Basic Workweek. 3 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 4 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 5 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 6 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 7 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 8 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 9 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 10 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 11 allowed. 12 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 13 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 14 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 15 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 16 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 17 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 18 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 19 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 20 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 21 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 22 the schedule disruption.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Basic Workweek. 3 25 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 4 26 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 5 27 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 6 28 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 7 29 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 8 30 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 9 31 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 10 32 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 11 1 allowed.
12 2 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 13 3 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 14 4 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 15 5 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 16 6 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 17 7 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 18 8 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 19 9 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 20 10 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 21 11 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 22 12 the schedule disruption.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Basic Workweek. 3 14 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 4 15 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 5 16 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 6 17 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 7 18 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 8 19 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 9 20 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 10 21 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 11 22 allowed.
12 23 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 13 24 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 14 25 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 15 26 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 16 27 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 17 28 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 18 29 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 19 30 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 20 31 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 21 1 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 22 2 the schedule disruption.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Basic Workweek. 3 24 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 4 25 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 5 26 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 6 27 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 7 28 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 8 29 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 9 30 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 10 31 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 11 32 allowed.
12 1 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 13 2 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 14 3 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 15 4 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 16 5 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 17 6 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 18 7 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 19 8 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 20 9 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 21 10 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 22 11 the schedule disruption.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Basic Workweek. 3 26 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 4 27 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 5 28 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 6 29 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 7 30 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 8 31 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 9 32 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 10 1 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 11 2 allowed.
12 3 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 13 4 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 14 5 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 15 6 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 16 7 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 17 8 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 18 9 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 19 10 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 20 11 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 21 12 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 22 13 the schedule disruption.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement