Minimum Compensation. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the Company from amending or terminating any employee benefit plan or practice or the provision of certain perquisites; provided, however, that it is the intent of the parties that the Employee shall continue to be entitled, during the period of employment, to compensation, benefits and perquisites as set forth above at least equal to those attached to his position on the date of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall operate or be construed to reduce, or authorize a reduction, without the Employee's written consent, in the level of such compensation, benefits and perquisites.
Minimum Compensation. Effective fall semester 2017, salaries of adjunct and community faculty members covered by this Agreement shall be not less than $1449 per credit or 3.6% of the step 3 salary for Instructors on a per credit basis, whichever is more. Effective fall semester 2018, salaries of adjunct and community faculty members covered by this Agreement shall be not less than $1484 per credit or 3.35% of the step 6 salary for Instructors on a per credit basis, whichever is more.
Minimum Compensation. An employee called to work during off-scheduled hours or on a normal day off shall be paid at overtime rates for a minimum of two (2) hours beginning at the time he/she leaves his/her residence. One-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate shall be allowed an employee to reach his/her living quarters on completion of a call-out irrespective of the amount of time actually worked. When call-outs run into a normal shift the minimum call-out provision will not apply. The overtime provisions set out in 12.01(c) will apply for any hours exceeding seven and one-half (7 ½) hours worked on an employee’s scheduled days off.
Minimum Compensation. When an employee is recalled to a place of work and such recall has not been scheduled in advance, she shall be paid the greater of:
(a) compensation equivalent to three (3) hours' pay at the applicable overtime rate,
(b) compensation at the applicable overtime rate, provided that the period of overtime worked by the employee is not contiguous to her scheduled working hours.
Minimum Compensation. 17 Any employee who returns to work at the direction of management 18 outside his or her regularly scheduled working hours or on a scheduled day off—and there is less 19 than twenty-four (24) hours advance verbal or written notice—shall be compensated for a minimum 20 of four (4) hours—or time worked, whichever is greater—at the appropriate rate according to the 21 provisions of “Article 14.IV”. If applicable, the employee shall have the option of receiving overtime 22 or compensatory time, or they may flex their time at a time approved by their supervisor. This 24 end of their scheduled shift, or (b) the employee was on “Involuntary On-Call” status according to 25 the provisions of “Article 14, Section IX”.
Minimum Compensation. In no event will the Executive’s total compensation be less than the total compensation (including without limitation, Base Salaries, Bonuses, other incentive compensation, options or other securities, or benefits) paid to the CEO.
Minimum Compensation. Off Camera Singers: 01/01/24 01/01/25 On-Camera Singers: 01/01/24 01/01/25
Minimum Compensation. A Relief Telepage Nurse shall receive a minimum of ten (10) minutes pay at the callback rate for time spent responding to and documenting phone calls associated with relief telepage duty unless such calls occur during actual hours of work. Minimum payments and time paid shall not exceed the callback rate of pay for the actual number of hours scheduled in a relief telepage shift.
Minimum Compensation. Any employee who returns to work at the direction of 32 management outside his or her regularly scheduled working hours or on a scheduled day 33 off—and there is less than twenty-four (24) hours advance verbal or written notice—shall be 34 compensated for a minimum of four (4) hours—or time worked, whichever is greater—at the 35 appropriate rate according to the provisions of “Article 14.IV”. If applicable, the employee 36 shall have the option of receiving overtime or compensatory time, or they may flex their time 37 at a time approved by their supervisor. This minimum does not apply if (a) an employee 38 elects to accept an overtime assignment prior to the end of their scheduled shift, or (b) the 39 employee was on “Involuntary On-Call” status according to the provisions of “Article 14, 40 Section IX”.