Assessment Unit Shift Swap. Beginning July 1, 2020, DPOs working in the Assessment Unit may swap a maximum of three (3) shifts per fiscal year with other DPOs assigned to the Assessment Unit of the Pretrial Division. Shift swaps are subject to the following restrictions: 1) the participating DPO must agree to swap a full shift consisting of twelve (12) hours within the same pay period; 2) the participating DPO cannot work more than sixteen (16) consecutive hours or result in overtime hours; 3) the DPO requesting the shift swap must find another DPO in the Assessment Unit to work the requesting DPO’s scheduled twelve (12)-hour work shift within the same pay period; 4) the requesting DPO must notify the Lead or Supervisor of the shift swap in advance of the swap, provide the name and contact information of the replacement DPO, and the shift that the replacement DPO will work; and