ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 The Employer and the Association agree to abide by the Public Act 336 of 1947 (the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, MCL 423.201 et seq.), as amended, and to all laws and statutes pertaining to teacher, individual, and Association rights. 4.2 The Association and its members shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings when such requests are made to and approved by the building principal. Approval of said requests shall be granted, provided that such meetings do not interfere with previously-scheduled activities. Use of the school facility shall be provided without charge to the Association on scheduled work days during the regular school year, but in all other ways shall be in compliance with Board policy. A. The Association President, Grievance Chairperson, Building Representative(s), other Association officers, and the MEA Representative(s), shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property during non-teaching periods, providing that it does not interrupt or affect normal school operations, or assigned duties. It is further understood that no Association views on matters relating to Administration-Teacher or Teacher-Employer-Association relationships will be discussed in the instructional setting. All Association representatives entering the building shall first contact the building office regarding the nature of the visit. B. No later than thirty (30) days after the start of the school year, the Association shall identify to the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services the names of the President, Grievance Chairperson, and Building Representatives. 4.4 A. The Employer shall furnish to the Association in response to written requests, all available information, including: Enrollment and membership data Annual financial and audit reports Agenda and minutes of public Board meetings Staff and Administration directory Monthly balance sheets Final Budgets Fringe benefit enrollment data Supplementary materials acted upon at public Board meetings Seniority listing of teachers Other public information in the possession of the Employer to enable the Association to bargain intelligently with respect to future collective bargaining agreements or to process a grievance.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 A. The Employer and president of the Association agree to abide by the Public Act 336 of 1947 (the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, MCL 423.201 et seq.), as amended, and to all laws and statutes pertaining to teacher, individual, and Association rights.
4.2 The Association and its members or his/her designee shall have the right to use school facilities visit all schools in the District for meetings when such requests are made the purpose of carrying out Association business. Such visits shall not conflict with their normal duties. Visiting regulations must be followed.
B. The Association may assist in the social orientation of the new members to and approved by the building principalsystem. Approval of said requests shall be granted, provided that such meetings do not interfere with previously-scheduled activities. Use The Association may address the teachers at a mutually agreed upon time for up to one hour at the District's general meeting the first day of the school facility year. The Board shall make available the names and addresses of the new teachers no later than two weeks prior to the opening of school. Such information shall only be for the use of the Association.
C. The Association shall be provided without charge bulletin board space in the teachers' lounge in each school for the posting of notices and other materials relating to Association activities. The bulletin board space shall be identified with the name of the Association. The Association Building Representative has the responsibility of maintaining the bulletin board.
D. Representatives of the Association on scheduled work days during the regular school year, but in all other ways shall be in compliance with Board policy.
A. The Association President, Grievance Chairperson, Building Representative(s), other Association officers, and the MEA Representative(s), shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at reasonable times before and after school, during non-teaching lunch, during planning and conference periods, providing that it does not interrupt or affect normal school operations, or assigned duties. It is further understood that no Association views on matters relating to Administration-Teacher or Teacher-Employer-Association relationships will be discussed in the instructional setting. All Association representatives entering the building shall first contact the building office regarding the nature of the visit.
B. No later than thirty (30) days after E. The Association Building Representative or his/her designee may use individual school office equipment and audio-visual equipment when such equipment is not otherwise in use. Consumable materials shall be paid for by the start of Association; and also any repairs for broken equipment occurring during use by the school yearAssociation.
F. Upon request, the Association shall identify be provided a place on the agenda to address the Assistant Superintendent Board at regular school board meetings.
G. The Association may use teachers' mailboxes to distribute materials.
H. The Association may use a school building for Administrative Services its official membership and executive committee meetings after hours and at a time and place that does not interfere with the names normal and other scheduled use of such buildings. Arrangements shall be made with the building principal. No fees will be charged for such use.
I. Copies of the President, Grievance Chairperson, and Building RepresentativesBoard's Policy Book will be online.
4.4 A. The Employer shall furnish to the Association in response to written requests, all available information, including: Enrollment and membership data Annual financial and audit reports Agenda and minutes of public Board meetings Staff and Administration directory Monthly balance sheets Final Budgets Fringe benefit enrollment data Supplementary materials acted upon at public Board meetings Seniority listing of teachers Other public information in the possession of the Employer to enable the Association to bargain intelligently with respect to future collective bargaining agreements or to process a grievance.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Negotiated Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 The Employer and A. Inasmuch as the Association agree is recognized as the sole organization representing certified employees, the Board recognizes that in order to abide by the Public Act 336 of 1947 effectively represent and communicate with its members, certain services are necessary.
B. The Xxxxxxxxxx Teachers Association (the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, MCL 423.201 et seq.), as amended, sole and to all laws and statutes pertaining to teacher, individual, and Association exclusive organization representing certified employees) shall be granted the following rights:
1. To represent bargaining unit members on any employment related matter excluding in-the-classroom evaluations.
4.2 The Association and its members shall have 2. To use the right facilities of any building for meetings, without fee, upon notification of the administrator in charge of such building. Permission to use school such facilities for meetings when such requests are made to and approved by the building principal. Approval of said requests shall be granted, provided that such meetings given as long as it does not interfere with any previously authorized activity in said building and at reasonable hours.
3. To use Board of Education-owned and Board-leased on-site equipment at times which do not interfere with previously-scheduled activities. Use the operation of the school facility system and with payment for damage or lost articles.
4. To distribute Association bulletins, newsletters, or other circulars; to use bulletin boards in teacher lounges or workrooms to disseminate information to members; to use the public address system to make announcements for the purpose of notifying members of scheduled meetings and of tasks to be completed.
5. To use telephones in any building to carry out Association business provided no toll charges or fees are incurred. These calls are not to be made at a time that interferes with duties assigned by the Board of Education and Administration.
6. To allow representatives to call meetings of the Association members within the building, but not during the defined teacher work day. Building use shall not be granted for strike-related activity during the ten (10) day notice period or when the Association is involved in strike activity under Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code.
7. The OEA Labor Relations Consultant/President of the Xxxxxxxxxx Teachers Association or his/her designee shall be provided without charge permitted access to the building for Association on scheduled work days business during school hours with the following restrictions:
a. That said representative shall notify the building office of arrival and departure.
b. That said representative shall not interrupt a teacher while he/she is actively teaching a class.
8. The Association will be provided with the following:
a. copies of all Board of Education agendas with accompanying public record information, excluding confidential matters; minutes and financial reports upon specific request to the Treasurer for the Board by the President of the Association.
b. copies of the following forms: appropriations, budget, and training and experience grids. Such copies shall be given to the President of the Association as soon as it is feasible after such forms are filed with the agency required by law.
c. notice of any regular or special Board meeting by school mail by the Treasurer for the Board and in writing via U.S. mail during any recess and/or during summer vacation.
d. permission for a representative of the Association to address the Board during the regular school year, but in all other ways shall be in compliance with monthly Board policymeetings.
A. The Association Presidente. a copy of the personnel directory, Grievance Chairpersonif one is prepared.
9. Payroll deductions of dues, Building Representative(s)assessments, other Association officersFair Share Fee, and the MEA Representative(s), shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property during non-teaching periods, providing that it does not interrupt or affect normal school operations, or assigned duties. It is further understood that EPAC contributions at no Association views on matters relating to Administration-Teacher or Teacher-Employer-Association relationships will be discussed in the instructional setting. All Association representatives entering the building shall first contact the building office regarding the nature of the visit.
B. No later than thirty (30) days after the start of the school year, the Association shall identify cost to the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services the names of the President, Grievance Chairperson, and Building Representativesbargaining unit member.
4.4 A. The Employer shall furnish to the Association in response to written requests, all available information, including: Enrollment and membership data Annual financial and audit reports Agenda and minutes of public Board meetings Staff and Administration directory Monthly balance sheets Final Budgets Fringe benefit enrollment data Supplementary materials acted upon at public Board meetings Seniority listing of teachers Other public information in the possession of the Employer to enable the Association to bargain intelligently with respect to future collective bargaining agreements or to process a grievance.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Negotiated Agreement, Negotiated Agreement
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 3.1 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict any Member’s rights s/he may have under the Michigan General School Laws. The Employer rights granted to Members hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided by law and the Member’s individual contract of employment. Board policies, not in conflict with the Master Agreement, shall remain in force.
3.2 The Association agree may use school facilities and equipment upon written application on required Use of Facilities forms. It is agreed that District equipment shall not be removed from the school property without prior approval. The Association shall pay for the current cost of all materials and supplies incidental to abide such use.
3.3 The Board agrees to furnish, within a reasonable time, information requested by the Public Act 336 Association concerning finances of 1947 (the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, MCL 423.201 et seq.), District and all documents required under PERA as amended, and to all laws and statutes pertaining to teacher, individual, and Association rightsdefined.
4.2 3.4 The Association may use the District’s communication systems provided such use does not disrupt the normal business of the District nor cost the District extra money. The Association agrees that it will clearly identify union business and its members take responsibility for all materials communicated through these systems.
3.5 The Board agrees that the private life of any Member is not normally a matter of concern of the Board unless it affects the ability of the Member to carry out his/her professional functions and/or responsibilities or to act as a representative of the District.
3.6 Each Member shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings when review any of the contents of his/her personnel file. All such requests are made to and approved by the building principal. Approval of said requests reviews shall be granted, provided that such meetings do not interfere with previously-scheduled activities. Use of the school facility shall be provided without charge to the Association on scheduled work days during the regular school year, but in all other ways shall be in compliance with Board policy.
A. The Association President, Grievance Chairperson, Building Representative(s), other Association officers, and the MEA Representative(s), shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property during non-teaching periods, providing that it does not interrupt or affect normal school operations, or assigned duties. It is further understood that no Association views on matters relating to Administration-Teacher or Teacher-Employer-Association relationships will be discussed made in the instructional setting. All Association representatives entering the building shall first contact the building office regarding the nature presence of the visit.
B. No later than thirty (30) days after the start of the school year, the Association shall identify to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Support Services or his/her designated representative and an Association representative if the Member so wishes. Privileged information, such as confidential credentials from universities and other items relating to personal references normally sought at the time of employment, are specifically exempt for Administrative Services such review. Such files may not contain a reprimand for a period of time in excess of two years, provided no additional reprimand occurs during the names of the President, Grievance Chairperson, and Building Representativessaid two-year period.
4.4 A. 3.7 The Employer shall furnish Board and the Association recognize the responsibilities imposed on the Association and will grant permission and a reasonable amount of time to the Association in response to written requests, all available information, including: Enrollment and membership data Annual financial and audit reports Agenda and minutes designated representatives of public Board meetings Staff and Administration directory Monthly balance sheets Final Budgets Fringe benefit enrollment data Supplementary materials acted upon at public Board meetings Seniority listing of teachers Other public information in the possession of the Employer to enable the Association to bargain intelligently with respect investigate grievances and to future collective bargaining agreements or transact other Association business during working hours. Approval must be received from the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Support Services.
3.8 The Board agrees that, whenever possible, Members shall have the opportunity to process a grievanceinterview and make recommendations concerning all personnel, certified and non-certified, who are being considered for assignment under their supervision.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 3.1 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict any Member’s rights s/he may have under the Michigan General School Laws. The Employer rights granted to Members hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided by law and the Member’s individual contract of employment. Board policies, not in conflict with the Master Agreement, shall remain in force.
3.2 The Association agree may use school facilities and equipment upon written application on required Use of Facilities forms. It is agreed that District equipment shall not be removed from the school property without prior approval. The Association shall pay for the current cost of all materials and supplies incidental to abide such use.
3.3 The Board agrees to furnish, within a reasonable time, information requested by the Public Act 336 Association concerning finances of 1947 (the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, MCL 423.201 et seq.), District and all documents required under XXXX as amended, and to all laws and statutes pertaining to teacher, individual, and Association rightsdefined.
4.2 3.4 The Association may use the District’s communication systems provided such use does not disrupt the normal business of the District nor cost the District extra money. The Association agrees that it will clearly identify union business and its members take responsibility for all materials communicated through these systems.
3.5 The Board agrees that the private life of any Member is not normally a matter of concern of the Board unless it affects the ability of the Member to carry out his/her professional functions and/or responsibilities or to act as a representative of the District.
3.6 Each Member shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings when review any of the contents of his/her personnel file. All such requests are made to and approved by the building principal. Approval of said requests reviews shall be granted, provided that such meetings do not interfere with previously-scheduled activities. Use of the school facility shall be provided without charge to the Association on scheduled work days during the regular school year, but in all other ways shall be in compliance with Board policy.
A. The Association President, Grievance Chairperson, Building Representative(s), other Association officers, and the MEA Representative(s), shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property during non-teaching periods, providing that it does not interrupt or affect normal school operations, or assigned duties. It is further understood that no Association views on matters relating to Administration-Teacher or Teacher-Employer-Association relationships will be discussed made in the instructional setting. All Association representatives entering the building shall first contact the building office regarding the nature presence of the visit.
B. No later than thirty (30) days after the start of the school year, the Association shall identify to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Support Services or his/her designated representative and an Association representative if the Member so wishes. Privileged information, such as confidential credentials from universities and other items relating to personal references normally sought at the time of employment, are specifically exempt for Administrative Services such review. Such files may not contain a reprimand for a period of time in excess of two years, provided no additional reprimand occurs during the names of the President, Grievance Chairperson, and Building Representativessaid two-year period.
4.4 A. 3.7 The Employer shall furnish Board and the Association recognize the responsibilities imposed on the Association and will grant permission and a reasonable amount of time to the Association in response to written requests, all available information, including: Enrollment and membership data Annual financial and audit reports Agenda and minutes designated representatives of public Board meetings Staff and Administration directory Monthly balance sheets Final Budgets Fringe benefit enrollment data Supplementary materials acted upon at public Board meetings Seniority listing of teachers Other public information in the possession of the Employer to enable the Association to bargain intelligently with respect investigate grievances and to future collective bargaining agreements or transact other Association business during working hours. Approval must be received from the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Support Services.
3.8 The Board agrees that, whenever possible, Members shall have the opportunity to process a grievanceinterview and make recommendations concerning all personnel, certified and non-certified, who are being considered for assignment under their supervision.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement