Cancellation or Non-Renewal Sample Clauses
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. A. This Policy may be cancelled by the Parent Company at any time by prior written notice to the Insurer stating the effective time of such cancellation. Upon cancellation, the Insurer shall be entitled to retain the pro rata proportion of the premium calculated from the effective date of such cancellation, unless Section IX Transactions: Coverage Implications of Mergers, Acquisitions and Sales of the Parent Company or any Subsidiary, A, above, applies, in which case the entire premium for this Policy shall be deemed fully earned.
B. This Policy may be cancelled by the Insurer only for nonpayment of premium. Such cancellation shall be effective on the date specified in the written notice of cancellation given by the Insurer to the Parent Company, provided such date is at least ten (10) days after the date such notice is given. If the Parent Company pays in full the premium due prior to such effective date, the Insurer’s notice of cancellation shall be ineffective.
C. If the Insurer elects not to renew this Policy, the Insurer shall provide the Parent Company with no less than sixty (60) days advance written notice thereof.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. The ACE will be given a sixty-day notice of cancellation or non-renewal of said insurance. A copy of the proof of insurance will be given to the ACE within thirty (30) days each time it is renewed to insure continuous coverage.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. (1) The Insurer may cancel this Policy by sending not less than 60 days notice (10 days in the event of non-payment of premium) to the Named Corporation at its last known address. The Named Corporation may cancel this Policy by mailing the Insurer written notice stating when such cancellation will be effective; provided, that the Named Corporation may not cancel this Policy after the effective time of any Change in Control described in CONDITION (F)(1) below.
(2) If the Insurer cancels this Policy, the Insurer will retain a pro rata portion of the premium. If the Named Corporation cancels this Policy, the Insurer will retain the customary short rate premium. Premium adjustment may be made either at the time cancellation is effective or as soon as practicable after cancellation becomes effective, but payment of unearned premium is not a condition of cancellation.
(3) If the Insurer elects not to renew this Policy, the Insurer must give the Named Corporation
(4) If any notice period referenced in this CONDITION (E) is prohibited or made void by any law controlling the construction thereof, such period will be deemed amended to be equal to the minimum period permitted by such law.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. 1. This policy may be canceled by the named entity by surrender thereof and selection of a future date to us at the address stated in the Declarations or by mailing to us written notice stating when thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. If this policy is canceled by you, we shall retain the customary short-rate portion of the premium.
2. The policy may be canceled by us by mailing to the named entity at the address stated in the Declarations written notice stating when, not less than forty-five (45) days thereafter or ten
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. All such insurance shall not be cancellable or non-renewed without thirty (30) days’ prior written notice (ten (10) days for non-payment of premium) to Provider. Provider shall immediately notify One Call of such cancellation or non-renewal notice or of any material change to the insurance.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. SPECIMEN
1. This Policy may be cancelled by the Sponsor Organization at any time by written notice to the Insurer. Upon cancellation, the Insurer shall retain the customary short rate portion of the premium, unless this Policy is converted to Run‐Off pursuant to Section IX.D wherein the entire premium for this Policy shall be deemed earned.
2. This Policy may only be cancelled by the Insurer if the Sponsor Organization does not pay the premium when due. The Insurer shall mail or deliver notice of cancellation to the Sponsor Organization at least ten (10) days before the effective date of cancellation.
3. If the Insurer elects not to renew this Policy, the Insurer shall provide the It is agreed by the Sponsor Organization and the Insured Person that the particulars and statements contained in the application and any information provided therewith (which shall be on file with the Insurer and be deemed attached hereto as if physically attached hereto) are the basis of this Policy and are to be considered as incorporated in and constituting a part of this Policy. It is further agreed by the Sponsor Organization and the Insureds that the statements in the application or in any information provided therewith are their representations, that they are material and that this Policy is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representations. Knowledge of any Insured Person of a misstatement or omission in the application shall not be imputed to any other Insured Person for purposes of determining the validity of this Policy as to such other Insured Person.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. This Policy may be canceled by the Organization stated on the DECLARATIONS by mailing to the INSURER written notice at its address requesting cancellation stating when thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. If canceled by the Organization, the INSURER shall retain the customary short rate portion of the premium. The INSURER may cancel this Policy by mailing to the Organization written notice stating when, not less than sixty (60) days thereafter, such cancellation shall be effective( 10 days for nonpayment of premium). If this Policy is canceled by the INSURER, earned premium shall be computed pro rata. Premium adjustment may be made at the time cancellation is effected, or as soon as practicable after the time of cancellation. In the event the INSURER refuses to renew this Policy, the INSURER shall mail to the Organization, not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of the Policy, written notice of non-renewal. Such notice shall be conclusive on all Insureds. The mailing of notice of cancellation or non-renewal shall be sufficient notice and the effective date of cancellation or non-renewal stated in any such notice shall become the end of the Policy Period. Delivery of such written notice by the Organization or the INSURER shall be equivalent to the mailing.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. This policy shall follow, and specifically incorporates herein by reference, the conditions in the Followed Policy with respect to cancellation and nonrenewal, and shall comply with all of the requirements of any applicable state laws and regulations regarding cancellation and nonrenewal.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. 1. This policy may not be cancelled by you and all premium shall be fully earned as of the inception of this policy,
2. We may cancel the policy solely in the case of cancellation for non-payment of premium or Deductible by mailing to you at the address stated in the Declarations written notice stating when not less than ten (10) days thereafter, such cancellation shall become effective. If the policy is canceled by us, premium shall be returned on pro-rata basis.
3. In the event we refuse to renew this policy, we shall mail to the Insured, at the address stated in the Declarations, not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of this policy, written notice of non-renewal. Such notice shall be conclusive on all insureds.
4. The mailing of Notice of Cancellation or Non-Renewal as aforementioned shall be sufficient notice of the intent to cancel or non-renew. The effective date of cancellation or non-renewal specified in the notice shall terminate this policy period.
Cancellation or Non-Renewal. Either the Named Insured or the Company can cancel or not renew the Policy by giving written notice to the other. If the Named Insured cancels, the Named Insured is required to deliver to Us written notice stating the date the cancellation is to be effective (backdating not permitted). Ninety percent (90%) of the unearned premium will be refunded to the Named Insured. If We cancel the Policy during the first ninety (90) days it is in force, a written notice of cancellation will be mailed to the Named Insured at the address shown in the Declarations or the last address reported to Us in writing. The notice will state when, not less than twenty (20) days later, the cancellation will be effective. In addition, the notice will state the reason for cancellation. The twenty (20) day notice will not be required if the Policy is being cancelled for a material misstatement or misrepresentation, or where there is a failure to comply with Our underwriting requirements. The earned premium will be calculated pro rata if We cancel the Policy. If We cancel the Policy after the first ninety (90) days it is in force, a written notice of cancellation will be mailed to the Named Insured at the address shown in the Declarations or the last address reported to Us in writing. The notice will state when, not less than forty-five (45) days later, the cancellation will be effective and will state as the reason for cancellation one of the following: material misstatement, failure to comply with Our underwriting requirements established within ninety (90) days of the first date of coverage, a substantial change in the risk covered, and/or cancellation for all Insureds in the same class. The earned premium will be calculated pro rata if We cancel the Policy. Notwithstanding anything above, if We cancel the Policy because the Named Insured did not pay the premium when due, a written notice of cancellation stating the reason for cancellation will be mailed to the Named Insured at the address shown in the Declarations or the last address reported to Us in writing. The notice will state when, not less than ten (10) days later, the cancellation will be effective. If We do not renew the Policy, We will mail to the Named Insured, at the address shown in the Declarations or the last address reported to Us in writing, not less than forty-five (45) days before the end of the Policy, written notice that We will not renew. The notice will state the reason for non-renewal. The mailing of the noti...