Study An application for leave of absence for professional study must be supported by a written statement indicating what study or research is to be undertaken, or, if applicable, what subjects are to be studied and at what institutions.
Preliminary Design Phase 30 percent plans) A. Proceed with Preliminary Design Phase after the completion of the Conceptual phase which includes: Acceptance by Owner of the Conceptual Report and any other Study and Report Phase deliverables; selection by Owner of a recommended solution; issuance by Owner of any instructions for use of Project Strategies, Technologies, and Techniques, or for inclusion of sustainable features in the design, and Indication by Owner of any specific modifications or changes in the scope, extent, character, or design requirements of the Project desired by Owner. 1. Prepare Preliminary Design Phase documents consisting of final design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline specifications, and written descriptions of the Project. 2. Include on plans, property lines, structure locations, ownership names and contact information. 3. In preparing the Preliminary Design Phase documents, use any specific applicable Project Strategies, Technologies, and Techniques authorized by Owner during or following the Study and Conceptual Phase, and include sustainable features, as appropriate, pursuant to Owner’s instructions. 4. Provide necessary field surveys, topographic and utility mapping for Engineer’s design purposes. Comply with the scope of work and procedure for the identification and mapping of existing utilities as defined by Section A1.03 “Utility Requirements” and Section A1.04 “Survey Services” 5. Visit the Site as needed to prepare the Preliminary Design Phase documents. 6. Advise Owner if additional reports, data, information, or services of the types described are necessary and assist Owner in obtaining such reports, data, information, or services. 7. Continue to assist Owner with Project Strategies, Technologies, and Techniques that Owner has chosen to implement. 8. Based on the information contained in the Preliminary Design Phase documents, prepare a revised opinion of probable Construction Cost, and assist Owner in tabulating the various cost categories which comprise Total Project Costs. 9. Obtain and review Owner’s instructions regarding Owner’s procurement of construction services (including instructions regarding advertisements for bids, instructions to bidders, and requests for proposals, as applicable), Owner’s construction contract practices and requirements, insurance and bonding requirements, electronic transmittals during construction, and other information necessary for the finalization of Owner’s bidding-related documents (or requests for proposals or other construction procurement documents), and Construction Contract Documents. Also obtain and review copies of Owner’s design and construction standards, Owner’s standard forms, general conditions, supplementary conditions, text, and related documents or content for Engineer to include in the draft bidding-related documents (or requests for proposals or other construction procurement documents), and in the draft Construction Contract Documents, when applicable. 10. Development communication plan for project: considering the use of door hangers, letters, public meetings, changeable message boards. 11. Furnish 6 review copies of the Preliminary Design Phase documents, opinion of probable Construction Cost, and any other Preliminary Design Phase deliverables to Owner by established due date, and review them with Owner. Owner shall submit to Engineer any comments regarding the furnished items. 12. Revise the Preliminary Design Phase documents, opinion of probable Construction Cost, and any other Preliminary Design Phase deliverables in response to Owner’s comments, as appropriate, and furnish to Owner 6 copies of the revised Preliminary Design Phase documents, revised opinion of probable Construction Cost, and any other deliverables by the specified due date. 13. Engineer’s services under the Preliminary Design Phase will be considered complete on the date when Engineer has delivered to Owner the revised Preliminary Design Phase documents, revised opinion of probable Construction Cost, and any other Preliminary Design Phase deliverables.
Tenant Improvement Plans Any work proposed by Tenant (the “Tenant Improvements”) shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable prior approval and shall be subject to the other terms and conditions of this Exhibit C; provided that it will be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its approval or consent (as and when applicable under this Exhibit C) if Landlord’s Mortgagee has not consented to the matter that is the subject of such approval or consent. All architectural, engineering and other design fees shall be paid by Tenant. Tenant shall use its architect, engineers and other design professionals, all of whom shall comply with any applicable licensing or governmental requirements of the City of Seattle and the State of Washington; Tenant’s architect shall be approved by Landlord (“Tenant’s Architect”), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord shall also be entitled to receive a copy of the agreement between Tenant and Tenant’s Architect (the “Architect Agreement”). Tenant shall cause Tenant’s Architect to prepare a draft space plan (the “Space Plan”) for the Tenant Improvements and shall submit the proposed Space Plan to Landlord for the latter’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld) in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Space Plan within ten (10) business days of receipt; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Space Plan to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Space Plan to Landlord for approval. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Space Plan. Tenant’s Architect shall then prepare working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements, including architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection drawings as required, suitable for permit application (the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the proposed Working Drawings to Landlord for the latter’s approval in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. The Space Plan and Working Drawings shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, which Landlord agrees shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. Landlord shall not be deemed to have acted unreasonably if it withholds its approval thereof because, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, the work, as described in any such item: (i) is likely to adversely affect Building Systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or their occupants; (ii) might impair Landlord’s ability to furnish services to Tenant or other tenants in the Building; (iii) would materially increase the cost of operating the Building; (iv) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances (or interpretations thereof); (v) contains or uses hazardous or toxic materials or substances; (vi) would negatively affect the appearance of the Building; (vii) is reasonably likely to adversely affect another tenant’s premises; or (viii) is prohibited by any ground lease affecting the Building or any mortgage, trust deed or other instrument encumbering the Building. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Working Drawings, within ten (10) business days of Landlord’s receipt of the Working Drawings; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Working Drawings to Landlord for approval. Landlord may, when approving the Tenant Improvement Plans, elect to require Tenant to remove any Non-Standard Improvements which are made to the Premises. If Landlord so elects, Tenant shall, at its own cost, restore the Premises to the condition designated by Landlord in its election, before the last day of the Term. Such process shall continue until both parties have approved the Working Drawings. Landlord’s approval of the Space Plan and/or the Working Drawings shall not be deemed any representation or warranty that the same comply with applicable codes.
Improvement Plan A written plan developed by the evaluator, utilized when a teacher received a Rating of Ineffective on his/her Evaluation or on any individual deficiency in the evaluation system.
Free Trial If Customer uses a Free Trial Service, PROS will make such Free Trial Service available to Customer on a trial basis, free of charge, until the earlier of (a) the end of the free trial period for which Customer agreed to use such Free Trial Service, (b) the start date of any Subscription Service purchased by Customer for the same service, or (c) termination of the Free Trial Service by PROS in its sole discretion. Additional trial terms and conditions may appear on the trial registration web page. Any such additional terms and conditions are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and are legally binding. Free Trial Services are provided for evaluation purposes and not for production use. Customer shall have sole responsibility and PROS assumes no liability for any Customer Data that Customer may choose to upload on the Free Trial Services. NOTWITHSTANDING SECTION 5 AND 6 ABOVE, FREE TRIAL SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AND PROS SHALL HAVE NO INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS, NOR ANY LIABILITY OF ANY TYPE WITH RESPECT TO A FREE TRIAL SERVICE, UNLESS SUCH EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY IS UNENFORCEABLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW IN WHICH CASE, PROS TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO A FREE TRIAL SERVICE IS US$1,000. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN SECTION 7 ABOVE, CUSTOMER SHALL BE FULLY LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ITS USE OF A FREE TRIAL SERVICE. ANY CUSTOMER DATA AND CONFIGURATIONS ENTERED INTO CUSTOMER’S FREE TRIAL SERVICE ACCOUNT MAY BE PERMANENTLY LOST UPON TERMINATION OF THE FREE TRIAL SERVICE.
Laboratory Testing All laboratories selected by UPS Freight for analyzing Controlled Substances Testing will be HHS certified.
Performance Improvement Plan timely and accurate completion of key actions due within the reporting period 100 percent The Supplier will design and develop an improvement plan and agree milestones and deliverables with the Authority 3.2 The Authority may from time to time make changes to the KPIs measured as set out in paragraph 3.1 above and shall issue a replacement version to the Supplier. The Authority shall give notice In Writing of any such change to the KPIs measured and shall specify the date from which the replacement KPIs must be used for future reports. Such date shall be at least thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the notice to the Supplier.
Quality Improvement The Parties must develop QI activities specifically for the oversight of the requirements of this MOU, including, without limitation, any applicable performance measures and QI initiatives, including those to prevent duplication of services, as well as reports that track referrals, Member engagement, and service utilization. Such QI activities must include processes to monitor the extent to which Members are able to access mental health services across SMHS and NSMHS, and Covered Service utilization. The Parties must document these QI activities in policies and procedures.
Log Reviews All systems processing and/or storing PHI COUNTY discloses to 11 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 12 must have a routine procedure in place to review system logs for unauthorized access.
Space Plan Tenant or Tenant’s Architect shall prepare a proposed space plan for the Tenant Improvements in the Premises which shall include a layout and designation of all partitioning, intended use for such space and equipment to be contained therein (the “Space Plan”) and shall deliver the proposed Space Plan to Landlord with a request for Landlord’s approval. Landlord shall approve or disapprove the Space Plan by written notice given to Tenant within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the Space Plan. Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of the Space Plan, provided that, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall be entitled to withhold its consent to the Space Plan if, in Landlord’s good faith judgment, any one or more of the following conditions exist: (a) the proposed Tenant Improvements will adversely affect the exterior appearance of the Building; (b) the proposed Tenant Improvements may impair the structural strength of the Building, affect any of the Base Building Systems or adversely affect the value of the Building; or (c) the proposed Tenant Improvement Work would trigger the necessity under Applicable Laws or otherwise for work to be performed outside the Premises. If Tenant’s proposed interior partitioning or other aspects of the Tenant Improvement Work will, in Landlord’s good faith judgment, require changes or alterations in the Base Building Systems located outside of the Premises, and Landlord approves such changes or alterations, such changes or alterations shall be made at Tenant’s expense. If Landlord disapproves the Space Plan, Landlord shall return the Space Plan to Tenant with a statement of Landlord’s reasons for disapproval, or specifying any required corrections and/or revisions. Landlord shall approve or disapprove of any revisions to the Space Plan by written notice given to Tenant within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such revisions. This procedure shall be repeated until Landlord approves the Space Plan (as so approved, the “Approved Space Plan”).