Basic Workweek. The basic workweek for employees shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) eight
Basic Workweek. The basic workweek for full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days. Commencing with their fifth (5th) week of employment, full-time employees shall receive forty (40) hours pay at straight time rates and shall work four (4) days, thirty-two (32) hours, including work on the statutory holiday, in a week in which one (1) statutory holiday occurs; three (3) days, twenty-four
Basic Workweek. The official workweek is comprised of seven (7) workdays which begins on each Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and shall end at midnight of the following Friday. The official workday shall begin at 12:01 a.m. and shall end at midnight. An employee who occupies a full-time permanent position shall work 40 hours, including meal and rest breaks, in each workweek. Employees may work eight (8) hours per shift for five (5) shifts within the official workweek, and shall receive two (2) consecutive “24” hour periods off. Employees may work ten (10) hours per shift for four (4) shifts within the official workweek, and receive three (3) consecutive days off. The department head has the total discretion for operational demands to authorize ten (10) hours per shift/forty (40) hours per week. Any change to the work shift will be accompanied by written notice, of no less than thirty (30) calendar days, to the union president and the affected bargaining unit member. The Union shall have the opportunity to provide input to the Director regarding any change in scheduling. Employees authorized to work ten (10) hours per shift [in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this Article] shall work four (4) shifts within the official workweek, and shall receive three (3) “24-hour periods off” of which two (2) 24-hour periods must be consecutive periods (days) off . At the written request of the employee and approval of the department head, the employee’s shifts may be scheduled so that the “24-hour periods off” are not consecutive. A meal break is a break of not longer than 45 minutes taken near the middle of an employee’s shift or when workload permits, but not within two (2) hours of the employee’s starting time or one (1) hour of the employee’s quitting time. Employees may be interrupted or required to immediately return to duty during their meal breaks. Employees shall be granted one (1) 15-minute work break during the course of their shifts when workload permits before the meal break. Such work break shall not be scheduled by the supervisor or taken by the employee within one (1) hour of the employee’s starting time or meal break. Employees will be granted ten (10) minutes changing time at no cost to the employee/or the county, for the changing in/out of their uniform. Subject to the provisions of NRS 288.150 (4), nothing herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the County to make temporary assignments to different or additional locations, shifts or work duties for the purpose of m...
Basic Workweek. The basic workweek shall be forty (40) hours in a designated seven (7) day period, commencing at the start of the first shift that starts at or after 0001 on Sunday.
Basic Workweek. Five (5) basic workdays (40 hours) shall constitute the basic workweek which shall be worked— Monday through Saturday, inclusive. One full day off within the week of Monday through Saturday, inclusive, shall be allowed each employee in each shop. The day off shall be at the Employer’s discretion except that it may be rotated or changed in accord ance with the mutual agreement of the Em ployer and his employees.
Basic Workweek. The basic workweek for full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days. Full-time employees shall not suffer a reduction in the workweek by reason of the Employer voluntarily reducing the hours that the store is open to the public to less than nine (9) hours per day. Part-time employees may be scheduled for less than forty (40) hours per week but may not be scheduled for less than four (4) hours on any day they are to report for work. Students reporting for work on a school day where the store is closed for business at 6:00 p.m. may be scheduled for a minimum of two (2) hours.
Basic Workweek. The administrative workweek shall be seven (7) consecutive days, Sunday through Saturday. The basic workweek shall be scheduled on five (5) consecutive 8-hour days, where possible. Where applicable, the Agency shall inform employees of the days and hours of the employee’s basic workweek.
Basic Workweek. 14 A. The workweek shall consist of a period of seven (7) consecutive 15 days. The normal workweek may consist of forty (40) hours per 16 week. The normal workday may consist of eight (8) or ten (10) or 17 twelve (12) hours of work, exclusive of the lunch period, in a twenty- 18 four (24) hour period, unless otherwise specified herein. The City 19 and the Union recognize that certain types of activities require 20 different treatment as to hours worked, and agree that in those 21 instances, a different shift, including the lunch period, may be 22 allowed.
23 B. If there is any change in the scheduled workweek of an employee, 24 such change shall be posted one (1) week in advance. If a new 25 schedule is not posted, the current schedule shall remain in effect for 26 an additional week. However, the posted workweek schedule may 27 be changed without notice when in response to: an unscheduled 28 event, circumstances described within Article 17, Non-Standard 29 Operating Procedures, mutual agreement between the employee 30 and his/her manager, or the absence of an employee. In such 31 cases, the posted schedule will be reinstated at the start of the 1 workweek following the end of the event or circumstance that caused 2 the schedule disruption.
Basic Workweek. The basic workweek for employees shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days. For purposes of the Collective Agreement, Sunday is considered the first (1st) day of the basic workweek and, in the event an employee worked in excess of the basic workweek, the last such day or days worked in such weeks shall be considered as the day or days for which overtime applies. Grid A full-time employees shall not suffer a reduction in the workweek by reason of the Employer voluntarily reducing the hours that the store is open to the public to less than nine (9) hours per day. Restricted Grid A employees who lift their restriction and are able to proceed to full-time status based on their seniority, shall not be required to meet the full-time status requirement (forty (40) hours per week for eight (8) weeks) of the Collective Agreement. It is understood where the above causes a junior Grid A full-time employee to be reduced to part-time status, this reduction is not a reduction by the Employer for benefit purposes.