Asset Sanitation/Disposal. Unless approved by County management, no County computer equipment shall be removed from the premises. Prior to re-deployment, storage media shall be appropriately cleansed to prevent unauthorized exposure of data. Surplus, donation, disposal or destruction of equipment containing storage media shall be appropriately disposed according to the terms of the equipment disposal services contract. Sanitization methods for media containing County information shall be in accordance with NSA standards (for example, clearing, purging, or destroying). Disposal of equipment shall be done in accordance with all applicable County, state or federal surplus property and environmental disposal laws, regulations or policies.
Asset Sanitation/Disposal. Unless approved by County management, no County computer equipment shall be removed from the premises. Prior to re-deployment, storage media shall be appropriately cleansed to prevent unauthorized exposure of data. Surplus, donation, disposal or destruction of equipment containing storage media shall be appropriately disposed according to the terms of the equipment disposal services contract. Sanitization methods for media containing County information shall be in accordance with NSA standards (for example, clearing, purging, or destroying). Disposal of equipment shall be done in accordance with all applicable County, state or federal surplus property and environmental disposal laws, regulations or policies. DocuSign Envelope ID: DFDCCE54-5078-4B9F-8718-13BBD8AD7054 The Controls Management domain focuses on the processes by which an organization plans, defines, analyzes, and assesses the controls that are implemented internally. This process helps the organization ensure the controls management objectives are satisfied. This domain focuses on the resilience controls that allow an organization to operate during a time of stress. These resilience controls are implemented in the organization at all levels and require various levels of management and staff to plan, define, analyze, and assess.