Employees required to work a regular shift on Saturday or Sunday will receive a shift premium of $2.25 per hour for all hours worked.
Employees required to perform in a job function different from their regular function will not be penalized for errors committed during such performances, without considering the adequacy of training.
Employees required to report for work for a regularly scheduled shift and not used shall receive four (4) hours straight time pay. Employees required to report for work on a weekend and not used shall receive four (4) hours at the overtime rate.
Employees required to stay on duty, beyond the normal end of their shift, will be compensated at time and one-half, with a one hour minimum for all time worked.
Employees required to work in wet locations (crawl spaces, etc.) or work outdoors in inclement weather, shall be issued with sanitized rubber boots and rain gear by the Employer.
Employees required to stay overnight shall receive a meal allowance for each day they are away and shall be provided with clean, adequate lodging, in the amount of forty-five dollars ($45.00). Effective May 1 2011 this amount shall increase to forty seven dollars and fifty cents ($47.50) and on May 1 2012 this amount shall increase to fifty dol- lars ($50.00).
Employees required to drive plant off site
Employees required to work shift work – An employee when required to work shift work will be provided with one complete working week of work (minimum) on that shift (or less by mutual agreement between the employer and employee).
Employees required to attend a meeting or City function one (1) hour or more after the employee’s regular business day will receive a minimum of two (2) hours compensation at the appropriate rate and the employees whenever possible will utilize irregular hours or flex time.
Employees required to operate their personal vehicle for travel to and from any training program location outside their *headquarters shall be reimbursed at the current Company rate per kilometer for all kilometers traveled at the beginning and at the end of the training program and every second weekend.