Common use of Basic Salary Scale Clause in Contracts

Basic Salary Scale. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the salary of each teacher covered by this Agreement shall be determined by the following annualized scale: Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2006 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 40,460 $ 44,269 $ 47,671 $ 48,866 1 $ 42,361 $ 46,414 $ 49,982 $ 51,236 2 $ 44,261 $ 48,559 $ 52,294 $ 53,607 3 $ 46,162 $ 50,704 $ 54,606 $ 55,977 4 $ 48,063 $ 52,849 $ 56,918 $ 58,348 5 $ 49,964 $ 54,994 $ 59,230 $ 60,718 6 $ 51,864 $ 57,139 $ 61,542 $ 63,089 7 $ 53,765 $ 59,284 $ 63,854 $ 65,459 8 $ 55,666 $ 61,429 $ 66,166 $ 67,830 9 $ 57,567 $ 63,574 $ 68,478 $ 70,201 10 $ 59,467 $ 65,719 $ 70,789 $ 72,571 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2007 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 41,471 $ 45,375 $ 48,862 $ 50,087 1 $ 43,420 $ 47,574 $ 51,232 $ 52,517 2 $ 45,368 $ 49,773 $ 53,602 $ 54,947 3 $ 47,316 $ 51,971 $ 55,971 $ 57,377 4 $ 49,264 $ 54,170 $ 58,341 $ 59,807 5 $ 51,213 $ 56,369 $ 60,711 $ 62,236 6 $ 53,161 $ 58,567 $ 63,080 $ 64,666 7 $ 55,109 $ 60,766 $ 65,450 $ 67,096 8 $ 57,058 $ 62,965 $ 67,820 $ 69,526 9 $ 59,006 $ 65,163 $ 70,190 $ 71,956 10 $ 60,954 $ 67,362 $ 72,559 $ 74,385 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2008 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 42,508 $ 46,510 $ 50,084 $ 51,340 1 $ 44,505 $ 48,763 $ 52,513 $ 53,830 2 $ 46,502 $ 51,017 $ 54,942 $ 56,321 3 $ 48,499 $ 53,271 $ 57,371 $ 58,811 4 $ 50,496 $ 55,524 $ 59,800 $ 61,302 5 $ 52,493 $ 57,778 $ 62,229 $ 63,792 6 $ 54,490 $ 60,031 $ 64,657 $ 66,283 7 $ 56,487 $ 62,285 $ 67,086 $ 68,773 8 $ 58,484 $ 64,539 $ 69,515 $ 71,264 9 $ 60,481 $ 66,792 $ 71,944 $ 73,754 10 $ 64,040 $ 71,117 $ 76,322 $ 78,151 Benefit From Letter of Understanding No. 11 – 2008 Salary Harmonization:

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Provincial and Local Agreement, Provincial and Local Agreement

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Basic Salary Scale. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the salary of each teacher covered by this Agreement shall be determined by the following annualized scale: Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2006 2019 – June 30, 2020 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 40,460 49,669 $ 44,269 54,345 $ 47,671 58,521 $ 48,866 59,988 1 $ 42,361 52,003 $ 46,414 56,978 $ 49,982 61,359 $ 51,236 62,897 2 $ 44,261 54,335 $ 48,559 59,611 $ 52,294 64,198 $ 53,607 65,808 3 $ 46,162 56,669 $ 50,704 62,243 $ 54,606 67,035 $ 55,977 68,718 4 $ 48,063 59,003 $ 52,849 64,878 $ 56,918 69,874 $ 58,348 71,628 5 $ 49,964 61,336 $ 54,994 67,511 $ 59,230 72,712 $ 60,718 74,539 6 $ 51,864 63,668 $ 57,139 70,144 $ 61,542 75,549 $ 63,089 77,449 7 $ 53,765 66,002 $ 59,284 72,777 $ 63,854 78,388 $ 65,459 80,360 8 $ 55,666 68,336 $ 61,429 75,411 $ 66,166 81,226 $ 67,830 83,269 9 $ 57,567 70,670 $ 63,574 78,043 $ 68,478 84,064 $ 70,201 86,179 10 $ 59,467 74,828 $ 65,719 83,097 $ 70,789 89,180 $ 72,571 91,317 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2007 2020 – June 30, 2021 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 41,471 50,662 $ 45,375 55,431 $ 48,862 59,692 $ 50,087 61,188 1 $ 43,420 53,043 $ 47,574 58,118 $ 51,232 62,586 $ 52,517 64,155 2 $ 45,368 55,422 $ 49,773 60,803 $ 53,602 65,482 $ 54,947 67,125 3 $ 47,316 57,803 $ 51,971 63,488 $ 55,971 68,376 $ 57,377 70,093 4 $ 49,264 60,183 $ 54,170 66,176 $ 58,341 71,272 $ 59,807 73,061 5 $ 51,213 62,562 $ 56,369 68,861 $ 60,711 74,166 $ 62,236 76,029 6 $ 53,161 64,942 $ 58,567 71,547 $ 63,080 77,060 $ 64,666 78,998 7 $ 55,109 67,322 $ 60,766 74,233 $ 65,450 79,956 $ 67,096 81,967 8 $ 57,058 69,703 $ 62,965 76,919 $ 67,820 82,850 $ 69,526 84,934 9 $ 59,006 72,083 $ 65,163 79,604 $ 70,190 85,746 $ 71,956 87,902 10 $ 60,954 77,073 $ 67,362 85,590 $ 72,559 91,855 $ 74,385 94,056 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2008 2021 – June 30, 2022 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 42,508 51,676 $ 46,510 56,540 $ 50,084 60,886 $ 51,340 62,412 1 $ 44,505 54,104 $ 48,763 59,280 $ 52,513 63,838 $ 53,830 65,438 2 $ 46,502 56,531 $ 51,017 62,019 $ 54,942 66,791 $ 56,321 68,467 3 $ 48,499 58,959 $ 53,271 64,758 $ 57,371 69,744 $ 58,811 71,495 4 $ 50,496 61,387 $ 55,524 67,499 $ 59,800 72,697 $ 61,302 74,522 5 $ 52,493 63,814 $ 57,778 70,238 $ 62,229 75,649 $ 63,792 77,550 6 $ 54,490 66,241 $ 60,031 72,978 $ 64,657 78,602 $ 66,283 80,578 7 $ 56,487 68,669 $ 62,285 75,717 $ 67,086 81,555 $ 68,773 83,606 8 $ 58,484 71,097 $ 64,539 78,457 $ 69,515 84,507 $ 71,264 86,633 9 $ 60,481 73,525 $ 66,792 81,196 $ 71,944 87,461 $ 73,754 89,660 10 $ 64,040 78,615 $ 71,117 87,302 $ 76,322 93,692 $ 78,151 Benefit From Letter of Understanding No. 11 – 2008 Salary Harmonization:95,937

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: And Local Agreement, And Local Agreement

Basic Salary Scale. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the salary of each teacher covered by this Agreement shall be determined by the following annualized scale: Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2006 2013 – August 31, 2014 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 40,460 44,442 $ 44,269 48,626 $ 47,671 52,363 $ 48,866 53,676 1 $ 42,361 46,530 $ 46,414 50,982 $ 49,982 54,902 $ 51,236 56,279 2 $ 44,261 48,618 $ 48,559 53,338 $ 52,294 57,442 $ 53,607 58,883 3 $ 46,162 50,706 $ 50,704 55,694 $ 54,606 59,981 $ 55,977 61,487 4 $ 48,063 52,794 $ 52,849 58,051 $ 56,918 62,521 $ 58,348 64,091 5 $ 49,964 54,881 $ 54,994 60,407 $ 59,230 65,060 $ 60,718 66,695 6 $ 51,864 56,969 $ 57,139 62,763 $ 61,542 67,599 $ 63,089 69,299 7 $ 53,765 59,057 $ 59,284 65,119 $ 63,854 70,139 $ 65,459 71,903 8 $ 55,666 61,145 $ 61,429 67,475 $ 66,166 72,678 $ 67,830 74,506 9 $ 57,567 63,233 $ 63,574 69,831 $ 68,478 75,218 $ 70,201 77,110 10 $ 59,467 66,954 $ 65,719 74,353 $ 70,789 79,795 $ 72,571 81,707 Teacher Salary Grid As At July September 1, 2007 2014 – December 31, 2014 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 41,471 45,331 $ 45,375 49,599 $ 48,862 53,410 $ 50,087 54,750 1 $ 43,420 47,461 $ 47,574 52,002 $ 51,232 56,000 $ 52,517 57,405 2 $ 45,368 49,590 $ 49,773 54,405 $ 53,602 58,591 $ 54,947 60,061 3 $ 47,316 51,720 $ 51,971 56,808 $ 55,971 61,181 $ 57,377 62,717 4 $ 49,264 53,850 $ 54,170 59,212 $ 58,341 63,771 $ 59,807 65,373 5 $ 51,213 55,979 $ 56,369 61,615 $ 60,711 66,361 $ 62,236 68,029 6 $ 53,161 58,108 $ 58,567 64,018 $ 63,080 68,951 $ 64,666 70,685 7 $ 55,109 60,238 $ 60,766 66,421 $ 65,450 71,542 $ 67,096 73,341 8 $ 57,058 62,368 $ 62,965 68,825 $ 67,820 74,132 $ 69,526 75,996 9 $ 59,006 64,498 $ 65,163 71,228 $ 70,190 76,722 $ 71,956 78,652 10 $ 60,954 68,293 $ 67,362 75,840 $ 72,559 81,391 $ 74,385 83,341 Teacher Salary Grid As At July January 1, 2008 2015 – April 30, 2016 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 42,508 45,897 $ 46,510 50,219 $ 50,084 54,078 $ 51,340 55,434 1 $ 44,505 48,054 $ 48,763 52,652 $ 52,513 56,700 $ 53,830 58,122 2 $ 46,502 50,210 $ 51,017 55,085 $ 54,942 59,323 $ 56,321 60,811 3 $ 48,499 52,367 $ 53,271 57,518 $ 57,371 61,945 $ 58,811 63,501 4 $ 50,496 54,523 $ 55,524 59,952 $ 59,800 64,569 $ 61,302 66,190 5 $ 52,493 56,678 $ 57,778 62,385 $ 62,229 67,191 $ 63,792 68,879 6 $ 54,490 58,835 $ 60,031 64,818 $ 64,657 69,813 $ 66,283 71,569 7 $ 56,487 60,991 $ 62,285 67,252 $ 67,086 72,436 $ 68,773 74,258 8 $ 58,484 63,147 $ 64,539 69,685 $ 69,515 75,058 $ 71,264 76,946 9 $ 60,481 65,304 $ 66,792 72,118 $ 71,944 77,681 $ 73,754 79,635 10 $ 64,040 69,147 $ 71,117 76,788 $ 76,322 82,408 $ 78,151 Benefit From 84,383 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,104 $ 50,444 $ 54,321 $ 55,683 1 $ 48,270 $ 52,889 $ 56,955 $ 58,384 2 $ 50,436 $ 55,333 $ 59,590 $ 61,085 3 $ 52,602 $ 57,777 $ 62,224 $ 63,786 4 $ 54,768 $ 60,222 $ 64,859 $ 66,488 5 $ 56,933 $ 62,666 $ 67,493 $ 69,189 6 $ 59,099 $ 65,110 $ 70,127 $ 71,891 7 $ 61,266 $ 67,554 $ 72,762 $ 74,592 8 $ 63,432 $ 69,998 $ 75,396 $ 77,292 9 $ 65,598 $ 72,442 $ 78,031 $ 79,994 10 $ 69,458 $ 77,134 $ 82,779 $ 84,763 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,565 $ 50,949 $ 54,864 $ 56,240 1 $ 48,753 $ 53,417 $ 57,525 $ 58,968 2 $ 50,941 $ 55,886 $ 60,186 $ 61,696 3 $ 53,128 $ 58,355 $ 62,846 $ 64,424 4 $ 55,316 $ 60,824 $ 65,508 $ 67,153 5 $ 57,503 $ 63,293 $ 68,168 $ 69,881 6 $ 59,690 $ 65,761 $ 70,828 $ 72,610 7 $ 61,878 $ 68,230 $ 73,490 $ 75,338 8 $ 64,066 $ 70,698 $ 76,150 $ 78,065 9 $ 66,254 $ 73,167 $ 78,811 $ 80,794 10 $ 70,152 $ 77,905 $ 83,607 $ 85,610 *any calculation made in accordance with provincial Letter of Understanding No. 11 14 Re: Economic Stability Dividend will be applied as a percentage increase on the current collective agreement salary rates and applicable allowance rates. All future increases will be based on the newly revised rate with ESD. Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2017 2008 April 30, 2018 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,798 $ 51,204 $ 55,139 $ 56,521 1 $ 48,997 $ 53,685 $ 57,812 $ 59,262 2 $ 51,195 $ 56,165 $ 60,487 $ 62,004 3 $ 53,394 $ 58,646 $ 63,161 $ 64,746 4 $ 55,593 $ 61,128 $ 65,835 $ 67,488 5 $ 57,790 $ 63,609 $ 68,509 $ 70,231 6 $ 59,989 $ 66,090 $ 71,182 $ 72,973 7 $ 62,188 $ 68,571 $ 73,857 $ 75,715 8 $ 64,386 $ 71,052 $ 76,531 $ 78,456 9 $ 66,585 $ 73,533 $ 79,205 $ 81,198 10 $ 70,503 $ 78,294 $ 84,025 $ 86,038 Teacher Salary Harmonization:Grid As At May 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 47,266 $ 51,716 $ 55,690 $ 57,087 1 $ 49,487 $ 54,221 $ 58,390 $ 59,855 2 $ 51,707 $ 56,727 $ 61,092 $ 62,624 3 $ 53,928 $ 59,233 $ 63,792 $ 65,394 4 $ 56,149 $ 61,740 $ 66,494 $ 68,163 5 $ 58,368 $ 64,245 $ 69,194 $ 70,933 6 $ 60,589 $ 66,751 $ 71,894 $ 73,702 7 $ 62,809 $ 69,257 $ 74,596 $ 76,472 8 $ 65,030 $ 71,762 $ 77,296 $ 79,240 9 $ 67,251 $ 74,268 $ 79,997 $ 82,010 10 $ 71,208 $ 79,077 $ 84,865 $ 86,899 *any calculation made in accordance with provincial Letter of Understanding No. 14 Re: Economic Stability Dividend will be applied as a percentage increase on the current collective agreement salary rates and applicable allowance rates. All future increases will be based on the newly revised rate with ESD. Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 47,502 $ 51,974 $ 55,969 $ 57,372 1 $ 49,734 $ 54,493 $ 58,682 $ 60,154 2 $ 51,966 $ 57,011 $ 61,397 $ 62,938 3 $ 54,198 $ 59,529 $ 64,111 $ 65,721 4 $ 56,429 $ 62,048 $ 66,826 $ 68,504 5 $ 58,660 $ 64,567 $ 69,540 $ 71,287 6 $ 60,892 $ 67,085 $ 72,254 $ 74,071 7 $ 63,124 $ 69,603 $ 74,969 $ 76,854 8 $ 65,355 $ 72,121 $ 77,682 $ 79,636 9 $ 67,587 $ 74,639 $ 80,397 $ 82,420 10 $ 71,564 $ 79,473 $ 85,290 $ 87,333 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 47,977 $ 52,494 $ 56,528 $ 57,946 1 $ 50,231 $ 55,037 $ 59,269 $ 60,756 2 $ 52,485 $ 57,581 $ 62,011 $ 63,567 3 $ 54,739 $ 60,124 $ 64,752 $ 66,378 4 $ 56,994 $ 62,669 $ 67,494 $ 69,189 5 $ 59,247 $ 65,212 $ 70,235 $ 72,000 6 $ 61,501 $ 67,756 $ 72,976 $ 74,811 7 $ 63,755 $ 70,299 $ 75,718 $ 77,623 8 $ 66,009 $ 72,842 $ 78,459 $ 80,433 9 $ 68,263 $ 75,386 $ 81,201 $ 83,244 10 $ 72,280 $ 80,268 $ 86,142 $ 88,207 *any calculation made in accordance with provincial Letter of Understanding No. 14 Re: Economic Stability Dividend will be applied as a percentage increase on the current collective agreement salary rates and applicable allowance rates. All future increases will be based on the newly revised rate with ESD.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Local Agreement

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Basic Salary Scale. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the salary of each teacher covered by this Agreement shall be determined by the following annualized scale: Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2006 2013 – August 31, 2014 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 40,460 44,442 $ 44,269 48,626 $ 47,671 52,363 $ 48,866 53,676 1 $ 42,361 46,530 $ 46,414 50,982 $ 49,982 54,902 $ 51,236 56,279 2 $ 44,261 48,618 $ 48,559 53,338 $ 52,294 57,442 $ 53,607 58,883 3 $ 46,162 50,706 $ 50,704 55,694 $ 54,606 59,981 $ 55,977 61,487 4 $ 48,063 52,794 $ 52,849 58,051 $ 56,918 62,521 $ 58,348 64,091 5 $ 49,964 54,881 $ 54,994 60,407 $ 59,230 65,060 $ 60,718 66,695 6 $ 51,864 56,969 $ 57,139 62,763 $ 61,542 67,599 $ 63,089 69,299 7 $ 53,765 59,057 $ 59,284 65,119 $ 63,854 70,139 $ 65,459 71,903 8 $ 55,666 61,145 $ 61,429 67,475 $ 66,166 72,678 $ 67,830 74,506 9 $ 57,567 63,233 $ 63,574 69,831 $ 68,478 75,218 $ 70,201 77,110 10 $ 59,467 66,954 $ 65,719 74,353 $ 70,789 79,795 $ 72,571 81,707 Teacher Salary Grid As At July September 1, 2007 2014 – December 31, 2014 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 41,471 45,331 $ 45,375 49,599 $ 48,862 53,410 $ 50,087 54,749 1 $ 43,420 47,461 $ 47,574 52,002 $ 51,232 56,000 $ 52,517 57,405 2 $ 45,368 49,590 $ 49,773 54,405 $ 53,602 58,590 $ 54,947 60,061 3 $ 47,316 51,720 $ 51,971 56,808 $ 55,971 61,181 $ 57,377 62,717 4 $ 49,264 53,849 $ 54,170 59,212 $ 58,341 63,771 $ 59,807 65,373 5 $ 51,213 55,979 $ 56,369 61,615 $ 60,711 66,361 $ 62,236 68,029 6 $ 53,161 58,109 $ 58,567 64,018 $ 63,080 68,951 $ 64,666 70,685 7 $ 55,109 60,238 $ 60,766 66,421 $ 65,450 71,542 $ 67,096 73,341 8 $ 57,058 62,368 $ 62,965 68,825 $ 67,820 74,132 $ 69,526 75,997 9 $ 59,006 64,498 $ 65,163 71,228 $ 70,190 76,722 $ 71,956 78,652 10 $ 60,954 68,293 $ 67,362 75,840 $ 72,559 81,391 $ 74,385 83,341 Teacher Salary Grid As At July January 1, 2008 2015 – April 30, 2016 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 42,508 45,897 $ 46,510 50,219 $ 50,084 54,078 $ 51,340 55,434 1 $ 44,505 48,054 $ 48,763 52,652 $ 52,513 56,700 $ 53,830 58,122 2 $ 46,502 50,210 $ 51,017 55,085 $ 54,942 59,323 $ 56,321 60,811 3 $ 48,499 52,367 $ 53,271 57,518 $ 57,371 61,945 $ 58,811 63,501 4 $ 50,496 54,523 $ 55,524 59,952 $ 59,800 64,569 $ 61,302 66,190 5 $ 52,493 56,678 $ 57,778 62,385 $ 62,229 67,191 $ 63,792 68,879 6 $ 54,490 58,835 $ 60,031 64,818 $ 64,657 69,813 $ 66,283 71,569 7 $ 56,487 60,991 $ 62,285 67,252 $ 67,086 72,436 $ 74,258 8 $ 63,147 $ 69,685 $ 75,058 $ 76,946 9 $ 65,304 $ 72,118 $ 77,681 $ 79,635 10 $ 69,147 $ 76,788 $ 82,408 $ 84,383 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,104 $ 50,444 $ 54,321 $ 55,683 1 $ 48,270 $ 52,889 $ 56,955 $ 58,384 2 $ 50,436 $ 55,333 $ 59,590 $ 61,085 3 $ 52,602 $ 57,777 $ 62,224 $ 63,786 4 $ 54,768 $ 60,222 $ 64,859 $ 66,488 5 $ 56,933 $ 62,666 $ 67,493 $ 69,189 6 $ 59,099 $ 65,110 $ 70,127 $ 71,891 7 $ 61,266 $ 67,554 $ 72,762 $ 74,592 8 $ 63,432 $ 69,998 $ 75,396 $ 77,292 9 $ 65,598 $ 72,442 $ 78,031 $ 79,994 10 $ 69,458 $ 77,134 $ 82,779 $ 84,763 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,565 $ 50,949 $ 54,864 $ 56,240 1 $ 48,753 $ 53,417 $ 57,525 $ 58,968 2 $ 50,941 $ 55,886 $ 60,186 $ 61,696 3 $ 53,128 $ 58,355 $ 62,846 $ 64,424 4 $ 55,316 $ 60,824 $ 65,508 $ 67,153 5 $ 57,503 $ 63,293 $ 68,168 $ 69,881 6 $ 59,690 $ 65,761 $ 70,828 $ 72,610 7 $ 61,878 $ 68,230 $ 73,490 $ 75,338 8 $ 64,066 $ 70,698 $ 76,150 $ 78,065 9 $ 66,254 $ 73,167 $ 78,811 $ 80,794 10 $ 70,152 $ 77,905 $ 83,607 $ 85,610 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,728 $ 51,127 $ 55,056 $ 56,437 1 $ 48,923 $ 53,604 $ 57,726 $ 59,174 2 $ 51,119 $ 56,082 $ 60,397 $ 61,912 3 $ 53,314 $ 58,559 $ 63,066 $ 64,650 4 $ 55,510 $ 61,037 $ 65,737 $ 67,388 5 $ 57,704 $ 63,514 $ 68,407 $ 70,126 6 $ 59,899 $ 65,991 $ 71,076 $ 72,864 7 $ 62,095 $ 68,469 $ 73,747 $ 75,602 8 $ 64,290 $ 70,946 $ 76,416 $ 78,338 9 $ 66,486 $ 73,423 $ 79,087 $ 81,076 10 $ 70,398 $ 78,178 $ 83,900 $ 85,910 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2017 – April 30, 2018 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 46,962 $ 51,383 $ 55,332 $ 56,719 1 $ 49,168 $ 53,872 $ 58,015 $ 59,470 2 $ 51,374 $ 56,362 $ 60,699 $ 62,221 3 $ 53,581 $ 58,852 $ 63,382 $ 64,973 4 $ 55,787 $ 61,342 $ 66,066 $ 67,725 5 $ 57,993 $ 63,832 $ 68,749 $ 70,476 6 $ 60,199 $ 66,321 $ 71,432 $ 73,228 7 $ 62,405 $ 68,811 $ 74,116 $ 75,980 8 $ 64,612 $ 71,301 $ 76,799 $ 78,730 9 $ 66,818 $ 73,790 $ 79,483 $ 81,482 10 $ 70,750 $ 78,568 $ 84,319 $ 86,339 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 47,619 $ 52,102 $ 56,106 $ 57,513 1 $ 49,856 $ 54,627 $ 58,827 $ 60,302 2 $ 52,094 $ 57,151 $ 61,548 $ 63,093 3 $ 54,331 $ 59,676 $ 64,269 $ 65,883 4 $ 56,568 $ 62,201 $ 66,991 $ 68,673 5 $ 58,804 $ 64,725 $ 69,711 $ 71,463 6 $ 61,042 $ 67,250 $ 72,432 $ 74,253 7 $ 63,279 $ 69,774 $ 75,153 $ 77,043 8 $ 65,516 $ 72,299 $ 77,874 $ 79,832 9 $ 67,753 $ 74,823 $ 80,595 $ 82,623 10 $ 71,741 $ 79,668 $ 85,500 $ 87,548 Teacher Salary Grid As At July 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 47,857 $ 52,363 $ 56,387 $ 57,801 1 $ 50,106 $ 54,900 $ 59,121 $ 60,604 2 $ 52,354 $ 57,437 $ 61,856 $ 63,408 3 $ 54,603 $ 59,974 $ 64,590 $ 66,212 4 $ 56,851 $ 62,512 $ 67,326 $ 69,016 5 $ 59,098 $ 65,049 $ 70,060 $ 71,820 6 $ 61,347 $ 67,586 $ 72,794 $ 74,624 7 $ 63,595 $ 70,123 $ 75,529 $ 77,429 8 $ 65,844 $ 72,660 $ 78,263 $ 80,232 9 $ 68,092 $ 75,197 $ 80,998 $ 83,036 10 $ 72,099 $ 80,067 $ 85,927 $ 87,986 Teacher Salary Grid As At May 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019 Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 0 $ 48,336 $ 52,886 $ 56,951 $ 58,379 1 $ 50,607 $ 55,449 $ 59,712 $ 61,210 2 $ 52,878 $ 58,011 $ 62,475 $ 64,042 3 $ 55,149 $ 60,574 $ 65,236 $ 66,874 4 $ 57,420 $ 63,137 $ 67,999 $ 69,706 5 $ 59,689 $ 65,700 $ 70,760 $ 72,539 6 $ 61,960 $ 68,262 $ 73,522 $ 75,371 7 $ 64,231 $ 70,824 $ 76,284 $ 78,203 8 $ 66,502 $ 73,387 $ 79,046 $ 81,034 9 $ 68,773 8 $ 58,484 75,949 $ 64,539 81,808 $ 69,515 $ 71,264 9 $ 60,481 $ 66,792 $ 71,944 $ 73,754 83,866 10 $ 64,040 72,820 $ 71,117 80,867 $ 76,322 86,786 $ 78,151 Benefit From 88,866 *any calculation made in accordance with provincial Letter of Understanding No. 11 – 2008 Salary Harmonization:14 Re: Economic Stability Dividend will be applied as a percentage increase on the current collective agreement salary rates and applicable allowance rates. All future increases will be based on the newly revised rate with ESD.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Local Agreement

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