AIN. One or more of the ILECs making up SBC-13STATE have deployed a set of AIN features and functionalities unique to the particular ILEC(s). As such, the AIN network architecture, methods of access and manner of provisioning are specific to that ILEC or those ILECs. Accordingly, any request for AIN access pursuant to this Agreement must be reviewed for technical feasibility, with all rates, terms and conditions related to such request to be determined on an individual case basis and to be negotiated between the Parties. Upon request by CLEC, and where technically feasible, SBC-13STATE will provide CLEC with access to SBC-13STATE’s Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) platform, AIN Service Creation Environment (SCE) and AIN Service Management System (SMS) based upon ILEC-specific rates, terms, conditions and means of access to be negotiated by the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, and incorporated into this Agreement by Appendix or amendment, as applicable, subject to approval by the appropriate state Commission.
AIN. One or more of the ILECs making up AT&T Wisconsin has deployed a set of AIN features and functionalities unique to the particular ILEC(s). As such, the AIN network architecture, methods of access and manner of provisioning are specific to that ILEC or those ILECs. Accordingly, any request for AIN access pursuant to this Agreement must be reviewed for technical feasibility, with all rates, terms and conditions related to such request to be determined on an individual case basis and to be negotiated between the Parties. Upon request by CLEC, and where technically feasible, AT&T Wisconsin will provide CLEC with access to AT&T Wisconsin’s Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) platform, AIN Service Creation Environment (SCE) and AIN Service Management System (SMS) based upon ILEC-specific rates, terms, conditions and means of access to be negotiated by the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, and incorporated into this Agreement by Appendix or amendment, as applicable, subject to approval by the appropriate state Commission.
AIN implementation of 911, these steps require a minimum of sixty (60) days.
AIN. Atención Integral a la Niñez (Integrated Child Care) out of 120 women discontinued breastfeeding, as opposed to 27 out of 68 in 2002. For women who discontinued breastfeeding when their child was between 4 and 6 months of age, the data show a significant decrease, from 34.2% to 22%.
AIN. CLEC agrees to begin implementing access to 911 sufficiently in advance of the planned implementation of voice service to meet its 911 requirements. CLEC understands that the steps it must take to fulfill its 911 obligation include, but are not limited to, obtaining NXX(s) from NECA for the exchange area(s) CLEC plans to serve, submission of the appropriate form(s) to SBC-13STATE, and, following SBC-13STATE’s processing of such form(s), obtaining approval from the appropriate PSAP(s) for the CLEC’s 911 service architecture. CLEC further understands that PSAP approval may include testing 911 trunks with appropriate PSAP(s). CLEC understands that, based on SBC-13STATE’s prior experience with CLEC implementation of 911, these steps require a minimum of sixty (60) days. CLEC agrees to indemnify and hold SBC-13STATE harmless from the consequences of CLEC’s decision to not interconnect with SBC-13STATE’s 911 Selective Routers. The provisions of General Terms and Conditions Section 14 shall apply to such indemnification. One or more of the ILECs making up SBC-13STATE have deployed a set of AIN features and functionalities unique to the particular ILEC(s). As such, the AIN network architecture, methods of access and manner of provisioning are specific to that ILEC or those ILECs. Accordingly, any request for AIN access pursuant to this Agreement must be reviewed for technical feasibility, with all rates, terms and conditions related to such request to be determined on an individual case basis and to be negotiated between the Parties. Upon request by CLEC, and where technically feasible, SBC-13STATE will provide CLEC with access to SBC-13STATE’s Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) platform, AIN Service Creation Environment (SCE) and AIN Service Management System (SMS) based upon ILEC-specific rates, terms, conditions and means of access to be negotiated by the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, and incorporated into this Agreement by Appendix or amendment, as applicable, subject to approval by the appropriate state Commission.
AIN. CLEC agrees to begin implementing access to 911 sufficiently in advance of the planned implementation of voice service to meet its 911 requirements. CLEC understands that the steps it must take to fulfill its 911 obligation include, but are not limited to, obtaining NXX(s) from NECA for the exchange area(s) CLEC plans to serve, submission of the appropriate form(s) to SBC-13STATE, and, following SBC-13STATE’s processing of such form(s), obtaining approval from the appropriate PSAP(s) for the CLEC’s 911 service architecture. CLEC further understands that PSAP approval may include testing 911 trunks with appropriate PSAP(s). CLEC understands that, based on SBC-13STATE’s prior experience with CLEC implementation of 911, these steps require a minimum of sixty (60) days.
AIN. One or more of the ILECs making up AM-IN has deployed a set of AIN features and functionalities unique to the particular ILEC(s). As such, the AIN network architecture, methods of access and manner of provisioning are specific to that ILEC or those ILECs. Accordingly, any request for AIN access pursuant to this Agreement must be reviewed for technical feasibility, with all rates, terms and conditions related to such request to be determined on an individual case basis and to be negotiated between the Parties. Upon request by TWTC, and where technically feasible, AM-IN will provide TWTC with access to AM-IN’s Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) platform, AIN Service Creation Environment (SCE) and AIN Service Management System (SMS) based upon ILEC-specific rates, terms, conditions and means of access to be negotiated by the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, and incorporated into this Agreement by Appendix or amendment, as applicable, subject to approval by the appropriate state Commission.
AIN experience with CLEC implementation of 911, these steps require a minimum of sixty (60) days.
AIN. This project is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for, legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. 0000 Xxxxxx Maintenance Projects Project Location Map City of Wilsonville 0000 Xxxxxx Maintenance Engineering Fee Century West Engineering (CWE) Central Geotechnical Services S&F Land Services Principal-in- Charge $240.00 Project Manager/CM $177.00 Project Engineer $140.00 EIT2/RO $118.00 Project Coordinator $107.00 Task Code January 10, 2023 Task Description Principal Associate Engineering Geologic Geologic Administrative Engineer Engineer II Geologist II Staff II Staff I Assistant $235.00 $175.00 $195.00 $130.00 $105.00 $85.00 Subconsultant Fees Budgeted Cost 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.1 Administration 1 18 9 $ 4,389.00 2.1 Topographic Survey $ 16,470.00 $ 16,470.00 3 PAVEMENT INVESTIGATION & RECOMMENDATIONS
AIN. One or more of the ILECs making up AM-MI have deployed a set of AIN features and functionalities unique to the particular ILEC(s). As such, the AIN network architecture, methods of access and manner of provisioning are specific to that ILEC or those ILECs. Accordingly, any request for AIN access pursuant to this Agreement must be reviewed for technical feasibility, with all rates, terms and conditions related to such request to be determined on an individual case basis and to be negotiated between the Parties. Upon request by Baraga, and where technically feasible, AM-MI will provide Baraga with access to AM-MI's Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) platform, AIN Service Creation Environment (SCE) and AIN Service Management System (SMS) based upon ILEC-specific rates, terms, conditions and means of access to be negotiated by the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, and incorporated into this Agreement by Appendix or amendment, as applicable, subject to approval by the appropriate state Commission.