Amendments to the Constitution. 13.1 The constitution may only be amended with the agreement of the Committee.
Amendments to the Constitution. The Constitution shall be amended only with the agreement of the JCNC.
Amendments to the Constitution. 7.9.1 The Constitution shall be amended only with the assent of both sides of the NJC.
Amendments to the Constitution. 17.1 The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Amendments to the Constitution. 22.01 The Constitution may be added to, repealed or amended at any time provided that notice of the proposed amendments is given to the membership. A Special General Meeting shall be called with at least ten (10) days prior notice to vote and provided that such a notice contains the proposed amendment or amendments. Quorum shall consist of no less than fifty (50) voting members, not including Executive members. In order to pass, at least 75% of the ballots cast must be in support of the amendments.
22.02 A presentation of the proposed Constitution amendments to the members must be made ten (10) days prior to the vote on the proposed amendments.
Amendments to the Constitution. 11.1 A minimum of 2 months’ written notice shall be required proposing amendments to the constitution, which shall be discussed at the following ordinary meeting of the Committee.
11.2 The agreement of both Sides of the Committee will be required to change the constitution.
Amendments to the Constitution. The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.
Amendments to the Constitution. 15.1. The Constitution shall be amended only with the agreement of both sides of the JCNC.
Amendments to the Constitution. 21 The Constitution shall be amended only with the agreement of both sides of the JCNC. 22 All parties will be invited to confirm their agreement to the proposed outcome. Focus-Trust, as the employer, retains the right to make the final decision to be communicated to the Focus-Trust Board and trade unions recommending ratification and implementation.
Amendments to the Constitution. 23.01 The Constitution may be added to, repealed or amended at any time provided that the notice directed by Article 22.02 of the proposed amendments is given to the membership.
23.02 Written Notice of a Membership Meeting, for the purpose of voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be provided to the membership with no less than thirty (30)calendar days prior to such a meeting. Such notice must contain the proposed amendment(s) and a brief rationale for the proposal(s).
23.03 Presentation of the proposed amendments to the Constitution will be provided at the Membership Meeting by the Executive. A reasonable time period will be allowed for discussion on the motion(s) to make the amendments. Voting on the amendment(s) shall be in accordance with the MRSA policies except as provided for in this Article. Quorum shall consist of no less than fifty (50) members in good standing, not including members of the Executive. In order to pass, motions regarding Constitutional amendments require at least 75% of the participating members to vote in favour of the motion. The results of all votes conducted at such a meeting shall be formally recorded in the meeting’s minutes and maintained by the Executive in accordance with this Constitution and legal requirements as applicable.