Dues Deduction Sample Clauses
Dues Deduction. A. The Board shall deduct Union dues and uniform assessments from the wages of those employees who authorize the deduction of same in writing, pursuant to the following:
1. Authorization forms shall be personally signed by each employee requesting dues deduction.
2. All authorization forms must be submitted by the Union to the Payroll Department.
3. Dues deduction shall begin with the check for the first full pay period following receipt by the Board of the authorization form.
4. The Board will deduct equal installments of the annual dues in each of the regular paychecks issued after enrollment. The deductions will begin in the first check of the fiscal year for all members who are current employees. All employees will have twenty-one payments.
5. No deduction shall be made from the pay of an employee for any payroll period in which the employee's net earnings for that period, after other deductions, are less than the amount of dues to be collected.
6. Authorization of dues deduction for an employee shall continue from year to year, unless the employee revokes his/her authorization.
7. An employee, upon submission of a standardized form, may revoke his/her authorization for dues deduction. Such revocation shall take effect 30 days from receipt of such notice. The Union shall be notified of such revocation.
8. In the event a full-time employee transfers to a part-time position, or a part-time employee assumes a full-time position, the Board shall make an automatic adjustment in dues.
B. General Provisions
1. Any change in the amount of dues subject to payroll deduction for membership in the Union shall be certified to the payroll administrator no later than twenty days prior to the effective date of change.
2. Dues collected through the payroll deduction method shall be transmitted to the Union as follows:
a. Dues collected from paychecks at the end of the month shall be transmitted within two workdays from the date on which regular paychecks were issued.
b. Dues collected from other paychecks within the month shall be transmitted on the same date when the regular paychecks were issued.
3. The Union shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against and from any and all claims, demands, suits, or other form of liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken, or not taken, by the Board for the purpose of complying with the provisions set forth in this article.
4. The Union recognizes that the Board is expressly prohibited from any involvement i...
Dues Deduction. 1. The Employer agrees to deduct the regular monthly Union dues and initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of membership in the Union on a weekly basis from the wages of each employee covered by this collective bargaining Agreement who has completed thirty (30) days of employment and has provided the Employer with a voluntary individual written authorization to make such deductions on a form that has been mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union. Such deductions as referenced above, shall include political contributions and, by mutual agreement, weekly deductions for deposits or payments to a local credit union. The political contribution authorization may be either a separate authorization or one that has been combined with the dues deduction authorization. Such deductions, when authorized, shall be made from the net wages due an employee each weekly pay period, and shall be transmitted to the Union's office no later than the twelfth (12th) day of the month following the month in which such deductions were made. The deduction shall be expressly limited to regular monthly Union dues, initiation fees and political contributions only and the Employer shall have no obligation of whatsoever nature to make deductions for any other purpose, including but not limited to, reinstatement fees, special dues, special assessments, fines, strike funds or other assessments.
2. No deductions will be made from the wages of any such employee until the Employer has received a signed copy of a voluntary individual written authorization to make such deductions with such authorization to be received by the Employer no later than the first (1st) day of the month in which the deductions are to commence in order to be deducted for that month.
3. Authorization for such deductions is to be entirely voluntary on the part of each such individual employee, and after one (1) year following his written authorization to make deductions, any such employee may revoke his individual voluntary authorization upon giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the Employer and the Union.
Dues Deduction. The Employer agrees to deduct and forward to the Financial Secretary of the Local Union—upon receipt of a voluntary written authorization—the additional working dues from the pay of each IBEW member. The amount to be deducted shall be the amount specified in the approved Local Union Bylaws. Such amount shall be certified to the Employer by the Local Union upon request by the Employer.
Dues Deduction. 8-1 The school trustees agree to deduct dues from the salaries of the employees covered by this Agreement exclusively for the Association and its affiliates, if any. These monies shall be transmitted promptly to the Xxxxx County Education Association. All requests for such deductions must be in accordance with NRS 608.110.
8-2 The Association will certify to the School Trustees in writing the current rate of membership dues. The School Trustees will be notified of any change in the rate of membership dues thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such change.
8-3 Deductions referred to in Section 8-1 above will be made in equal installments each pay period during the year.
8-4 Any teacher desiring to have the School District discontinue deductions previously authorized must notify the Association in writing between July 1 and July 15 of each year for the next school year's dues and the Association will notify the District in writing to discontinue the employee's deduction.
8-5 Upon termination of employment with the District of any employee, the remaining amount of dues for the Association in Section 8-2 above will be deducted from the employee's final check.
8-6 It is recognized by the parties that the School District's willingness to deduct dues is solely a ministerial function on behalf of and for the convenience of the Association. As such, the District is not a party to any agreement between the Association and its members regarding the periodic deduction of dues. The Association, therefore, agrees to hold the School District harmless and to reimburse the School District for any and all costs, including legal fees it may incur in relation to any deductions made at the direction of the Association and contrary to the instructions received from the individual teacher. The parties agree that if there are not sufficient employee salary funds for dues collection due to an employee's wage garnishment, the District is not liable for failure to collect such dues so long as the funds are not available.
Dues Deduction. A. The Board of Education agrees, upon the voluntary written request from any certified employee submitted on a form approved by the Board, to deduct from that employee's salary dues for the Westport Education Association, Inc., the Connecticut Education Association and/or the National Education Association and to transmit such monies so deducted at a time to be agreed upon between the Board of Education and the Union to the Westport Education Association, Inc. Any certified employee submitting a written request for such dues deduction shall be subject to dues deductions during the remainder of his or her employment by the Board of Education, or until the Board receives a written request from the employee that dues no longer need be deducted. Such written request for withdrawal from dues deductions shall only be accepted and honored by the Board between June 1 and June 30 of any year of this Agreement to be effective on June 30 of the same year.
B. For teachers not subject to dues deduction in accordance with paragraph A above, the Westport Board of Education agrees to deduct from each teacher an amount equal to the Union membership dues or service fee by means of payroll deduction.
C. The amount of the deduction from each paycheck for Union membership dues shall be equal to the total dues divided by the number of paychecks from which the teacher wishes dues to be deducted. The amount of the deduction from each paycheck for the service fee shall be equal to the total service fee divided by the total number of paychecks between the first paycheck in January and the last paycheck in June. The amount of Union membership dues shall be certified by the Union to the Board of Education prior to September 15th of each school year. The amount of the service fee shall be certified by the Union to the Board of Education prior to December 15th of each school year.
D. Those teachers whose employment commences after the start of the school year shall pay a prorated amount equal to the percentage of the remaining school year.
E. The Board of Education agrees to forward to the Union biweekly a check for the amount of money deducted during that pay period. The Board shall include with such check a list of teachers for whom such deductions were made.
F. No later than the first paycheck in October of each school year, the Board of Education shall provide the Union with a list of all teacher employees of the Board of Education and the positions held by said teacher employees....
Dues Deduction. Pursuant to 4117.09(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, the City agrees to deduct Lodge membership dues in the amount certified by the Lodge to the City, the first payperiod of each month, from the pay of any Lodge member requesting such deduction. The City also agrees to deduct Lodge initiation fees and assessments, in the amount certified by the Lodge to the City, the first payperiod of each month in which such fees and assessments are due, from the pay of any appropriate Lodge member. If a deduction is desired, the member shall sign a payroll deduction form which shall be furnished by the Lodge and presented to the appropriate payroll clerk. The City agrees to furnish to the Financial Secretary of the Lodge, once each calendar month, a warrant in the aggregate amount of the deduction made for that calendar month, together with a listing of the members for whom deductions were made. The actual dues amount to be deducted shall be based on a uniform amount for each member (or some other system that can be implemented through the City's payroll system). The Lodge will give the City thirty (30) days notice of any change in the amount of dues to be deducted. Dues shall be withheld and remitted to the Financial Secretary of the Lodge unless or until such time as the City receives a notice of revocation of dues checkoff from a member, or notice of a member's death, transfer from covered employment, termination of covered employment, or when there are insufficient funds available in the member's earnings after withholding all other legally-required deductions. Information concerning dues not deducted under this Article shall be forwarded to the Financial Secretary of the Lodge, and this action will discharge the City's only responsibility with regard to such cases; there will be no retroactive deduction of such dues from future earnings. If an excessive deduction is made from a member's check and those funds have been forwarded to the Lodge, the Lodge shall refund directly to the member(s) any such excess amount. The City shall continue providing the Lodge with three (3) additional payroll deduction spaces for the purpose of the Lodge providing additional member benefits. As needed, the Lodge may request additional payroll deduction space(s). Such request(s) shall not be unreasonably denied.
Dues Deduction. Pursuant to Board of Supervisors’ Resolution 81/1165, only a majority representative may have dues deduction and as such the Union has the exclusive privilege of dues deduction or agency fee deduction for all employees in its units.
Dues Deduction. The District shall deduct in accordance with the CSEA dues schedule and service fee schedule initiation fees and dues from the wages of all classified employees who are members of CSEA pursuant to CSEA’s certification to the District that CSEA has and will maintain bargaining unit members’ revocable authorizations for such deductions.
Dues Deduction a. The Employer shall deduct from each employee, from the commencement of employment, an amount equal to Union dues as set by the National Convention of the Union and as continued within the Employer Dues Directive issued by the Union office.
b. The Employer is authorized to deduct any administration fees owing by employees to the Union when hired. The total amount(s) deducted on behalf of the Union will be remitted by the Employer to the Union in accordance with Article 7, above. The Union and the employees agree that the Employer will be saved harmless for all deductions and payments so made.
Dues Deduction. The Agency agrees to deduct the monthly membership dues from the pay of those employees who individually request such deductions in writing. The amount to be deducted shall be certified to the Agency by the Treasurer of the Union, and the aggregate deductions shall be remitted monthly together with an itemized statement, to the Treasurer of the Union.