Casting. A new Paragraph C. is added to CBA, Section 47 as follows:
Casting. Casting decisions are made by Philadelphia Ballet’s Artistic Team on the basis of height, musicality, presence, behavior, work ethic and technique. Casting decisions are final and non-negotiable.
Casting. The Artistic Director makes all casting decisions after consulting with the NMBC artistic staff, and is responsible for all production matters. All casting decisions are final and non-negotiable. Dancers must fulfill their obligation to do ALL of the roles assigned to them, including understudying assignments. Conflicts will affect casting. All dancers must complete the conflict section for review and approval or disapproval. Simply stating a conflict does not guarantee an excused absence. If a dancer has a legitimate conflict with the rehearsal schedule, the dancer must sign up to meet with the Artistic Director, preferably during the audition weekend or at casting.
Casting. In the case where class is to be observed for the purposes of casting, the Dancers will be notified of such no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance, so that they may prepare accordingly.
Casting. Casting is the responsibility of the School Director who must consider the specific needs of an entire production. Dancers are required to accept the roles for which they are cast and are encouraged to think in terms of dancing as part of a complete production rather than dancing an isolated piece of the production that may or may not fit what they had in mind for themselves. Every member of the Company or Apprentice Company may not be cast in every performance, but are still expected to serve as understudies. Casting as an understudy should be considered as an opportunity to learn and dance a role, not as an unnecessary or unimportant task. Understudies are essential in every production and are often required to perform a role. Dancers not cast in a production are still expected to be present at all rehearsals and performances as understudies and in support of their fellow dancers.
Casting. The cast, director, artistic staff and design elements, including all replacements thereof and understudies therefore, shall be subject to the exclusive approval of the Essential Theatre.
Casting a. Modify Sideletter No. 37 ("Casting") as follows:
Casting. The mass of casting shall be computed from the dimensions shown on the approved drawings, deducting for open holes. To this mass will be added 5 percent allowable for fillets and overruns. Scale mass may be substituted for computed mass in the case of castings of small complex parts for which accurate computations of mass would be difficult.
Casting. There is a part for everyone, even those dancers who do not take ballet. We will have tap, jazz, and Hip Hop style numbers included in our show. Run Thru at Stage Door (entire cast) - Saturday, October 29th, 12:30pm Mandatory Costume Rehearsal at Stage Door (entire cast) - Saturday, November 5th and 12th, 12:30pm – Dancers come in costume.
Casting. Production Company shall have the right to approve ------- and the Financier the right of good faith consultation in regard to Cast, the Director and the Director of Photography. The terms and conditions of all of the engagements with all production personnel must conform amongst other tings to the Approved Budget.