Calling of Meetings A director may, and the secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company, if any, on the request of a director must, call a meeting of the directors at any time.
Manner of Calling Meetings The Trustee may at any time call a meeting of Holders to take any action specified in Section 10.01 hereof, to be held at such time and at such place in New York, New York or elsewhere as the Trustee shall determine. Notice of every meeting of Holders, setting forth the time and place of such meeting and in general terms the action proposed to be taken at such meeting, shall be mailed by the Trustee, first-class postage prepaid, to the Company, and to the Holders of the Securities at their last addresses as they shall appear on the registration books of the Registrar, not less than 10 nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for a meeting. Any meeting of Holders shall be valid without notice if the Holders of all Securities then outstanding are present in Person or by proxy, or if notice is waived before or after the meeting by the Holders of all Securities outstanding, and if the Company and the Trustee are either present by duly authorized representatives or have, before or after the meeting, waived notice.
Faculty Meetings Principals shall have the authority to schedule necessary faculty meetings; however, such meetings shall be as brief and well planned as possible. Such meetings shall be used for purposes that cannot be accomplished effectively through other means. Faculty meetings shall be scheduled in a manner that impacts teacher planning time to the least degree possible. If more than one faculty meeting is held in a month, the purpose of the meeting shall be announced to the faculty in advance.
Professional Meetings Employees should be encouraged to and may, with the approval of the supervisor, attend professional meetings, conferences, and activities. Subject to the availability of funds, the employee's expenses in connection with such meetings, conferences, or activities shall be reimbursed in accordance with the applicable provisions of State law and university rules.
Joint Meetings 10.1(a) Should either party desire to discuss with the other any matter affecting generally the relationship of the parties, a meeting of Union and management representatives shall be arranged upon request of either party. Such meeting shall take place at a time mutually convenient to both parties. Any use of Company time for attendance at such meetings shall be arranged in advance by mutual agreement. 10.1(b) This Article is intended to provide a free avenue of communication between the Union and the Company, and suggestions, complaints, or other matters may be presented by either party, provided that neither party shall be required to discuss any item brought up by the other party nor be bound to act upon any item presented. However, both parties agree to discuss informal grievances and complaints.
Union/Management Meetings The Union Committee and the Senior Union Official of the Union, or her/his representative, shall, as occasion warrants, meet with the Committee on Labour Relations for the purpose of discussing and negotiating a speedy settlement of any grievance or dispute arising between the Employer and the employee concerned, including possible re-negotiations relative to this Agreement and the Schedules which are a part hereof. However, except for renegotiations of Agreements, these matters shall be introduced to such meetings only after the established grievance procedure has been followed. Grievances of a general nature may be initiated by a member of the Union Committee in step two of the grievance procedure outlined in Article 9.04.
Scheduling of Meetings Meetings of the Committee will be scheduled quarterly. The Committee may meet more or less frequently as agreed by both parties. Either party may request a meeting of the Union-Management Communication Committee by sending a written request, including a description of the issue(s) to be addressed, to the other party. Requests directed to the University will be submitted to the University’s labor relations manager; requests directed to the Union will be submitted to the Union’s Spokane business office. Committee meetings will be scheduled at a mutually acceptable time and place. Both parties will provide a written list and description of agenda items at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting.
Closed Meetings The Board and Board committees may meet in a closed meeting to consider the following subjects:
Management meetings 31.1 Either the Engineer or the Contractor may require the other to attend a management meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the plans for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure. 31.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and is to provide copies of his record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken is to be decided by the Engineer either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and stated in writing to all who attended the meeting.
Labour Management Meetings The committee meeting shall normally be held every second month however, either party may call a meeting of the Joint Labour Management Committee. The meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by mutual agreement but no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the initial request, unless mutually agreed.