Birth Certificate. An employer may at any time demand the production of a birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence for the purpose of ascertaining the correct age of a junior employee. If such a certificate is required, the cost of obtaining it shall be met by the employer.
Birth Certificate. Employee granted said leave may continue the Group Medical Insurance Program at the regular employee contribution rate for one (1) month.
Birth Certificate. Each candidate shall present a certificate of birth au- thenticated by an authorized official.
Birth Certificate. Each candidate shall present a certificate of birth au- thenticated by an authorized official. [47 FR 21812, May 20, 1982, as amended at 68 FR 62538, Nov. 5, 2003; 69 FR 61451, Oct. 19, 2004]
(a) The service obligation contract shall obligate each midshipman who is a citizen and who executes or reexe- cutes a service obligation contract to:
(1) Complete the course of instruc- tion at the Academy;
(2) Fulfill the requirements for a li- cense as an officer in the merchant ma- xxxx of the United States on or before the date of graduation from the Acad- emy;
(3) Maintain a license as an officer in the merchant marine of the United States for at least six (6) years fol- lowing the date of graduation from the Academy accompanied by the appro- priate national and international en- dorsements and certifications as re- quired by the United States Coast Guard for service aboard vessels on both domestic and international voy- ages (‘‘appropriate’’ means the same endorsements and certifications held at the date of graduation, or the equiv- alent);
(4) Apply for an appointment as, ac- cept any tendered appointment as and serve as a commissioned officer in the USNR (including the Merchant Marine Reserve, USNR), the United States Coast Guard Reserve, or any other Re- serve component of an armed force of the United States for at least six (6) years following the date of graduation from the Academy;
(5) Serve in the foreign or domestic commerce and the national defense of the United States for at least five (5) years following the date of graduation from the Academy:
(i) As a merchant marine officer serv- ing on vessels documented under the laws of the United States or on vessels owned and operated by the United States or by any State or territory of the United States;
(ii) As an employee in a United States maritime-related industry, pro- fession or marine science (as deter- mined by the Maritime Administrator), if the Maritime Administrator deter- mines that service under paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section is not available;
(iii) As a commissioned officer on ac- tive duty in an armed force of the United States or in the National Oce- anic and Atmospheric Administration; or
(iv) Other maritime-related employ- ment with the Federal Government which serves the national security in- terests of the United States, as deter- mined by the Maritime Administrator; or
(v) By combining the services speci- fied in paragraphs (a)(5)(i), (ii), (iii) and
Birth Certificate. Passport and Visa (if the student is not born in NZ).
Birth Certificate. The Company may require the employee to submit a copy of the child's birth certificate.