTBS ITSFT Bid Submission; OM Operational Model; PC Xxxxxxxxx's Charter;
AGREED DOCUMENTS. 2.1 References to documents “in the agreed terms” are references to documents initialled by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and LNER.
2.2 As at the date of this Agreement, the documents “in the agreed terms” are as follows: SAMP1 Integrated Station Asset Management Policy; SAMP2 Integrated Station Asset Management Plan; SCDP Station Social and Commercial Development Plan; SCM Station Condition Methodology STNRRR STNR Reporting Requirements; STNRSOW STNR Scope of Work; STNRWI STNR Warranted Information;