Augmentation of Standards Sample Clauses

Augmentation of Standards. ‌ The City will augment its Public Improvement Design and Construction Standards with the latest editions of the following design documents: If there are any conflicts among these documents, the more stringent requirements shall apply unless otherwise allowed by the City. Jefferson County Road Functional Classification Table 3.2 Jefferson County Transportation System Plan ITE Trip Generation Manual, Handbook and User’s Guide, 10th Edition The City, at its sole discretion, may also alter its Public Improvement Design and Construction Standards pertaining to traffic control device placement and use with the latest editions of the recommended policies, procedures and standards of the following (in order of preference): ▪ Federal Highway AdministrationManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” with any modifications from the Oregon Department of Transportation. ▪ The Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual and design manuals. ▪ Illumination Engineering Society (IES) Design Manual.
Augmentation of StandardsThe City will augment its Standards & Specifications with the latest editions of the following design documents: If there are any conflicts among these documents, the more stringent requirements shall apply unless otherwise allowed by the City. Jefferson County Road Functional Classification Table 3.2 Jefferson County Transportation System Plan The City, at its sole discretion, may also alter its Standards & Specifications pertaining to traffic control device placement and use with the latest editions of the recommended policies, procedures and standards of the following (in order of preference):  Federal Highway AdministrationManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” with any modifications from the Oregon Department of Transportation.  The Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual and design manuals.  Illumination Engineering Society (IES) Design Manual.

Related to Augmentation of Standards

  • MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS The Employer agrees, subject to the following provisions, that all conditions of employment in his/her individual operation relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentials and general working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the highest standards in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved whenever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement.

  • Incorporation of Standard Terms Except as otherwise provided herein, all of the provisions of the Standard Terms are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and this Series Supplement and the Standard Terms shall form a single agreement between the parties. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Series Supplement and the provisions of the Standard Terms, the provisions of this Series Supplement will control with respect to the Series 2001-1 Certificates and the transactions described herein.

  • Implementation of Changes If Tenant: (i) approves in writing the cost or savings and the estimated extension in the time for completion of Landlord’s Work, if any, and (ii) deposits with Landlord any Excess TI Costs required in connection with such Change, Landlord shall cause the approved Change to be instituted. Notwithstanding any approval or disapproval by Tenant of any estimate of the delay caused by such proposed Change, the TI Architect’s determination of the amount of Tenant Delay in connection with such Change shall be final and binding on Landlord and Tenant.

  • Implementation of Agreement Each Party must promptly execute all documents and do all such acts and things as is necessary or desirable to implement and give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

  • OMB Standards Unless specified otherwise within this agreement, the Subrecipient shall procure all materials, property, or services in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 84.40−48.

  • Design Criteria and Standards All Projects/Services shall be performed in accordance with instructions, criteria and standards set forth by the Director.

  • Technical Standards The Generation System shall be installed and operated by the Interconnection Customer consistent with the requirements of this Agreement; the Technical Requirements; the applicable requirements located in the National Electrical Code (NEC); the applicable standards published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); and local building and other applicable ordinances in effect at the time of the installation of the Generation System.

  • Out-of-State Travel Costs for travel outside Texas or the United States are unallowable unless a Request to Use TJJD Funds to Attend Out-of-State Training [TJJD-CER-01-11] has been submitted by the Grantee and prior written approval of the trip and projected costs for such travel has been granted by the Department.

  • REDUCTION OF STAFF A. The term “seniority” in this Article shall mean length of service as a bus driver with the District. B. In the event staff reduction becomes necessary, the District will release personnel in the inverse order of their length of service but may give consideration to special qualifications and experience, and minority employment. In the absence of such considerations and exemptions, layoff shall be based on seniority. The ATU shall be provided the opportunity to consult with the District when the necessity of such reductions is determined. Whenever possible, two (2) weeks written notice of layoff shall be given to each employee to be laid off under the provisions of this Article. Persons given such notice may not exercise the paid leave provisions of Article 15, except for sick leave when supported by a doctor’s statement, quarantine, mandatory court appearances or jury duty. This provision applies only to regular employees. C. Reductions shall be by seniority within a classification; however, the District may assign employees from a higher classification to a lower classification within an employee group. The District shall not assign employees to a lower salary level without a corresponding change in job assignment or responsibility. D. An employee who rejects an assignment of equal pay and classification shall, by doing so, forfeit all rights under this Article. An employee offered an assignment of lower classification and salary, due to staff reduction, may elect layoff and retain the recall rights provided by this Article. E. An employee who is terminated due to such reduction in staff shall have preference in filling positions within their employee classification and shall be recalled by the District for employment in such classification based upon seniority with the District; provided, however, they are qualified for the assignment. Employees so terminated shall retain such right of recall for a period of three (3) years from the date of termination. Employees so recalled by the District shall be reinstated with seniority rights accumulated as of the date of their termination. Any employee recalled by the District for a position comparable to the one from which they were terminated and who rejects such an assignment shall relinquish all rights provided in this Article and Agreement. F. By May 30, the District shall attempt to notify employees, whose work years correspond with the school year, of the intended employment status with the District for the following school year. Failure by the District to provide such notice of changes in staffing plans following issuance of notification will not interfere with the authority of the District to reassign or terminate an employee.

  • General Standards An Assistant Professor will be competent to teach in a particular field, will be current in the literature of that field, and will seek to meet student needs in both the classroom and in non-classroom environments. However, an Assistant may be a junior member of the academic community, with little professional and/or teaching experience. Furthermore, an Assistant may have little experience in curriculum development, committee work, governance, professional and/or community service, etc. In short, an Assistant Professor generally will be new to tenure-track college teaching. For eligibility for promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor, the candidate must have served a minimum of four (4) years at the rank of Assistant Professor, and must show evidence that he/she has grown professionally and consistently has sought to meet student needs, in both the classroom and in non-classroom environments. A successful candidate for the rank of Associate Professor will have remained current in the field, and will have improved his/her teaching in some demonstrable way. He/she also will have demonstrated professional growth in one or more of the following ways: completion of additional appropriate course work (if applicable), attendance at professional conferences, service on campus and/or District committees, professional and/or community service, or, the production of some creative work. Evidence of professional growth will be drawn from a careful analysis of student evaluations and peer evaluations over a period of time, and from a critical reading of materials submitted by the candidate. For promotion from Associate to Professor, the candidate must have served a minimum of four (4) years at the rank of Associate Professor, and must show evidence that he/she has grown professionally to a point where he/she has mastered both a particular field of knowledge and the teaching of that knowledge. A successful candidate must show evidence that he/she consistently has sought to meet student needs, in both the classroom and non-classroom environments. A Professor should be a senior member of the faculty, one who has such substantial experience, knowledge, and skill that he/she could mentor junior faculty in his/her area of expertise. A Professor will have demonstrated all the same kinds of achievements and attributes necessary for promotion to the Associate Professor rank, but in addition will demonstrate that he/she is a leader in some appropriate sense. Evidence of professional growth and leadership will be drawn from a careful analysis of student evaluations and peer evaluations over a period of time, and from a critical reading of materials submitted by the candidate.