By CRO Sample Clauses

By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Institution in writing. CRO (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by CRO) may also freely delegate and assign Study- related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Institution, and may freely delegate or assign its Study-related duties or rights to any Pfizer affiliate. CRO may not otherwise assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without written permission from Institution. If CRO or Pfizer delegates or subcontracts any duties, CRO or Pfizer remains responsible to Institution for the performance of those duties. If CRO assigns all of CRO's rights and duties under this Agreement, in accordance with the terms herein, to 17.2 Ze strany CRO. CRO může svobodně postoupit společnosti Pfizer některá nebo všechna svá práva a delegovat na ni některé nebo všechny své povinnosti vyplývající z této smlouvy. Pokud CRO postoupí společnosti Pfizer všechna svá práva a deleguje všechny své povinnosti, CRO nebo společnost Pfizer oznámí tuto skutečnost písemně zdravotnickému zařízení. Po předchozím oznámení zdravotnickému zařízení může CRO (nebo společnost Pfizer po postoupení práv a delegaci povinností ze strany CRO) též svobodně postoupit práva související s klinickým hodnocením externímu poskytovateli a delegovat na něj příslušné povinnosti a může svobodně postoupit svá práva související s klinickým hodnocením libovolné přidružené společnosti společnosti Pfizer a delegovat na ni své příslušné povinnosti. Jinak nesmí CRO postoupit svá práva ani delegovat své another service provider, that service provider will become responsible for performance of all duties. For the avoidance of doubt, the rights and duties discussed in this subsection are only those arising out of this Agreement. povinnosti vyplývající z této smlouvy bez písemného souhlasu zdravotnického zařízení. Pokud CRO nebo společnost Pfizer deleguje nebo formou dílčí subdodavatelské smlouvy převede jakékoli povinnosti, CRO nebo společnost Pfizer nadále odpovídá zdravotnickému zařízení za plnění těchto povinností. Pokud CRO nebo společnost Pfizer deleguje nebo formou subdodavatelské smlouvy převede jakékoli povinnosti, CRO nebo společnost Pfizer nadále odpovídá zdravotnickému zařízení za výkon těchto povinností. Aby se předešlo pochybám, práva a povinnosti p...
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By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Principal Investigator and Institution in writing. CRO (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by CRO) may also freely delegate and assign Study-related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Principal Investigator and Institution, and may freely delegate or assign its Study-related duties or rights to any Pfizer affiliate. CRO may not otherwise assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without written permission from the affected party. If CRO or Pfizer delegates or subcontracts any duties, CRO or Pfizer remains responsible to Principal Investigator or Institution, as applicable, for the performance of those duties. If CRO assigns all of CRO's rights and duties under this Agreement, in accordance with the terms herein, to another service provider, that service provider will become responsible for performance of all duties. For the avoidance of doubt, the rights and duties discussed in this subsection are only those arising out of this Agreement. 17.2
By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Institution in writing. XXX (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by XXX) may also freely delegate and assign Study-related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Institution, and may freely delegate or assign its Study-related duties or rights to any Pfizer affiliate. CRO may not otherwise assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without written permission from Institution. If CRO or Pfizer delegates or subcontracts any duties, CRO or Pfizer remains responsible to Institution for the performance of those duties. If CRO assigns all of CRO’s rights and duties under this Agreement, in accordance with the terms herein, to another service provider, that service provider will become responsible for performance of all duties. For the avoidance of doubt, the rights and duties discussed in this subsection are only those arising out of this Agreement.
By CRO. CRO represents and warrants that the following statements are true and correct as of the Effective Date and will continue to be true and correct for the duration of the term of this Agreement:
By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Principal Investigator and Provider in writing. XXX (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by XXX) may also freely delegate and assign Study-related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Principal Investigator and Provider, and may freely
By CRO. The Sponsor has the right to assign this Agreement in whole or in part to any of its Affiliates. In addition to the above, none of the Contracting Parties is entitled to transfer their rights and/or obligations in whole or in part to a third party without the prior written consent of the other Contracting Parties. This Agreement binds the Contracting Parties, as well as their legal successors and persons to whom the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties will be transferred in accordance with this article. sčasti na ktorúkoľvek zo svojich Prepojených osôb. Okrem vyššie uvedeného nie je žiadna zo Zmluvných strán oprávnená postúpiť svoje práva a /alebo povinnosti úplne ani sčasti na tretiu stranu bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu ostatných Zmluvných strán. Táto Zmluva zaväzuje Zmluvné strany, ako aj ich právnych nástupcov a osoby, na ktoré budú práva a záväzky Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx x xxxxxx x xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.
By CRO. 11.2.1 CRO will fully indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor and its affiliates, agents, officers and employees from and against all claims and proceedings (to include any settlements or ex gratia payments made with the consent of CRO and all legal and expert costs and expenses) made or brought (whether successful or otherwise) by or on behalf of Trial Subjects taking part in Clinical Trials (or their dependants Estate or Personal Representatives) against the Sponsor, its staff or contractors for personal injury (including death) to Trials Subjects arising out of or relating to the Clinical Trials, the administration of the Investigational Product(s) or any clinical intervention or procedure provided for or required by the Protocol to which the Trial Subjects would not have been exposed but for their participation in the Clinical Trial, which result directly from the gross negligence or wilful default of CRO in the performance of this Agreement.
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By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Principal Investigator and Institute in writing. CRO (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by CRO) may also freely delegate and assign Study-related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Principal Investigator and Institute, and may freely delegate or assign its Study-related duties or rights to any Pfizer affiliate. CRO may not otherwise assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without written permission from the affected party. If CRO or Pfizer delegates or subcontracts any duties, CRO or Pfizer remains responsible to Principal Investigator or Institute, as applicable, for the performance of those duties. smlouvy. Smluvní strany tímto sjednávají, že za pšedpokladu dodržení povinných požadavků je společnost Pfizer oprávnena pšíslušnou pojistku v průbehu studie zmenit či upravit. 17. Postoupení a delegace 17.1
By CRO. CRO may freely assign any or all of its rights and delegate any or all of its duties under this Agreement to Pfizer. If CRO assigns all rights and delegates all duties to Pfizer, CRO or Pfizer will notify Principal Investigator and Institute in writing. CRO (or Pfizer, following assignment and delegation by CRO) may also freely delegate and assign Study-related duties and rights to an external provider upon advance notice to Principal Investigator and Institute, and may freely delegate or assign its Study-related duties or rights to any Pfizer affiliate. CRO may not otherwise assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without written permission from the affected party. If CRO or Pfizer delegates or subcontracts any duties, CRO or Pfizer remains responsible to Principal Investigator or Institute, as applicable, for the performance of those duties. smlouvy. Smluvní strany tímto sjednávají, že za pšedpokladu dodržení povinných požadavků je společnost Pfizer oprávnena pšíslušnou pojistku v průbehu studie zmenit či upravit. 17. Postoupení a delegace 17.1

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