AVIATION INSURANCE. ‌ The Department of Fish and Wildlife agrees to continue to provide an insurance policy, as authorized by statute or regulation, for bargaining unit employees required to engage in unscheduled aircraft flights as a condition of their employment, in the maximum amount provided by statute for death and the present rate for dismemberment. The Agency will support legislation to increase the maximum benefit.
AVIATION INSURANCE. The Employer agrees to provide insurance as authorized by statute or regulation for employees required to engage in aircraft flights as a condition of their employment in the same manner and amount provided to other employees of the agency.
AVIATION INSURANCEIn the event any fixed, rotary aircraft or drones are used in connection with this Agreement and in the execution of the work, a minimum of $1,000,000 of aviation liability insurance must be maintained with the following requirements: the Owner must be named as an "additional insured" and a waiver of hull damage must be provided in favor of the Contractor and Owner. Also, if any aircraft is to be used to perform lifts at the project site, a "slung cargo" endorsement must be included to cover the full replacement value of any equipment or material being lifted. All such lifts must be coordinated with the Contractor for approval prior to lift execution. There shall be no restriction of coverage or specific exclusion on the aviation policy as it relates to invasion of privacy. If drones are to be used, all use must be in compliance with FAA regulations.
AVIATION INSURANCE. Aircraft hull insurance and aviation liability insurance, including war risk liability and hull war risk insurance, subject to the following: Pinnacle’s and Mesaba’s aviation liability insurance (including war risk liability) expense shall be the lesser of the expense based on the actual rates or *** per Pinnacle or Mesaba Revenue Passenger. Pinnacle’s and Mesaba’s hull insurance (including hull war risk insurance) expense shall be the lesser of the expense based on the actual rates or *** per dollar ($) of Pinnacle and Mesaba Fleet Value. The margin payment pursuant to Section 5.08 or 5.11 shall be based on the foregoing amounts. If Pinnacle’s and Mesaba’s actual aviation insurance expense exceeds the amounts above, the incremental insurance expense above the foregoing limits will be reimbursed by Delta. In the event that Pinnacle obtains aviation insurance coverage as part of Delta’s aviation insurance placement, the rates used to determine Pinnacle’s share of the aviation insurance expenses shall be the same as the rates used to determine Delta’s expense for such insurance.
AVIATION INSURANCE. Aircraft hull insurance and aviation liability insurance, including war risk liability and hull war risk insurance per Section 9.03 of the Agreement, plus any related fees and taxes and self insured retention.
AVIATION INSURANCE specifically for contracts involving aviation operations for or on behalf of the County or any construction/repair/replacement of any aviation related property. Specific limits to be determined by Escambia County Risk Manager upon referral to that office.
AVIATION INSURANCE. TAM shall cause its aviation insurers to name Sabre as an additional insured party in its aviation insurance policies. TAM's insurers will also provide written waivers of subrogation in favor of Sabre in both its airline liability and airline hull policies. Such aviation policies will also include contractual liability coverage specifically insuring the indemnification obligations of such Party pursuant to Section 13. Upon request, TAM will provide Sabre with evidence of such insurance within 60 days of the Effective Date and will cause the insurers under such insurance policies not to cancel, amend or make any material adverse change affecting the coverage under any such policies without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Sabre.
AVIATION INSURANCEAir transportation has a no, of risk in its journey. The insurance which covers the risk of aviation and provides financial compensation in case of loss of aircraft, cargo, passengers and third party.
AVIATION INSURANCE. If either owned or chartered, hired or leased Aircraft (Fixed Wing or Helicopters) are to be used by the prime Contractor or any subcontractors, Aviation Liability for Owned/ Non-owned Aircraft is required at liability limits of $1,000,000 with a per seat limit of $165,000. The City and Borough of Juneau shall be named as an additional insured as their interests may appear.
AVIATION INSURANCEIn the event Mesaba obtains aviation insurance coverage as part of Northwest’s aviation insurance placement, the rates used to determine aircraft hull insurance and aviation liability insurance, including war risk liability and hull war risk insurance, shall be adjusted in a manner consistent with the rate changes experienced by Northwest, when and if the rates are revised, whether it be calendar year or otherwise.