Procurement Strategy. 4.4 The Strategy Condition will be satisfied when the Steering Group has agreed in writing that all of the Strategies have been approved.
Procurement Strategy. NHS Highland will lead on the procurement of the building solutions. The designated procurement vehicle for community health care projects exceeding £750k is the Scottish Futures Trust hub initiative, and for acute facilities it is Frameworks Scotland. • The reconfiguration and refurbishment of Caithness General Hospital in Wick is proposed to be delivered by Frameworks Scotland as a design and build capital solution (Frameworks 3 contract). • It is proposed to deliver the new Health and Wellbeing Hubs in Wick (new build) and Thurso (part refurbishment, part new build) as a single contract with hub North Scotland Ltd. This would be either a design and build capital scheme or a design, build, finance and maintain revenue funded solution, to be determined by availability of capital funding and NHS Scotland strategy at Outline Business Case. Alternative procurement options for the Health and Wellbeing Hubs, to be fully explored at Outline Business Case are: • Delivery of elements of the Care Village concept, such as Assisted Living Accommodation, in conjunction with an independent partner; and • Potential for the Highland Council to lead through the Council Borrowing Powers, as these buildings have a significant social care element. In finalising the procurement and funding options, NHS Highland will continue to work closely with our Community Planning Partners including the Highland Council, and Dounreay, to select the final agreed procurement and funding routes for the Care Hub / Villages. In addition to the above permanent solutions which are dependent on approval of the Full Business Case, some interim work has already or is in the process of taking place:
Procurement Strategy. The Project will be procured using the competitive dialogue procedure. The contract will be awarded to the Bidder that submits the most economically advantageous tender based on the best price/quality ratio. The price will be evaluated on the basis of whole life cost. The procurement strategy will include an evaluation of community benefits which Bidders offer as part of their bids.
Procurement Strategy. The Employer intends entering into a framework agreement with a limited number of contractors, following a competitive selection process (qualified procedure). The NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC), Option F: Management contract will form the basis of the framework agreement entered into with the Employer. The management contractor’s responsibilities for construction work are the same as those of a contractor working under one of the other options provided in the NEC3 ECC for engineering and constructions works. However, the management contractor performs only a limited amount of construction works typically relating to site establishment and de-establishment and may be called upon to provide the DWS Construction Unit with resources. The remainder of work will be contracted from local sub-contractors and suppliers who will be subcontracted through direct contracts with the contractor, who acts as a management contractor. The management contractor tenders his Fee and is paid on a cost reimbursable basis i.e. Defined Cost uplifted by his Fee percentage. Defined Cost includes subcontract amounts and the prices of the work done by the Contractor himself less Disallowed Cost. Disallowed Cost incudes costs not justified by accounts and record, costs not in accordance with a Subcontractor’s contract, costs incurred because procedures were not followed and payment to a Subcontractor for work which the Contractor is to do himself and the Contractor’s management. The management contractor is responsible for supplying management services. The management contractor’s Fee will increase if subcontractors’ prices (part of Defined Cost to the contractor) increase due to compensation events. However, he will not receive separate payment for his work in dealing with compensation events and he will not receive any additional Fee for work on compensation events which does not lead to an increase in subcontractors’ prices. The NEC3 ECC will be modified to accommodate the range of works required in addition to engineering and construction works i.e. the supply and delivery of goods, materials, equipment and plant to a delivery place, the provision of professional services and the management and provision of a service to support the work of an Employer’s Construction Unit or for an affected property for a period of time. Such works will also be undertaken on the basis of Defined Cost uplifted by a Fee. The Respondents will be evaluated in a two-phase process. • Ph...
Procurement Strategy. A Procurement Strategy has been developed by the Council and the current version of this is the basis of those recommendations referring to Procurement Strategy, Procurement Policy, Procurement Action Plan. The Procurement Action Plan shall be adopted by the Partner and those actions which identify current MKC members of staff or groups of staff shall become the accountability of the Partner.
Procurement Strategy. Discuss with the Architect and Employer on the Procurement Strategy for the project and make recommendations on :
Procurement Strategy. For the procurement of goods and services required by the Company, the goods and services will be categorized and segmented, taking into account their criticality in the operation and functioning of the Company, the complexity of the market, and the financial resources required. Based on the segmentation of categories of goods and services, the Procurement Committee will approve the procurement strategies to be applied to each category, which will be duly documented and will be reviewed or updated when necessary. Procurement strategies shall be defined based on the Procurement Matrix and the Supply Chain Model according to the principles set forth in Article 2 of these Regulations.
Procurement Strategy. Frameworks Scotland 3 To deliver the project in accordance with current NHS Scotland construction procurement policy, it is anticipated that Frameworks Scotland 3 will be the preferred option via traditional Capital Funding. This process ensures a strategic and flexible partnering approach to the Procurement of publicly funded construction work projects, for the delivery of health facilities in Scotland. The Framework provides NHS Scotland Boards with the ability to readily appoint pre-qualified contractors, alongside pre-agreed commercial arrangements, to act as sole point of responsibility for the management and delivery of an integrated design and construction project on time, within budget and fit for purpose. This enables NHS Highland to immediately focus on the needs of the project rather than be involved in a protracted advertisement, selection, and appointment process. This Framework has been established to achieve the following key benefits: • Earlier and faster delivery of projects • Certainty of time, cost, and quality • Value for money • Well-designed buildings procured within a positive collaborative working environment. The Framework is procured and managed by Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) on behalf of NHS Scotland Health Boards. Frameworks Scotland has been used successfully by NHS Highland for several years and there is a clear organisational understanding of the process for appointment of the Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP). Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) In Frameworks Scotland 3 terminology, the single contractor is referred to as the ‘Principal Supply Chain Partner’ (PSCP). The PSCP's on Frameworks Scotland 3 are as follows: • Balfour Xxxxxx • Xxxxxx Construction • Kier Construction • XxXxxxxxxx and Xxxxxx • RMF Health • BAM To undertake the process of appointing a PSCP, a High-Level Information Pack (HLIP) will be issued by NHS Highland to the PSCP’s on the Framework inviting expressions of interest. There will then be an evaluation and shortlisting process after which a short list of PSCP’s with the relevant experience and supply chain will be invited to make a second stage submission. This will be followed by presentations by the shortlisted PSCP’s, followed by interviews. Appointment will be made based on the highest scoring PSCP on a Quality / Cost evaluation. This process will commence on approval of this Initial Agreement, with the appointed PSCP providing pre-construction and supply chain expertise through the Out...
Procurement Strategy. Frameworks Scotland 3 To deliver the project in accordance with current NHS Scotland construction procurement policy, it is anticipated that Frameworks Scotland 3 will be the preferred option via traditional Capital Funding. This process ensures a strategic and flexible partnering approach to the Procurement of publicly funded construction work projects, for the delivery of health facilities in Scotland. The Framework provides NHS Scotland Boards with the ability to readily appoint pre-qualified contractors, alongside pre-agreed commercial arrangements, to act as sole point of responsibility for the management and delivery of an integrated design and construction project on time, within budget and fit for purpose. This enables NHS Highland to immediately focus on the needs of the project rather than be involved in a protracted advertisement, selection, and appointment process. This Framework has been established to achieve the following key benefits: • Earlier and faster delivery of projects; • Certainty of time, cost, and quality; • Value for money; and • Well-designed buildings procured within a positive collaborative working environment. The Framework is procured and managed by Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) on behalf of NHS Scotland Health Boards. Frameworks Scotland has been used successfully by NHS Highland for several years and there is a clear organisational understanding of the process for appointment of the Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP).
Procurement Strategy. GHNT’s procurement strategy represents a forward-thinking, robust model that delivers real, tangible benefits to the Trust, delivering value for money across the NHS through access to and engagement across trusted commercial sector frameworks. GHNT uses a range of national procurement framework agreements directly and facilitated through QE Facilities (QEF). All procurement is fully compliant and undertaken in line with: The EU Public Contract Regulations 2015 The GHNT Procurement Strategy and suite of policies QE Facilities (QEF) was established in 2014 and is wholly-owned subsidiary company of GHNT. The company is a separate legal body set up to provide a competitive range of clinical, non-clinical, estates and facilities services to the Trust. The Company currently employs 564 people, of which 370 were transferred from the Trust under TUPE rules. This ensures that QEF staff retain the core values of the Trust as a whole. Through QEF, the Trust have access to a pro-active range of high quality services, delivered on the lines of a commercial organisation but established for the purpose of providing maximum benefit to the NHS Trust. The financial benefits of this are returned to the Trust to support front line patient services. As such, it represents a unique option to traditional full third-party outsourcing. QEF provides both an equipment managed service to the Trust under the assurance of a formal Service Level Agreement (SLA) and a clinical procurement service through ‘QE Procurement’. On behalf of the Trust, QE Procurement undertake regular, detailed market intelligence across existing frameworks to determine suitability and effectiveness in meeting Trust needs. This includes understanding where on-costs are involved and the competitive value and speed of accessing these frameworks through mini-competition as compared to open procurement routes. QE Procurement has launched a nationally available framework for the provision of clinical IT solutions, the ‘Framework Agreement for Software and Hardware in Healthcare’. The framework is free to access following completion of an Access and Terms of Use Agreement. There are 49 suppliers on this framework, covering 52 products, including electronic patient records, patient administration systems, PACs, RIS, e-prescribing and specialist departmental systems. Suppliers include Cerner, System C and Agfa. Through this framework, standardisation of systems procurement is both reducing cost and improving qualit...